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Mind the store

Post by AndreF »

Da Judge and I are off to scout out a new bird shoot location for the 31 bunch since we lost the Pheasant Hunt we enjoyed for a number of years courtesy of Mike and Timmy.
We leave for Bolivia in a few hours.
Evo Morales watch out!
I'm not sure but indecision may or may not be my problem.

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Post by Doug Crowther »

Nj vs Bolivia in February. No contest there. Where do I sign up.
I grew up to be the person my parent's warned me about.
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Post by mike ohlstein »

Bon Chance, Butch and Sundance......
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Post by Capt. Mike Holmes »

I was afraid to mention those two in reference to this trip.
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

And they took their own guns...can you see Andre' trying to talk his way out of a Bolivian jail? Might be a $100 problem or worse. I got my phone turned off.....expecting a call to send lawyers, guns and money. When he got on the wrong bush plane at TSL going out they did not even notice, but Elanor Armstrong (TSLs Panama City facilitator) plunked his ass down in the 'terminal' at Allbrook in Panama City and made him wait his turn to get on the right bus.

I'll go a long way to catch marlin, sailfish, etc, but shoot doves? I could kill 75 in my driveway every morning without even baiting them.

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Post by AndreF »

Your astute legal skills were not needed, UV.
Although Bolivia is a very, very poor country ($6.00 daily wage) , the locals were very friendly and warm and we fit right in. Socialist leaning El Presidente ,Evo Morales, is not held in high regard, at least where we were. Plus the nearest game warden was 500 miles away and reportedly the only one in Bolivia.
To give you an idea of how many doves there were, the last morning hunt da Judge's bird boy used a "clicker" to keep count of his kills and Trey killed 538. We didn't bother to count any prior to that...........
Also beautiful parakeeto's , parrots and pidgeons.....
Bolivia has a law (I wish America did) that 20% of an owners' land must remain uncleared , making wind-rows along all fields that harbored everything from Jaguars to Toucans along planted fields that were sometimes 10 miles long and often 2 miles long. We saw wildlife of every kind.
A trip tailor made for 31Bertram affectionados............
I'm not sure but indecision may or may not be my problem.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

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Post by neil »

andre you missed a fun time in montauk, hope you can make it next year regards neil
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Post by randall »

andre...glad you had a good time (dont ever tell caren you killed 500 birds).....here you can only clear 20 % of your land on anything over an acre....and half the town is zoned 2 to 5......but im not really sure its America
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Let's see, the allegation is that da Judge shot 538 birds in a morning hunt...let's assume a 4 hour hunt, that's 2.24 birds a minute non stop...shucks, you can't shoot them off telephone wires that fast. Plus the barrel will melt. I hereby call BS on that one.

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Post by AndreF »

Happened, sure enough. I tell you, birds fly over you non-stop. You use two guns and your bird boy loads your empty gun and you hand them back and forth constantly. Except the thing is, Da Judge had no loader , he used one gun only and he neatly deposited his emptys out of his O/U and dropped them in a sack and then loaded two more him self. You need gloves, even the birdboys have them. Non-stop shooting. I walked down to him and we chatted, laughed and drank water for awhile too. He was on 290 then and I shot awhile w/him then walked back to my spot and the bird boy who was working on one of my guns (again) that gave up the ghost, finally, the last hunt. I was proud of those cheap 30 year old Remongton's. The barrells (plural) would discolor where the gas port were- all around- like an automatic weapon does. They cleaned your guns 2 times daily. My shoulder is just now getting better and I had protection.
We shot alot, UV. Trey could've killed God knows how many if he had a loader. So many birds you took hard shots just to see. At times, I had birds flying by that I could've used a belt fed shotgun. Ouch, my shoulder, even typing hurts- I swear.
I'm not sure but indecision may or may not be my problem.

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Post by Bruce »

You and Da Judge need one of those punt guns.

100 birds with one shot.

Bury those Remingtons with honor. They've served you well.
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Post by Trey Dibrell »

We jumped them up sitting in the fields where we could have killed 100 with a shot from a punt gun.

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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Like shooting ducks on the water, huh? I always liked shooting them on the water 'cause you could shoot them in the head and not screw up the meat. Like when I was a very little kid and me & my Daddy would go after dark to hunt Grosbeaks in the swamp behind our house...he held the light and I whacked the young Grosbeaks with a stick off the low tree limbs....he'd tell me "hit them in the head so we don't mess up the meat".

We usually did this on a Wed. or Thursday night because my Daddy (still kicking good at 97) used to have his poker club over at our house on Friday nights....Andre's late Dad was a regular, Mr. Larry. We had a housekeeper that could cook up the best Grosbeak sauce piquant you ever ate..all the poker players loved it and us little kids were sorta the bus boys for the plates, and the poker players would let us have the dregs of the beer bottles now and then....all the women folks played bridge and sipped wine in another room with the little girls being their bus girls.

Before TV and air conditioning, but we somehow survived.

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Post by Harv »

Grosbeak sauce piquant?

First you make a roux!
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Post by mike ohlstein »

Now tell us about the Bald Eagle stew.....
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Post by Trey Dibrell »

I meant to say 1000 birds with one shot from a punt gun.

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Post by Matt Holcomb »

Hey Mike, the Bald Eagle stew is best when you use carrier pidgeon mixed in with it. REALLY.

Yo Fren,

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Eagle stew?

Post by Capt. Mike Holmes »

If you have any leftover Whooping Crane in the freezer, throw that in, too.
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