Underwater light color...

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Underwater light color...

Post by Dug »

Ok, kicking the hornets nest.

I am doing new underwater lights. Any PROVEN advantage or disadvantage to color choice?

I am considering royal blue or white, and am inclined to go with white.


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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by TailhookTom »


SInce I know you have UBER connection with a quality underwater light company -- why are you asking???? Second, SKITTLES --- taste the rainbow -- why lock into one color?

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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Whaler1777 »

Dug do yourself a favor and get the new lumitec seablaze x's in the "white/blue" so you dont have to choose...
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Dug »

Perhaps I should have been more clear.

Tom, I don't have to choose, I want to choose. I can have custom made lights that mix and match. However they are built for clarity and brightness, and Harrison does not make lights that change colors. There are technical reasons why compromises are made when lights do that, and I agree with him, the compromise isn't worth the benefit. So, I would like to choose a color.

John, first of all you owe me a call to congratulate you on your engagement! Second of all, Harrison makes the best lights out there right now bar none. Those are the ones I am installing. Check them out at http://www.macrisindustries.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

And I need to choose a color. :)

My buddy Skip may perhaps have said it best, white attracts fish, blue attracts girls.

So, what color for real??????
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by TailhookTom »


Excellent reasoning -- I didn't realize they didn't make color changing models -- any reason why not?

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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Joseph Fikentscher »

How about two blue and two white on transom. Then you can have a choice each time you use them.
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by TailhookTom »

I see other brethren like spending your money too, Dug!

Hmm, 4 lights would run you what, 1200 plus installation?

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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Dug »


I can get lights that are internally half white/half blue. Harrison suggested that I get two white and one blue. Only challenge is that it would need to be separately wired and switched, and I want the simplicity of turning the lights on, and having them come on. Trust me, that crossed my mind. The other downside is each of these puppies is roughly 3" by 14" so it will take up a fair amount of transom space beyond the 3 light quantity. Trust me, its an option, but I am trying to maintain the KISS theory. (which if Skips theory is sound, maybe I should go with blue...)

Yep Tom, has to do with individual LED cells. Each cell produces only one color. Kind of like Pixels in a tv. Sooo... And they are giving me a 2 for 3 deal as I am installing 3 across the transom, and I might be able to get others that deal if I ask. I don't know if anyone is interested. These are VERY easy to install, and the access holes are miniscule to almost non-existent, and that which is there is set in bedding compound. No more of these 3" holes in your boat... Excellent.

I could do 6 total lights as an option, if I put them one top of each other. But they still need duplicate wiring and switching. Hmmm... That would become pretty damned expensive, so I probably won't pursue that one...

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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Hyena Love »

This is relevant to my interests. I lost all my old lights in Ike. Like an idiot, I left them in my storage locker, and after the storm, that locker was no more.

I'm in for three lights if its a deal and these lights are all they are cracked up to be. Maybe four. Three across the back and one on the up swell side of the rolling death trap when you are drifting and chunking.
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Dug »

Blue or white?
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by bbtiller »

Just looked at those on the site you referenced...What does everyone think about installing just one at the midline? Enough light? Also I don't know where but I heard green is best for attracting fish...it certainly works for women.
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by CaptPatrick »

green.... it certainly works for women
especially if it's the shade of money...


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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Hyena Love »

You asking me? I don't know. I was waiting for the crew to chime in on your color question and then go from there.

If pressed, I would have to say the same thing I say when asked to choose between a blond and a redhead: I'll take both of them, thank you.
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Bob H. »

Dug, In the past we only used the green hydro glow at night and had good success. I researched colors and found the blue does as well as the green or even better on swords. Last trip we had seven up to 185 lbs jigging with the blue lights on. I went with tri color cabin and under gunwale lights red white blue, just flip the switch and choose the color. Resolute looks sharp all decked out in blue, I even added one up on the tower. My 2 cents.

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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Dug »

Naw Hyena, wasn't specifically asking you.

So, now I have recommendations for green, blue and white. Hmmm...

I guess its personal preference!!! LOL!!! Brew says white, then kill'em.

Bob, when I get to above the rail, I am going to do colors for sure. But this is the underwaters only at this point.

And as for blonde or redhead? Red head all the way....LOL!
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Tony Meola »


If you go red, make sure a red rug comes with it..
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by mike ohlstein »

Nice afterburners, Bob.
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Dug »

Anyone that would like to learn more about price on these lights, I have been given the ability to provide discounted pricing if purchased as a group through me. I am not a dealer, and won't mark them up. If you are interested, and it looks like a couple guys might be, please call me or text me at 617-592-4834. I will fill you in on the details.

Please take a look at the http://www.macrisindustries.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; and learn a bit about them. Cool thing is no big hole to cut, and such a low profile. Harrison is finding that there are those who are mounting them under the boat on the bottom as well as sides as well as the transom and it is providing a unique and pretty cool under glow, not just at the dock, but when the boat is underway. Something to think about. He has not found the hydraulic pressure has cause them to come off, and when I thought about it, I have transducers etc. with much more hydraulic pressure than these lights would cause. Pretty cool idea.

Also I understand he has developed a peel off film that protects against marine growth, and when you want, you just peel a layer off to expose a clean surface again. He's a pretty innovative guy. Fun stuff to watch!

So again, I can get special pricing and will fill you in if you call me at 617-592-4834. And yes, it helps me get better pricing. But we will all get the same better pricing. Mine is no lower than anyone else's.

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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by JohnV8r »


For what it's worth, Aqua Lights (where JP Dalik set up a group buy several years ago for us) has LED lights that YOU can change the color any time you want with their iPhone app. I have been very happy with the lights we ordered from them back in the day AND their customer service over the years has been PHENOMENAL.

As for color, white works great for attracting bait fish and squid here on the West Coast. It also puts out the longest beam versus any other color. I leave the two downward facing lights (positioned near the struts) on while under way and it makes the water around Shambala look like something out of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. If you were swordfishing all the time, green would be the color. When Striped Bass are on the beaches here in Northern CA, white lights bring them into the boats when bait shows up in the light.

I have never heard of anyone using blue for fishing.

If you're on the fence, go with white. A GYNORMOUS footprint of light is better than any color tint IMO.

Good luck.
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Navatech »

Depending on price I might be interested in a pair of white ones as well as a pair of blue ones. Let me know how to get this ball rolling.
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Re: Underwater light color...

Post by Craig G »

I went with white. That is because I just bought 3 lights at the marine flea market for $80 and that was the only color they had left. The purchase was a bit spontaneous, but the price was right and so was the timing as I am going to haul her out this week for a bottom job. I'll let you know how they look.
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