We all know that it cost plenty of money to operate....
That's some of it but Pat's time is much more involved. Not only in keeping the site running smooth but in his builds and his time preparing and posting his pics and descriptions.
How many here work for free?
How much in the way of dollars has this free web site saved not only Bertram owners but others as well in boat repairs and refits and prevented major mistakes that would have had to be redone had proper advice not been given?
To state it in a well rounded figure, a crap load.
Now add to that the friendships that have resulted not only in local gatherings but people who have flown in from all over the globe to participate in events from meeting thru this site.
I've known Pat a long time, he's a brother to me and I know his heart and he does this because he likes to help people out.(and talk on the phone :-p)
Now enough of the sentiment before Mike bans me and sends a nun over to hit me with a ruler.
BTW I'm changing site donor to brain donor after I die. If anyone wants to access it for continued boat information, it will be in the jar marked "abbi normal".