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| Bulletin Board FAQ |

Here's where you can leave a question, get an answer, and generally express yourself on any topic within the theme of this board.  Some suggestions for getting the most from the WebBBS:

  • Note that discussions take the form of THREADS.  That means when you respond to someone's message, it gets added to that particular conversation and gets indented on the list below the message you responded to.  So be sure that, before you send your new message, you have on your screen the message that you want to reply to.   That way, it all stays in synch.

  • The WebBBS is set by default to Reverse Threaded display.  That means you'll see, in order, all the messages that make up a particular thread, with the most recent threads at the top.
    If for some reason it doesn't appear that way in your browser, or if you prefer another arrangement, click on Set Preferences and make your choice.  While there, you can choose how far back you want the WebBBS to go in displaying messages, and even choose to display only messages from a particular person, or containing certain words.

  • the WebBBS uses cookies to remember your preferences and the date and time when you last visited, so it can point out the new messages to you.  Be sure you have cookies enabled on your browser, or else the WebBBS will forget.

Answers to Frequently Asked Bulletin Board Questions:

Q. Can I announce my Web site on this board?

A. If you would like to share the address of a site (including your own) that you feel might be useful for the visitors of the Captains' Corner Mechanical Section, you are welcome to post the URL, as part of your message. But please do not spam the board, by repeatedly posting commercial messages. If you do, your message will be removed, and your posting privileges will be revoked.
Also note that you can optionally place a link, link title, and/or an image to be displayed with your message.

The form boxes for these items appear just beneath the message text box.
  • Optional Link URL:  For the link to work, it must be a full and valaid URL,
  • Optional Link Title:  Limited to 50 characters, the title should indicate what the link points to.  Absence of a title will cause the link not to be generated!
  • Optional Image URL:  This is an image that exists on a web server and is called by placing the full URL to the image.  i.e.:

Q. What about "flaming"?

A. In the online world, flaming refers to intentionally offending another person, and it usually leads to heated, emotionally-charged arguments that go on for a long time and deteriorate into ugly "mud slinging." In the interest of everyone else using this site, these kinds of exchanges will not be tolerated on this board. If you disagree with someone about something, you are free to debate the issues in public. However, personal arguments - if absolutely unavoidable - should be conducted via private email.

Q. Any other rules?

A. The messages on this board can be accessed by anyone, so please consider the following before posting your message:
-Please, do not post messages in all caps!  This is considered to be shouting and nobody like to be shouted at!
-Use appropriate language (i.e., no obscenities, or personal insults!);
-No defamation. You don't want to get sued. We don't want to get sued. It's that simple;
-No copyright infringement. Don't post material that other people created, unless it's in the public domain.
legal stuff

site creation and maintenance by:Capt Patrick McCrary
834 Scott Dr.
LLANO, TX  78643
phone:  325.248.0809
Web site questions or comments to: