Cockpit Bimini- Custom or Homemade?

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Marshall Mahoney
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Cockpit Bimini- Custom or Homemade?

Post by Marshall Mahoney »


There is a fine line between custom and homemade... Got the idea from a center console I saw with a tarp supported by telescoping outriggers. I mounted a couple rod holders horizontal and inserted telescoping pool brush poles (Amazon) in them. Sewed a lightweight tarp (eBay) to slide over the poles. Made a pocket for a length of 1/2" rigid tubing aft (Lowes). Ran a couple of cords from the ridged tubing to the radar arch for support. No straps or poles to get in the way of fishing. Took it for a test run -- slightly floppy but still there when I got back to the dock, so I call that a win. Can add a couple of cords on the back corners to the gunnel when running.
Tony Meola
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Re: Cockpit Bimini- Custom or Homemade?

Post by Tony Meola »

As they say where there is a will there is a way.

I have been trying to figure out how to make something like that work for when just hanging out.
1975 FBC BERG1467-315
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