Oil cooler mounting bracket (454)

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Oil cooler mounting bracket (454)

Post by pschauss »

While replacing the raw water hose which goes from the oil cooler to the heat exchanger on my port engine, I discovered that the mounting bracket for the cooler is missing. The one on the starboard engine is bolted to the block with the lower-most of the three bolts which secure a the motor mount to the block. This means that in order for me to install the corresponding bracket on the port engine I will have to remove and replace one of the motor mount bolts. Is there a risk of throwing the motor alignment off if I do that?
Peter Schauss
1978 B31 SF (BERG 1727M781-314)
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Re: Oil cooler mounting bracket (454)

Post by Carl »

I highly doubt it. Usually to change alignment one needs to exert pressure to alter motors position. So if not lifting, pushing or pulling motor….removing and reinstalling a bolt you should be fine.
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