Perko parts

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Perko parts

Post by wgiarratana »

Anyone happen to know who might sell older Perko
strainer parts?, looking for the rod that goes thru the screen and the end cap nut ? Thanks
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S Ritzert
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Re: Perko parts

Post by S Ritzert »

do you have any pictures?
Tony Meola
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Re: Perko parts

Post by Tony Meola »

Check Perko's website to see if they still offer it. If they do, print a copy off and take it to any Marine supply that deals with Perko and they can order them. I have found with Perko, while you may not be able to find it on the shelf at the local supplier, they still have them rattling around their warehouse.

This is when I wish I kept some of that stuff when I repowered, but you just can't keep everything. I kept the glass from the strainers, I thought I could use them for something, but that day still has not emerged.
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Re: Perko parts

Post by Carl »

Tony Meola wrote: Sep 4th, '24, 21:28 I kept the glass from the strainers, I thought I could use them for something, but that day still has not emerged.

Toss it today and you'll need it tomorrow...
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Re: Perko parts

Post by Tony Meola »


How True. Happens all the time.
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Re: Perko parts

Post by Carl »

New Jersey had little road tax so fuel was much cheaper over the Bridge. With no close fuel dock, dad had to bring his fuel so as the weekends got closer he found reasons to go meet with customers in Jersey...n pick up a couple gallons each time.

When he retired...he just went. I was "gifted" the fuel cans among lots of other "stuff" he left at the shop...about a full dumpsters worth. Things that went bye bye were Kerosene Heaters, think we had 6 or so in the basement, a couple dehumidifiers a ton of whatever and it had to be a good 15 5 gallon fuel cans, a couple barrels he used to polish fuel, with all the pumps n filters. It all went.
Fast forward to my diesel conversion I needed to pull the gasoline...I needed to buy a couple five gallon fuel killed me as I had tossed every single one.

I thought I put one or two on the side...but nope. Dumb too, as these new cans come with Vapor trap crap. I hate those things...pull this, twist that n hold that way while trying to lift a 5 gallon jug. When it does work the fuel just trickles out. Most times pieces break n it leaks everywhere but in the tank.
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Re: Perko parts

Post by Tony Meola »


Now the toll round trip alone would kill that deal.
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Re: Perko parts

Post by Preston Burrows »

Use stainless steel threaded rod....or bronze......if I recall it's 1/4" or 5/16" can cut rod lengths to size as needed.
Preston Burrows
1976 B28 FBC
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