What did Capt Patrick do for you?
Moderators: CaptPatrick, mike ohlstein, Bruce
- Brewster Minton
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What did Capt Patrick do for you?
Tell us what capt Patrick did for you. This better be a long thread.
- TailhookTom
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- Harry Babb
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For starters he ALWAYS answers the phone and takes my calls. We have had conversation on quite a number of subjects.
During a visit to Texas I dropped in on Patrick, he took time to visit all afternoon and have supper.
He gave me a full tour thru his shop showing me several of his inventions and techniques.
He has provided me with a nice place to meet and develop friendships across this great nation.....I visit here every night.
Patrick is a good friend, a good teacher and a very generous guy.
Cheers to ya Patrick! ! !
During a visit to Texas I dropped in on Patrick, he took time to visit all afternoon and have supper.
He gave me a full tour thru his shop showing me several of his inventions and techniques.
He has provided me with a nice place to meet and develop friendships across this great nation.....I visit here every night.
Patrick is a good friend, a good teacher and a very generous guy.
Cheers to ya Patrick! ! !
- In Memory Walter K
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More important than what he did for me is what he bought into my life. I really don't remember how I stumbled into the site, but it was just before the Block Island Rendezvous. My wife and I decided to make it a day trip, as we knew no one, but were curious about seeing other B-31's. The very first persons we met upon tying up were Dug, Randall and Ric...and the die was cast. We stayed the weekend and on-line names became faces. Since that day, a set of personal friends came into my life unlike any I have ever known. Hard to put into words. Not just local friends, but friends around the country and around the world. Memories of Rendezvous, UVI's, Tropic Star trips will stay with me as monumental landmarks in my life. I don't think Captain Patrick in his wildest dreams ever thought his site would do for us what it has done. I don't think I am alone in my feelings. I consider him a very special friend, who gave me the gift of so many special friends.
I have no doubts saying that this is the best site I ever been part of and this gives all my consideration, recognition and thanks to the men behind the idea and subsequent work keeping this place alive and daily renewed.
In this place I meet many people answering my questions and giving me ideas on what to do in a country here you can find only 2 Bertram 31.
The last example on how this place is friendly and unique arrives to me after I ask Bob H.(Higgins) to send me drawings and measures of the engine mounts he made. He dont send me what I ask for !!! - He send me a box with the wood samples he made, ready to deliver to the machine shop for making them in steel. This is unique and, day by day more dificult to see in the world we are living.
I spend many time out of my country due to my work but, I can tell you that, every morning, after checking my email, the second thing I do is to check this forum, beeing like a friendly place where I feel good just for reading.
Thanks Capt Pat for all this and thanks to you all.
In this place I meet many people answering my questions and giving me ideas on what to do in a country here you can find only 2 Bertram 31.
The last example on how this place is friendly and unique arrives to me after I ask Bob H.(Higgins) to send me drawings and measures of the engine mounts he made. He dont send me what I ask for !!! - He send me a box with the wood samples he made, ready to deliver to the machine shop for making them in steel. This is unique and, day by day more dificult to see in the world we are living.
I spend many time out of my country due to my work but, I can tell you that, every morning, after checking my email, the second thing I do is to check this forum, beeing like a friendly place where I feel good just for reading.
Thanks Capt Pat for all this and thanks to you all.
1969 Hull #313-897
He connected all the dots for working on the classic hulls we love. Plus he made it easy to find custom components.
It was inspiration from his projects that lit the fire for what we accomplished on our own boat.
His little sandbox here introduced me to new friends all over the country.
In short I guess its safe to say he's made my life a little richer.
Thanks Capt.
It was inspiration from his projects that lit the fire for what we accomplished on our own boat.
His little sandbox here introduced me to new friends all over the country.
In short I guess its safe to say he's made my life a little richer.
Thanks Capt.
- PeterPalmieri
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- Location: Babylon, NY
As you guys know I've only been a B31 owner and member of this community for 6 months. I can say without the existence of this board I probably wouldn't have taken the plunge on a 40+ year old boat.
I am really looking forward to spending time with my new friends in Greenport, including Capt Pat.
