Instagram claims right to sell your photos

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Instagram claims right to sell your photos

Post by IRGuy »

If any of you are using Instagram as a photo sharing site you should be aware that they are claiming the rights to sell your photos to third parties without compensation to you.. in fact without even notifying you they are doing so. ... ur-photos/" onclick=";return false;
Frank B
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In Memory Walter K
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Re: Instagram claims right to sell your photos

Post by In Memory Walter K »

The copyright laws say you perpetually own the rights to your photographs and artwork and they cannot be used by anyone without your permission. These people have not done their homework and can take Facebook down by this action.
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In Memory Walter K
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Re: Instagram claims right to sell your photos

Post by In Memory Walter K »

Just spoke to my son who is in the stock photo business. He says:
"Yes, I was just reading about this. If you agree to the changes in their terms of service (which, of course, many will without reading) yes, they will be able to, and without paying you. Nice, huh? I'm waiting for it to happen on Facebook itself, too. Yet another nail in the coffin of the Stock Photo industry..."
Don't click "yes" or "agree" on anything! They're counting on you're giving away your rights. It's why I don't trust anyone with my pics and can't therefore post any of them on the site. Technically, they've tricked you into giving them the rights to your pictures. I'd dump them real quick!
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Re: Instagram claims right to sell your photos

Post by Carl »

Walter K wrote:The copyright laws say you perpetually own the rights to your photographs and artwork and they cannot be used by anyone without your permission. These people have not done their homework and can take Facebook down by this action.

I have no clue as to what is legal so take your word for it...

But I'd think by agreeing to the Terms and Policy of the site when joining you are granting permission for them to use as they licensing(?).
If you are foolish enough to give away your material...
My thought, don't like it don't join and do not upload material.

Material already on the site should be off limits unless use is granted...or taken down by...can't see how a time limit can be en-stated.

But what do I know...other then I don't visit those social sites other then having to "like" someone or something for people who request I do so for them. Although it seems like I am being draw into them as schedules and meeting info evolve on them.
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Re: Instagram claims right to sell your photos

Post by Carl »

OOps ya beat me to it.

Ever see how much crap you download with "Free Software" you give the right to let them shovel Adware onto your computer with the "Agree to terms of Use" Can't Save People from Themselves.
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Re: Instagram claims right to sell your photos

Post by IRGuy »

Instagram (owned by Facebook) has backtracked big time from it's announcement a few days ago that it was claiming the rights to use customers photos as if they owned them... ... 56165.html" onclick=";return false;
Frank B
1983 Bertram 33 FBC "Phoenix"
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