Moderators: CaptPatrick, mike ohlstein, Bruce
As it turns out a lot of us are feeling the same way.....I'll stop here so that the Capt does not move my post to the Politics page.....LOLBillyo wrote: I do not do well with CHANGE..
Email sentRic wrote:bilyo.,.,.,.can you give me the particulars on your boats journey to costa rica .,.,.are you using dockwise ,,i have begun an investigation of bringing my boat to costa rica ,.,.,seems thru the panama canal and arround to golfito ,,I was considering quepos as its destination. They just built a brand new marina there and slips to own are going for 200/250 k.,.,I was wondering about taxes fees and other information needed to bring the boat into the country ,,forms paperwork? a costa rican Lawyer?,, is your boat traveling out of miami or Lauderdale? what will be its destination,,there are a few charter opoerations in Guanacaste (northwest pacific) using 31 berts ,,I saw 5 31 berts on moorings in quepos(southwest pacific) last year at this time.,.,.,I myself have a serious itch to make a move,,I was wondering if we could could keep in touch.,.,.,my e/mail is kidkoo@aol.com
was prior owner the guy "from the town of Oyster Bay long island" ?bob lico wrote:i guess coming from long island we all know the former owner . i have family on shelter island and dock there a couple of weeks a year . go thing the owner didn`t drive this boat like he drive cars!!! i came along side him in the paconic i wave and we both drop the hammer together that boats runs 31knots maybe a little more. beautiful boat ,well taken care of.
She is going to a great new home (Never to see snow again) It has 225HP Yanmars and who ever the previous owner was he or she has a free day fishing in Costa Rica on me.Dug wrote:It was Charlie, you are right.
The previous owner of this boat was Davidms I believe.
He was sad to see her go, but I think he hopes she is going to a good home. Tom Ward was the broker.
Well as you can see i don't YET know much about these things .But yes they are 4cyl and the survey said "Yanmar MODEL / HP: 4LHA-STE / 226 hp" But i will take your word. I don't know if that is older or newer. I will add you could eat off them..bob lico wrote:225hp yanmars? that not what it had when i saw it. 4cyl. would be 230hp older 240hp newer ----6cyl 250 hp or 315hp newer version /all mechanical engines .
I was not there for the sea trial. ( I couldn't be there unfortunately)I sent a boat mechanic down for that. He claims that they hit 31 knots at WOT.I am not sure that was possible but it was what i was told.Either way I do understand that the yanmars in it are very economical for our intentions and i have a skidsteer with a yanmar that has 4,200 trouble free hours and purrs like a chicken. Like i said i will keep my fingers crossed.I was skeptical on becoming a part owner on a boat that was 40 years old But my partner who has been on boats his whole life assured me that B31's are built for the long run and age was not nearly as important as condition. I will trust his many years experience and give it a shot. He swears by these boats.bob lico wrote:billyo you cannot do better then those 230 hp yanmars for fuel economy ,especially in a charter boat. my son corrected me ,we saw the boat in the distance and overtook on a diagonal course thats why she appear that fast.the guy driving was not bj. the top was a differant style.anyways lots of luck in your new endeavor you have a great start!
The fastest sinking vessel has always been a partner ship...I was skeptical on becoming a part owner
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