I have make a mould based on my corner windows of my 31 SF and I thermoform clear or fumed acrylic(plexiglas) for my boat.
I supply them also to some friends in Greece ,so either they send me in a carton flat the outline of the previous Acrylic or Polycarbonate(then I suggest 4mm thickness and I produce the new ones 1-2cm bigger so the installer can trim them a little bit, during the installation ..),or they send the old ones(then we can go also with 5mm,it is stiffer but we can produce the new ones with better accuracy .. )
Stavro, I have a 28 at Kalavrias, behind the old airport.
I have three friends who own 31s. I could reach them and ask if they need any curved windows.
Thank you Yannis!
My B31 is still in our facilities for a full restoration process
Please note that I have also UPVC rub rail if somebody wants to replace his old pitched aluminum one..
I design an almost identical with original aluminum and I produce it now in white UPVC .I provide it on straight lengths of 7,20 m or 3.6m or I can also thermoform the bow section..
Here is the left aluminum corner window in front of a Plexiglas sheet.
The next days I shall thermoform a new pair for my boat.. https://imgur.com/a/A88sLpF