walter kaprielian's 31 for sale.

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walter kaprielian's 31 for sale.

Post by bobfioresi »

I was just asked to put up this listing of walters boat for sale Asking price is $50,000. It is a 1965 with 210 cummins diesels. I can,t find the hour mater, but I think about 2,000 hours. It is the sportsman model, without a bulkhead. It needs a cleaning and waxing as walter could not do that this year. The hull looks sound with minimum scratches. It starts right up and is in the water for 2 more weeks for inspection. The boat is being surveyed soon for a value. The deck floor is teak wood ,has a big fighting chair with outriggers and electronics that were working this summer> Last month a new enclosure with cahin drop was installed that cost $4,000.00 Anyone interested can call me @ 631 668.4064 If it is sold before it goes to a broker and is put up on land someone who buys it can save some real meney thanx.I am just helping mrs k to try to get it sold A contribution will be made to the site
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1962 31
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Re: walter kaprielian's 31 for sale.

Post by 1962 31 »

I was emailing walter before I got old style copy
I have a few pics ill try to upload hope this will help in any way

walter wrote:Tom- I'd like to get $60. The plusses are only 2500 hrs on the engines, old thick 60's hull, teak deck with removable fish boxes, open array radar antenna and arch with halogen cockpit lights, 130 fighting chair, Northstar color GPS, Upper and lower Icom radios, Raytheon Depth Recorder, Dytek water temp gauge, extra set of props, new bridge enclosure being made as we speak. If it's not in your budget, I 'll understand. I'm ambivilent about it as I am dealing with a surprise medical condition that came up over the winter that I hope I can beat but have to be realistic about it. I am the boat's second owner as far as I know, Have had it since the 70's and if I have to sell it, it has to be to one of the Bertram Brotherhood. Walter
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