25 Bertram Forsale $ 3000

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Ed Millian
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25 Bertram Forsale $ 3000

Post by Ed Millian »

25 Bertram Forsale .
Listed on Craigslist Boston Mass.
Posts: 64
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Location: Shelter Island, NY

Thanks, Ed

Post by davidms »


Thanks for the heads up on this boat. I wanted to wait until I got the boat checked out before letting everybody know that I bought it. $3000 for a good, solid Bertram 25 seemed pretty good to me.

The boat was in a garage used for oil delivery truck repair/maintenance for a couple of years. It was covered in diesel soot and didn't show well at all. But the hull is sound and the 318 Chrylser engines need some TLC, but nothing drastic.

I will repower the boat at some point, but for now, I think I'll see what can be done with the existing engines.

So now, our 31 has a little sister.

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Post by Rocket »

Congrats David, sounds like a hell of a deal, I paid more than that for a 20' with no motor!

Come visit us on the 25 Board with pictures when you have time. I owned a 25 with 318's and v-drives and they lasted way longer than I expected. Lots of discussion about re-powering 25's over there.

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Bertram Joe
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Post by Bertram Joe »

Congrats davidms! Great deal.
Bertram Joe
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