prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

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prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by JohnCranston »

Which gauges does everyone recommend?
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by GaryG »

Are you planning on remoting the gauges (e.g. to the flybridge) or are having them mounted on the filter assembly ?

I have had good service with Racor vacuum gauges installed on the filter assembly (initial setup I had used T-Handle gauges). I have also found the turbine bowels *may* need to be checked as well for water (particularly with Pemex/Mexican fuel from time-to-time). Currently, I have the 1000 series twin, so filters can be switched/changed while underway, with the gauges mounted on the filter manifold located/oriented (via fittings) so they and the turbine bowels can be checked from the aft engine room hatch opening on my B38.
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by longfin »

Funny you should mention weird shit with Pemex Fuel, the last Pemex fuel I bought (at the Coral) cost me thousands in injectors and injector pump rebuilds, I'm talking this July, don't ask me how I know just be very careful. No Mas Agua
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by IRGuy »


As part of my bad fuel problem I have posted about in another string, I have ordered two Racor T handle replacement vacuuim gauges for my Racor 500 series primary filters.

In the past Racor offered a 2 part kit with an adapter with hex sides that screwed into the hole where the T handle goes, and a vacuum gauge that in turn screwed into the hex adapter. This design required that a wrench be used to remove the assembly so the filter can be replaced.

In July of this year they modified their design so the threaded adapter is replaced with a true T handle, so filter changes can be done without tools. This is so new, most Racor sales outlets don't know about it yet.

If you go to the Racor/Parker web site (btw: One of the worst product web sites I have encountered) and look up in the "Literature" section Racor part number RK23262 you can see an engineering bulletin on this new design. BTW it is supposed to fit Racor 500, 900 and 1000 model filter assemblies.

While not having to use a wrench saves only a small amount of time.. it does simplify filter changes at a time when it may be critical that you get your engines back online ASAP.
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by IRGuy »


Try this direct link to the new gauge kit page... ... ge_Kit.pdf" onclick=";return false;
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by JohnCranston »

Gary and Frank,
I'm going with the T handle replacement gauge. Thanks for ya'lls help.
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by IRGuy »


My pleasure!

BTW.. is there any truth to the rumor that you are hiding the fact that indeed you are really "The world's most interesting man"?
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by CaptPatrick »

BTW.. is there any truth to the rumor that you are hiding the fact that indeed you are really "The world's most interesting man"?
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by Kevind767 »

Who is selling these gauges?
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by IRGuy »


I had my local West Marine order them for me.. I think any of the larger marine stores could get them.. I know Defender has the older style on their web site. When I went to them a few minutes ago and input the term "Racor RK23262" their site showed three of the old products. As I said, they only came out in July, and almost no one I spoke with knew about this new model. I even called Racor/Parker and one of their customer service people told me he knew about them, and then gave me the old item number as the item to order.
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by JohnCranston »

Frank and Patrick,
Aw shucks...I do I respond to that one?
Thanks guys.
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by IRGuy »


After about 10 days of frustration with Racor I have to report I learned yesterday that a Tech Service rep at Racor, "Javier", told me the new part RK 23262 shows up in their internal parts list, but is not yet being shipped. I have spoken to several other Racor people and none were aware that the new part, supposedly to have been released in July, even existed.

I have therefore ordered the predecessor kit, the one with the hex adapter, and not the one with the T handle. I have a fuel contamination issue and don't want to use the boat until I can monitor the filters carefully.

Sorry to have brought this issue up and then have to tell you it isn't available... If anyone has had different experiences in ordering the new kit I would really like to hear about it.
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by Tony Meola »

Any one try these yet? ... ucts_id=94" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: prefered vacuum gauges for Raycore 900's

Post by IRGuy »


I looked at these less expensive indicators but decided I wanted something that gave me actual numbers on a dial rather than the more simple color changes with what I assume to be a less accurate small numbered scale.

I may be over dramatizing my fuel filter issues but after having to dispose of 220 gallons of algae laden fuel which had a lot of suspended small dark specks and a varnish odor I feel I need to carefully watch how the residual algae is plugging my filters as I try to rid my tank of it.

Today I will install the older gauge kits with the hex adapter and start running my engines at a fast idle to recirculate the 50 gal of fresh fuel that I took on last week, but which I suspect now contains some of the algae that remained after the fuel disposal guy took the old fuel away.
Frank B
1983 Bertram 33 FBC "Phoenix"
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