I am really looking forward to spending time with my new friends in Greenport, including Capt Pat.
1969 31 Bertram FBC "East Wind" hull #315939
I like Walter, have no idea how I found this little sandbox, google search I guess...I knew when I saw my first Bertram Bahia Mar that I wanted one...I sat on the sidelines for quite some time watching, JP, Bob Lico, Mikey, and mostly Capt Pat turn out some drop dead gorgeous boats...then I found mine in CT and the work began...not knowing what or where this journey would take me...I always dreamed of building a sleek express hardcore fishing machine, with this image stuck in my head I plugged away at my ride...Capt Pats tips section has made it possible for a guy with "not much" boatbuilding experience to whittle away at that block like Randall at his woodchip factory...and look what he makes out of that chunk of wood..but mostly Capt Pat has given me the opportunity to meet some of the best friends a guy could have...from all over the world we share a common bond of being the stewards of one of the finest boats ever built....could go on and on...Ill let my boat say the rest..Thanks old friend...BH
1966 31 Bahia Mar #316-512....8 years later..Resolute is now a reality..Builder to Boater..285 hours on the clocks..enjoying every minute..how many days till spring?
I would agree with Peter. I recently too took the plunge on a 38 year old boat. I have admired these boats for many years. I probably would not have finally made the leap without the knowledge of this board and forsight of Capt. Patrick to create this forum. With that said, a lot of the enjoyment we each get from our boats we owe some gratitude to Patrick. Aside from that he knows everything possible about how we "must rebuild a Bertram 31". (I still laugh at Brewster's video).
Steve Marinak
Duchess - 1973 Sportfisherman
Duchess - 1973 Sportfisherman
Around 2002 I had my boat parked at a party near the camp, up walks Uncle Vic and asks if he could get a tour of my boat. He was kind and didn't bash the Hyena as he could have, but turns me on to bertram31.com. Though I read more than I post, I have monitored the site most every week day since then. (On the boat on weekends) Learned more about these boats than I could have anywhere else, and though I've only met a few of you guys, I have learned a lot about ya'll over the years. Good people.
I was fortunate enough to meet Capt. Pat at UV's camp one evening, and a few more headed to a UVI. It's a shame we are all spread so far apart, it would be cool to have all of our boats and friends together at one time.
Thanks Capt. Pat for all of your efforts.
Eddy G.
I was fortunate enough to meet Capt. Pat at UV's camp one evening, and a few more headed to a UVI. It's a shame we are all spread so far apart, it would be cool to have all of our boats and friends together at one time.
Thanks Capt. Pat for all of your efforts.
Eddy G.
- TailhookTom
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He took my phone call back in 1999 and was generous with his time (even though he did not know me and was in the middle of a project when I interrupted him) and he talked me through the process of evaluating a gas-to-diesel repower for a 31. He laid out the pros and the cons, and he encouraged me that it could be a positive experience and a positive outcome if I planned and budgeted appropriately. He introduced me to Bruce, and the process continued when those two guys exercised their craftsmanship and skills on my project. It was a great experience with a great outcome. He invited me down to his shop, and encouraged me to come to the first FLL Boat Show gathering at the Flophouse. He introduced me to all you guys, and has answered at least a million questions for me. He is a great friend who gives much and asks little. He and Bruce come from the old school: their word is good, their work is quality, and their friendship is lasting. I believe it is because of these virtues that this Discussion Board is of such high quality; and I believe it reflects the quality of the Patrick McCrary leadership example.
i remember it clearly. i was late getting into computers and one of the first things i did was type bertram into google. i start lurking on the site and i'm quite amused at the banter. for one thing there is a very funny guy named "coonass". not at all like the other boating sites. run over to block island just out of curiosity and change my life forever. its really not a site about boats............its about the people that own them.
patrick gave me the same thing he gave everyone here....each other.
patrick gave me the same thing he gave everyone here....each other.
The first time I ever met Capt. Patrick was @ the first UVI in the Painkiller Lodge @ Port Eads and the rest is history from there to the Flophouse to all the good friends that have been made and all the knowledge you could ever want to know about most anything or help if needed and the best boat ever built. Koodo's Capt. Patrick for one hell'va sandbox you have created.
