The lids... |
The hatch openings on this boat have rounded corners outboard and the boards were left a bit long over these areas. A carbide flush cut bit is used to match the opening to the recess prior to fitting the hatches.
The hatches are leveled and wedged into the openings so that the boards can be fitted and matched to the deck. The boards are dry fitted, registered, and epoxied down in the same manner as the rest of the deck.
I used custom stainless steel button pulls that lay flat, only stand off of the deck by 1/8". Since the hatches are foam cored, the hole must be sealed so that water does not find it's way into the foam. To accomplish this, I use 1/4" i.d. polypropylene tubing driven in to an undersize hole, then flush cut.
Next the hatches are close fitted so that the spacing is about 1/16". Close enough for good looks and reduced water run in, yet open enough to be free opening.
Now, the deck is ready to be surfaced!
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