I'm in Staten island, John Haszard lives in Virginia and the motors he was selling reside in Chrisfield Maryland.
My buddy wanted no part of me trucking up motors, insisted we take his pickup or his box truck to go down and grab them. My wife said Maryland, "CRABS" I'm going...then of course buddies wife had to go to keep my wife company and one long day turned into two long days.
Picked up U-Haul Trailer in Jersey City Sunday afternoon.
The Plan was to stay in Salisbury at the Hampton Inn, go out for Crabs, then back for some shut eye. The next morning we'd make last leg of trip down.
We were running a little behind, congested Jersey City and a very slow U-Haul place. So I called to push our dinner reservation back a bit at the Red Roost crab house in Quantico Md. Answer machine picks up "We are Closed for the 2018 Season'. That is the bad part about online reservations, the service took them and the place was closed. So our smart phones came out looking for a "Plan B" Crab House. It was a trip up and across Md to Harris Crab house in Kent Island. It was the closest open place we could find open, just made it there too. All I can say, I hope U-Haul does not have GPS on their trailers, they stipulate they must be kept under 55pmh. We had a great dinner and just made it to hotel for 11pm.
Monday morning John Haszard confirmed we were still a go, he was about ready to fly over from Va in a friends Cessna, meeting up about 9am.
As with all Bertram 31 members it was a pleasure to meet John. Always great to put a face to the words, to the voice. We did not get to talk very long as he had to get back and we had to secure motors and head home...but very glad I got to meet John. Thank you again for coming over...and for bringing those Air Filters.
So whats a story without a few pictures....
John and me. I had on the gloves and John's wearing the hat.

Loaded and ready to go...

248 miles later we arrive at shop...nice snug driveway.

I can't say I have plenty of room to store them here in the shop...but it will give me some time to get better acquainted with them.
Looks like project will kickoff in March, that will give me some time to get the needed items in and ready.

Thanks to all that helped me get this figured out, offering advise and good wishes.