1967 Hull #315-605 FBC ---<*)((((><(
'Life may be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well fish'!
'Life may be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well fish'!
- Posts: 70
- Joined: Mar 25th, '07, 08:59
- Location: Cape Cod MA.
I'm not one of the VOCAL boys on this site but rest assurd I'm on very often and at times when I shouldn't be. I have to say Capn Pat created a special place for us to enjoy. I've not made any rendev... with the Elaina sold and now residing in VA but I hope to use our new 33' to meet the boys & girls of course in person on the next redev... here in the NE.
Without mentioning site names and there are more than a few I frequent I have to say this is the noisiest of all. Not a day passes where there isn't something new to engage you. THANKS CAPN P
Without mentioning site names and there are more than a few I frequent I have to say this is the noisiest of all. Not a day passes where there isn't something new to engage you. THANKS CAPN P
Capn' Tony
Capn' Tony
For me...this sight is a quick get away. More times then I can say I have "Had It", "Lost It" call it what you will...I steam off into my office run thru a few Posts and its gives me a settling mindset...so I can go back outside and deal with the daily grind.
It is really the next best thing to hanging out at the Dock and talking with your friends.
Then add the advice. It is just fantastic!...ask a question on pretty much anything and get great information. That is a huge value.
Friendship...even though I have only met a few people from this sight, I feel as I know so many of you. When I relay stories from the board to others, I'll refer to the board members as my friend. I am not one to label just anyone as a friend...takes me awhile to warm up to that point.
So what Captain Pat has done for me, he has given me a new set of friends, a source of invaluable information and a getaway for those times I need one.
Much thanks Captain Pat!!
It is really the next best thing to hanging out at the Dock and talking with your friends.
Then add the advice. It is just fantastic!...ask a question on pretty much anything and get great information. That is a huge value.
Friendship...even though I have only met a few people from this sight, I feel as I know so many of you. When I relay stories from the board to others, I'll refer to the board members as my friend. I am not one to label just anyone as a friend...takes me awhile to warm up to that point.
So what Captain Pat has done for me, he has given me a new set of friends, a source of invaluable information and a getaway for those times I need one.
Much thanks Captain Pat!!
- Capt Dick Dean
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I got to work with Patrick for around 9 months finishing Buddy Boy. He taught me how to work with fiberglass and epoxy among many other things. If you ever get a chance to hang with him in his shop it's time well spent.
Patrick, I hope your sweeping up every day and keeping the place neat & tidy!
Patrick, I hope your sweeping up every day and keeping the place neat & tidy!
KAHUNA 1963 Sportfish
captain patrick introduced me to bruce . bruce was siting at the end of the dock with his tin foil helmet on and i wore mine . i guess he top me cause he was in tune with jupiter while i could only make mars . two wacko`s in conversation . seriously the captain`s influence on me has been overwhelming i haven`t share such brotherhood since i was in a foxhole 44 +years ago.
capt.bob lico
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Bought a boat I'd long admired but way over my head. I found the site and
immediately felt I had a safety net. Met CP and other's years back at the Newport Rendevous and from there have found relief, confidence and comarderie among people I've never met, yet take the time to respond.
Despite my neophyteness (new word), I never hesitate to pose my questions and for the thoughtful responses I will be forever grateful. Otherwise, not sure I would have grown to love and respect my 31 as I have.
Here's to an amazing site.
immediately felt I had a safety net. Met CP and other's years back at the Newport Rendevous and from there have found relief, confidence and comarderie among people I've never met, yet take the time to respond.
Despite my neophyteness (new word), I never hesitate to pose my questions and for the thoughtful responses I will be forever grateful. Otherwise, not sure I would have grown to love and respect my 31 as I have.
Here's to an amazing site.
