New Bertram 35

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New Bertram 35

Post by franzmerenda » ... ByYXk5YzZy

When the cure is worse than the disease…

“Our 35FB demands attention from every angle. With a new beamier and a longer hull our 35FB blends innovative luxuries and fish-rigged capabilities”

In other words: “We made few mistakes” :wink:
Tony Meola
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Re: New Bertram 35

Post by Tony Meola »

Mistakes as in the 31 or mistakes as in the original 35?
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Re: New Bertram 35

Post by Carl »

franzmerenda wrote: Sep 16th, '24, 15:34 “Our 35FB demands attention from every angle. With a new beamier and a longer hull our 35FB blends innovative luxuries and fish-rigged capabilities”

As I read it, with the new 35, they improved on the original.

I have yet to be on one, but having a 31 I am familiar with the shortcomings of our boats. They are wet, they roll like a bastard drifting in a beam sea, or as Thud so eloquently put it "RLDT", (Rolling Little Death Traps). The 31 FB is small and setup for one. The 31 cabin has limited storage, is cramped, and sparse.

If they addressed the issues I mention in the 35 and keep the parts I love about our 31...seaworthy, comfy ride, large open cockpit with great lines I'd be happy with one. Down side is the price...but that is with most new boats I'd consider.
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Re: New Bertram 35

Post by franzmerenda »

Tony Meola wrote: Sep 16th, '24, 21:35 Mistakes as in the 31 or mistakes as in the original 35?
As far as I read, apart from the wet issues the new boat inherited from the 31 and rolling problem, which increased with raised centre of gravity (thanks God there's Seakeeper), complaints are addressed to small cockpit, combined with engines boxes (which also don't allow to get in and out the cabin when lifted).

Therefore, I suppose they assume a stretched cockpit and a wider beam may steer the project on the right course.

I still think the reason why they sold only two dozens of units in eight years, is due to a wrong business plan in first place, with consequent wrong price positioning.

They even coined a new term for the model: "Weekender", when the boat was just perfect as it was, like the original new MINI, when BMW launched it.

What went wrong then? PRICING!

When I hear: "There are lots of Center Consolle sold for way more than the listing price of the new 35", it's like comparing a trendy Convertible Supercar to a VW Passat SW or a C Class SW: a classy SW can't be listed as a Porsche Convertible...
Tony Meola
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Re: New Bertram 35

Post by Tony Meola »

Our boats may have shortcomings, but when it gets nasty, I know I am getting home. Maybe a little beat up but I will be home.
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Re: New Bertram 35

Post by Amberjack »

Carl wrote: Sep 17th, '24, 07:00 They are wet,
Yes they are wet unless you can run dead into the wind and chop so the spray falls away on both sides. As Admiral Nelson said “Damn the maneuvers, go straight at them “.
Doug Pratt
Bertram 31 Amberjack
FBC hull #315-820
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