Calling John S.

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Calling John S.

Post by Mikey »

Happy honeymoon! Any man who can convince his bride to drive from Midland, Ontario to Irvington, Virginia in a pick up, pulling a trailer; pick up a sad, beat-up old boat and drag it home (did the outdrive drag?); all in a turn around in a matter of a few days is my hero. Let's talk.
My Bride and I thoroughly enjoyed our evening with you and look forward to see the progress on this 25 and your other Bertrams. Keep us all posted.
Ran into Rawleigh Saturday night and he said he was sick as a dog Friday, something about sushi I believe. Think he'll live. Creek cruise next time.
3/18/1963 - -31-327 factory hardtop express, the only one left.
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Post by Rawleigh »

Sorry I missed you John. Next time we will go out and have some fun. I think I got all of my drive line issues straightened out today, so creek cruises are in the near future!!
1966 FBC 31
John Swick
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Post by John Swick »

Yes she is a keeper, but if you believe that road trip honeymoon story .....
Made it home alittle later than anticipated Saturday night.
Traffic around Alexandria and Washington was a bitch and I have yet to go on a road trip w/a woman that didn't involve a shopping detour.
Thanks again for the help with the wiring repair.
We enjoyed your's and Bryan's company very much.
I mentioned the BVI connection to Peter yesterday.
Something may come of that.
I have your # and will call when a plan developes.
Sorry we missed you too.
Would like to drag one of our B25's down your way next summer and do some exploring along the ICW. Maybe plan it around one of those Bertram rendevous.
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Post by Mikey »

After umpteen billions of Government (read yours and mine) dollars, that trip around Alexandria (the mixing bowl) and D.C. has just been officially claimed to be immensely improved. Our tax dollars in action, or is that inaction?
Maybe by this time next year we (the middle Bay guys) can do a renezvous on Carter(s) Creek. Good starting point.
3/18/1963 - -31-327 factory hardtop express, the only one left.
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Doug Crowther
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Post by Doug Crowther »

Put it together Mikey ! Count me in.
I grew up to be the person my parent's warned me about.
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Post by Rawleigh »

Lets do it Mikey!!
1966 FBC 31
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