- Brewster Minton
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When I bought my Bert for 1500.$ I did not know what it was. I went to the trench in it the first time it could not go over 8 knots with out overheating. We killed the fish. The boat was a wreck. I would go fishing and sell the fish each time and fix the next thing on the list. I found the site and would read and look at the pics. I did that for three years. My boat looked a little different than the boats on the site. I was scarded to post. One day I did a post. I learned what I had. I knew it caught fish. Then a year later I went to Montauk. We backed into the dock and I thought "these guys are going to shun me". We had just come in from a three day trip. It was like meeting old buddies. I left on Sunday with a new family. Everyone was the best. The rest is history. All because of Captian Pat. I took my shirt of and took the Bertram logo and put it on my chest. I sat in the chair for 3 hours. It was burned into my chest. Somebody took the picture. Hope to see it again.
Last edited by Brewster Minton on Mar 22nd, '11, 20:42, edited 1 time in total.
Just going to mention a few things here...too many for one post..
Thanks to Capatain Patrick tips.....I plugged all the random trasducer holes in my boat ...and there were many.
I got inspiration to delve into much more than I would have just by viewing his and others exploits on this site.
Thru this site, I have met the best bunch of guys on the planet.
Amen St Patrick..
Thanks to Capatain Patrick tips.....I plugged all the random trasducer holes in my boat ...and there were many.
I got inspiration to delve into much more than I would have just by viewing his and others exploits on this site.
Thru this site, I have met the best bunch of guys on the planet.
Amen St Patrick..
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I started out as a lurker in the late 90's when I was stuck in the office 9 at night and needed a break. First I found some Bertram postings about 31 Berts. Gave me the information I needed to start thinking about what I should be doing to mine.
Then this board and when it became time to really think about what I needed I started to post.
Then the one AC event. Met Harv and his family, Charlie Haws and others. Learned there are Faithfull no matter where I am and if in need they are only a phone call away.
Great site, great people and great boats. But best of all is the guy that put this all together.
A toast to Capt. Pat.
Then this board and when it became time to really think about what I needed I started to post.
Then the one AC event. Met Harv and his family, Charlie Haws and others. Learned there are Faithfull no matter where I am and if in need they are only a phone call away.
Great site, great people and great boats. But best of all is the guy that put this all together.
A toast to Capt. Pat.
1975 FBC BERG1467-315
What did Capt Pat do for me?
Sorry but this will be a little long.
I found this site just about the time Bruce was shutting down the mechanical board. I’ve been a long term lurker & infrequent poster since I don’t own a 31. I found the board when I was working on a B25 and looking for Bertram info. I’m a Texas Panhandle boy who has always been enamored with boats & diving but didn’t know much of anything about boats (still don’t know much) & even though I don’t own a B31 whenever I’ve posted I’ve gotten straight forward answers from knowledgeable folks. I’ve called Capt Pat on the phone & he’s always taken time with me and for that I’m grateful.
Now for the people on this board. After being on the board for a couple of years I met a guy some of you know named Cranston that lives maybe 5 blocks from me in my neighborhood that I wouldn’t have met had it not been for this site. I’ve had a lot of fun running with John & Pam. Met Mark Stange at the fishing tournament in Cabo, I would have never went to Cabo in a hundred years if Mark hadn’t talked it up here on Bertram31. And then just for the heck of it I ran up to Greenport with John & Pam and had the opportunity to make the trip from Ed Curry’s house to Greenport on Ed’s boat. (He and his wife Lois were excellent hosts, thanks again Ed & Lois) No chance in Hell I’d have ever done that had I not found this website…And got to meet Capt. Pat there as well. Long way to go for a Texas boy to meet another Texan. But it was great. Brewster mentioned thinking folks would shun him at his first rendezvous. I had that feeling in spades, not knowing anyone & owning a CC30 TSF, I figured I’d be the odd man out. But I fell right in. I really enjoyed meeting all the folks. Thanks to the folks on this board & Thanks Capt. Pat
Sorry but this will be a little long.
I found this site just about the time Bruce was shutting down the mechanical board. I’ve been a long term lurker & infrequent poster since I don’t own a 31. I found the board when I was working on a B25 and looking for Bertram info. I’m a Texas Panhandle boy who has always been enamored with boats & diving but didn’t know much of anything about boats (still don’t know much) & even though I don’t own a B31 whenever I’ve posted I’ve gotten straight forward answers from knowledgeable folks. I’ve called Capt Pat on the phone & he’s always taken time with me and for that I’m grateful.
