Free Raster Charts from US, but what Software?

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Free Raster Charts from US, but what Software?

Post by Peter »

If you look around you can download free raster-scan charts from NOAA. These are essentially digital scans of paper charts.

There are a lot of software packages for mobile devices or PC's which you can get for free, or for a very small price that can view these charts,

What I haven't found is one that:

A)allows me to load the charts for free, (why should I pay the software company for a free chart?)
B) will keep the charts in the memory of the device so I don't need a WiFi connection to use the chart. (Out in the middle of the channel I won't have WiFi)

I started out with Memory Map on my iPhone about a year ago. I got one chart before Apple changed their policy so that all maps had to be purchased through Apple, which gutted that ap. I recently looked to see if it had changed, but it looks like now you have to buy all your charts through Memory Map. So you pay Memory Map to "license the use of the chart," .....but I already paid Uncle Sam for the use of the chart with my taxes! It justs frosts me to pay someone a profit on something that they get for free.... 'cause you and I already paid for that chart to be free to everyone who wants it! I'd rather pay for the map reader software and get the charts for free.

It seems like most of these packages use something like this sort of approach. Charging you for maps that are free... and requiring that you update (pay more) for your "license" or subscription from time to time. The PITA part is that you don't know that is the case until you have downloaded and installed most of them.

Anyone out there have any experience with this stuff?

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Re: Free Raster Charts from US, but what Software?

Post by lobsta1 »

Have you looked at ? I don't have it but have read very good reviews of the program.
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