- Devoted to the Bertram 31 boats around the world!

Interior Window Trim

Side Window Interior Trim

In this example, the side window interior trim molding has been made as a single frame. The frames were made using Divinycell and glassed over with polyester resin. The curved leg of the window was pre-formed on a jig matching the boat.

The top leg section was formed twice as thick as needed for one frame so the the stock could be ripped on the table saw to produce both the port and starboard sections needed.

The gap between the top leg of the frame and the boat coaming is filled with thickened resin. The coaming was masked off and the masking treated with mold release.

After the frame has been fitted and faired to the boat, a final face layer of 1 1/2 oz mat is laminated on. This strengthens the joints, fairing, fillets, and yields a smooth fair face to the frame.

The top screws through the frame into the boat coaming need a solid seat. I've embedded aluminum standoffs in this case.

Any gap at the forward leg, between the coaming and frame, is filled in a similar manner to the filling of the top leg. In this case, I masked off the frame and filled to the coaming. When the final installation is done, after paint and window glass is in, the frame will be caulked around the perimeter, but because of the fairing to both the frame and coaming, the caulk line will be minimal.


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