Now for the people on this board. After being on the board for a couple of years I met a guy some of you know named Cranston that lives maybe 5 blocks from me in my neighborhood that I wouldn’t have met had it not been for this site. I’ve had a lot of fun running with John & Pam. Met Mark Stange at the fishing tournament in Cabo, I would have never went to Cabo in a hundred years if Mark hadn’t talked it up here on Bertram31. And then just for the heck of it I ran up to Greenport with John & Pam and had the opportunity to make the trip from Ed Curry’s house to Greenport on Ed’s boat. (He and his wife Lois were excellent hosts, thanks again Ed & Lois) No chance in Hell I’d have ever done that had I not found this website…And got to meet Capt. Pat there as well. Long way to go for a Texas boy to meet another Texan. But it was great. Brewster mentioned thinking folks would shun him at his first rendezvous. I had that feeling in spades, not knowing anyone & owning a CC30 TSF, I figured I’d be the odd man out. But I fell right in. I really enjoyed meeting all the folks. Thanks to the folks on this board & Thanks Capt. Pat
- PeterPalmieri
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- Location: Babylon, NY
A little more from me. Again only joined the site back in November. Immediately had a question about my outriggers and Ed Curry met me down at the boat the next day. Two weeks ago he came down to help me get the boat running.
I met Tony meola in NJ where he gave me a set of reconditioned props at a basement price.
I went down to Bob Lico's boat twice he gave me the lay of the land on Phoenix and has offered to assist me in installing the pod among a lot of great advice.
Chatted on the phone with Brew a few times about the boat and fishing.
I'm also looking forward to trailerimg the flats boat out to Randall and Walter for some fly fishing this summer.
And of course really looking forward to making the trip out to green port and following bob and a few others on the way out. Had a chance to meet John (whaler) when I was down at bobs boat too.
I've really made some friends on my short time on this board!
I met Tony meola in NJ where he gave me a set of reconditioned props at a basement price.
I went down to Bob Lico's boat twice he gave me the lay of the land on Phoenix and has offered to assist me in installing the pod among a lot of great advice.
Chatted on the phone with Brew a few times about the boat and fishing.
I'm also looking forward to trailerimg the flats boat out to Randall and Walter for some fly fishing this summer.
And of course really looking forward to making the trip out to green port and following bob and a few others on the way out. Had a chance to meet John (whaler) when I was down at bobs boat too.
I've really made some friends on my short time on this board!
1969 31 Bertram FBC "East Wind" hull #315939
- mike ohlstein
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Classic post Mike!!
There is not much that I can add that hasn't already been said except that I wish I had found it sooner!!! I reinvented the wheel several times before I came to this fountain of wisdom!
I have met great people that I would not otherwise have met, including several in my own backyard! I have taken several trips to places that I would never have gone otherwise!
The people here are the best! No one bashes anyone. No question is considered stupid or unworthy of answering. Everyone has a good sense of humor. The combined knowledge available here is unrivaled.
Capt. Pat has welcomed me into his shop and always takes my call. He is a Gentleman in fine Southern tradition.
I am proud to call all of you, even the ones of you I have not met in person, my friends and I am inspired by all of you.
When I am away and cannot visit the site I feel that I have missed something in my day.
There is not much that I can add that hasn't already been said except that I wish I had found it sooner!!! I reinvented the wheel several times before I came to this fountain of wisdom!
I have met great people that I would not otherwise have met, including several in my own backyard! I have taken several trips to places that I would never have gone otherwise!
The people here are the best! No one bashes anyone. No question is considered stupid or unworthy of answering. Everyone has a good sense of humor. The combined knowledge available here is unrivaled.
Capt. Pat has welcomed me into his shop and always takes my call. He is a Gentleman in fine Southern tradition.
I am proud to call all of you, even the ones of you I have not met in person, my friends and I am inspired by all of you.
When I am away and cannot visit the site I feel that I have missed something in my day.
1966 FBC 31
1966 FBC 31
- Gert van Leest
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Great Thread!
Unlike most here I didn't know much about bertrams before I bought one. Anyway, I stumbled on bertram31.com the summer of 2000, a few months after I had just became the steward of a gas powered B35 (like I said, I didn't know much before buying) which was in need of a little TLC... to quote the surveyor "She's been road hard and put away wet, for sure. But she's a Bertram and with a little TLC she'll serve you better than the ones they're making today"
If it wasn't for bertram31.com, Capt. Patrick and those I've met through the years I don't think I would have been able to keep and keep up on my 1972 B35.
Thanks for the wisdom and the sandbox
Unlike most here I didn't know much about bertrams before I bought one. Anyway, I stumbled on bertram31.com the summer of 2000, a few months after I had just became the steward of a gas powered B35 (like I said, I didn't know much before buying) which was in need of a little TLC... to quote the surveyor "She's been road hard and put away wet, for sure. But she's a Bertram and with a little TLC she'll serve you better than the ones they're making today"
If it wasn't for bertram31.com, Capt. Patrick and those I've met through the years I don't think I would have been able to keep and keep up on my 1972 B35.
Thanks for the wisdom and the sandbox
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Jul 7th, '10, 21:34
- Bertramp
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Although only meeting Capt Patrick once, I am thankful for the time he puts into this sight, which allows all of us to exchange knowledge, pictures and laughs. When I did meet him, it was at Marlin's (very gorgeous) boat in West Palm and I saw first hand how the info and kinship just flowed.
1970 Bertram Bahia Mar - hull# 316-1003
1973 Bertram 38 (widebody) - hull# BER005960473
Steve "Bertramp" Kelly
1973 Bertram 38 (widebody) - hull# BER005960473
Steve "Bertramp" Kelly
I've wanted a 31 since I was a kid and my Dad pointed one out and said simply "that's THE boat." Then, when I first got out of school I went fishing on a friend's Dad's boat out of Barneget and came in with the Coasties saying there were 10-12 or 10-14s in the inlet. After that it was just a matter of time.
I found the site years later when I started to look for a bigger boat, and had a B31 in mind. Through this site, I was guided through the purchase, survey, and shipping process. What I bought was pretty much a project, but I had also always wanted to try to fix a boat up.
Capt Pat, who is one of the most patient teachers I've ever come across, provided advice through the site, over the phone, and in person when I first met him at AC. You also don't meet many guys who can run a boat, do anything with fiberglass, paint and wood you can imagine, with a background in fine arts. He even impressed my Dad when my Dad met Capt Pat at Greenport last summer, and that's not easy to do.
Getting a B31, meeting all the guys here, and the Bertram adventures I've had--mainly on Crows Nest running to Montauk, AC, South Jersey sharkin', and of course with my family and friends on the Anna E.--were because of the site Capt. Pat set up. Its been a great ride--only regret I have is selling the Anna E. I miss her everyday.
Thanks Capt--you've made me a much richer man in the ways that really matter.
John F.
I found the site years later when I started to look for a bigger boat, and had a B31 in mind. Through this site, I was guided through the purchase, survey, and shipping process. What I bought was pretty much a project, but I had also always wanted to try to fix a boat up.
Capt Pat, who is one of the most patient teachers I've ever come across, provided advice through the site, over the phone, and in person when I first met him at AC. You also don't meet many guys who can run a boat, do anything with fiberglass, paint and wood you can imagine, with a background in fine arts. He even impressed my Dad when my Dad met Capt Pat at Greenport last summer, and that's not easy to do.
Getting a B31, meeting all the guys here, and the Bertram adventures I've had--mainly on Crows Nest running to Montauk, AC, South Jersey sharkin', and of course with my family and friends on the Anna E.--were because of the site Capt. Pat set up. Its been a great ride--only regret I have is selling the Anna E. I miss her everyday.
Thanks Capt--you've made me a much richer man in the ways that really matter.
John F.
1968 B20 Moppie - Hull # 201-937
1969 B31 FBC - Hull # 315-881 (sold)
1977 B31 FBC - Hull # BERG1652M77J (sold)
1969 B31 FBC - Hull # 315-881 (sold)
1977 B31 FBC - Hull # BERG1652M77J (sold)
Captain Patrick caused me to redo every half-assed project I started on my boat. Ten years of trying to bring my skills up to the level of the craftsmen that Captain Patrick has collected on this board has left me a sad and broken man. Since I'll never be able to finish my boat to the degree I'm now accustomed to, I'll have to find my satisfaction in the friendship of like-minded gentlemen who I hold in the highest regard. Captain Patrick provided a place where I could meet such men.
And women too. Hi Pam.
And women too. Hi Pam.
Don't lend a hand to raise a flag aboard a ship of fools!
When I saw my first 31 at a Bertram rendezvous I had to have one. Familiar story, huh? So, not being a man of endless means I scrounged around until I found one I could afford. Yea, sure. It needed everything including a knowledgable owner. I had restored enough cars and houses to know that I was in over my head. I searched the internet and found our sandbox and Capt. Pat.

He introduced me to a host of knowledgable (if sometimes unsavory) characters and I fell in and like the kid who falls into a pile of horse poop and comes out with a pony. My fate was set. Every step of the way I called Patrick and he patiently guided me through the maze of boat renovation. His early version side vents grace Dreamsicle as do many of his projects. As we speak I have removed the screens from the external raw-water strainers, cleaned and am slathering on Tef Gel. Just like the "PRojects" section of the sight says.
Probably the best thing he has done for me was to introduce me to you guys. Imagine my first trip to New Orleans to be met by a car and driven to Venice and ferried to Port Eades by Uncle Vic and to end up the helmsman for the dream team. That was my first face-to-face with Pat, Vic and a gang of rowdies who kept me in stitches and educated me in the ways of B-31.
Well she's not quite finished but regardless, everywhere I go people are just knocked out. "How old is she?" is the constant question. Well, last Friday she turned 48, and she doesn't look a day over ten.
Thanks, Patrick,you da man!

He introduced me to a host of knowledgable (if sometimes unsavory) characters and I fell in and like the kid who falls into a pile of horse poop and comes out with a pony. My fate was set. Every step of the way I called Patrick and he patiently guided me through the maze of boat renovation. His early version side vents grace Dreamsicle as do many of his projects. As we speak I have removed the screens from the external raw-water strainers, cleaned and am slathering on Tef Gel. Just like the "PRojects" section of the sight says.
Probably the best thing he has done for me was to introduce me to you guys. Imagine my first trip to New Orleans to be met by a car and driven to Venice and ferried to Port Eades by Uncle Vic and to end up the helmsman for the dream team. That was my first face-to-face with Pat, Vic and a gang of rowdies who kept me in stitches and educated me in the ways of B-31.
Well she's not quite finished but regardless, everywhere I go people are just knocked out. "How old is she?" is the constant question. Well, last Friday she turned 48, and she doesn't look a day over ten.
Thanks, Patrick,you da man!
3/18/1963 - -31-327 factory hardtop express, the only one left.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
-Albert Einstein
3/18/1963 - -31-327 factory hardtop express, the only one left.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
-Albert Einstein
Like a lot of you, I wanted a 31 Bertram bad, and somehow found my way to the sandbox. I eventually fulfilled my dream and took the plunge on a 1978 31. Since then Capt. Patrick has been more than helpful with the problems i have encountered. He is a wealth of information on an amazing array of topics and the cool thing is that he is more than willing to share this wealth of knowledge, in extreme detail, with everyone that can benefit from it. That kind of generosity is very hard to find in this day and age. It is also invaluable to guy's like us that own older boats with lots of issues to deal with. Thanks for all of your help Capt. Patrick!!!
- Russ Pagels
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- Posts: 513
- Joined: Jun 29th, '06, 18:17
- Location: NC
What can I say that hasn't already been said.He built this sand box , and we came.the nicest, most savvy boat people on any web site. We may not always agree on every thing, but we never get mad or flame.In a nut shell this one of the nicest groups of people I have had the privilege to interface with...Thank you Capt.Pat
1972 31 FBC 315-141-1226
All that is necessary for evil to succeed
is that good men do nothing.
All that is necessary for evil to succeed
is that good men do nothing.
- ZeroCavity
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- Posts: 204
- Joined: Jul 10th, '06, 14:36
- Location: Naples, FL
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