Running multiple fishfinders

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Running multiple fishfinders

Post by ktm_2000 »

Hi All,

I setup my boat with 2 displays where one was gps/radar and the other gps/fishfinder. The current fishfinder has the 3 in 1 sidescan transom mount transducer and I've had a lot of issues getting it to operate at cruising speed, at troll or on the drift it works great.

both my displays will run a fishfinder and I was contemplating putting the sidescan transducer on the display with radar and then get a 600w or 1kw through hull transducer.

the concept would be the newer transducer would run all the time, give me good performance in deep water and at cruising speed. Once we got trolling I would switch the 2nd screen over and then I would have the capability to run side scan on the other display while still having good downscan.

my questions

I did some research that most of my fishing seems to be in the realm where a 600w transducer would work, is there a further benefit to running a 1kw? What are the drawbacks?

It seems that I could turn off the downscan on the 3 in one transducer, and the side scan are on different frequencies than 50 or 200, are there any other drawbacks to running multiple transducers?

thanks for your advice
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Re: Running multiple fishfinders

Post by Ironworker »

Always opt for the larger transducer!

1 KW would be the minimum. Also you need to consider the size and # of elements. What is the brand of equipment you are using.
Rick Ott
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Re: Running multiple fishfinders

Post by Tony Meola »

Try giving the folks at Airmar a call. A guy I know just talked with them and they helped him select what is right for what his needs are.
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Re: Running multiple fishfinders

Post by ktm_2000 »

I have B&G Vulcan 12 displays, same processing as Simrad Go series

A while back I was watching a video and a person put up this chart and unfortunately I didn't capture the depth when I took a pic of the video but the HW 600 or 1kw go out to 600' and seem to be the same

While I do want to get offshore more, I am in MA and the run to the canyons for me is @100 miles and a little outside my comfort zone for a single engine boat. I can get there with an extra on deck tank but would only do so with a buddy boat so I don't see that happening to often.

Most of my fishing will be on the bank and with that under 600'. I have been reading more and it seems that the 1kw is significantly more sensitive and even though my displays might not be able to kick out the full 1kw to run one, it would be way more sensitive than a 600w, so I am leaning towards the B175HW.
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Re: Running multiple fishfinders

Post by Ironworker »

Don't believe the hype and depth numbers you get from the manufacter. A 600 Watt transducer will only show you fish discrimination down to 300 or so feet depending on the turbidity of the water. It will show bottom deeper but sucks at showing fish.

the 1 KW unit (I have that particular transducer on a 23" Sea Hunt boat with a Garmin chirp MFD) will get you down to roughly 800'.

I have some other 1 KW transducers (TM 260) that will get you down to roughly 1000' in most cases.
Rick Ott
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Re: Running multiple fishfinders

Post by CamB25 »

I run a similar setup that you are considering. Simrad 3 in 1 off the transom and an Airmar B150M, 20 degree, 300watt thru-hull. Simrad and Garmin MFDs. I've mounted the Simrad so low that it rooster tails underway. I can generally hold bottom at lower cruising speeds. The down scan and side scan are only good up to 10 mph per Simrad specs, so you are not likely to get them to work above trolling speeds. Side scan is great for finding wrecks and debris/structure. The B150M will generally hold bottom up to 30mph or so. Resolution is generally OK, but I'm fishing in less than 100 feet.

For bottom fishing I set the Garmin/B150M to bottom lock at 5 feet or so. We are looking for low relief and ledges. The Simrad I keep on auto range to catch bait balls and fish in the column, but it's only effective at lower speeds. I cruise to a location and start circling until I find the spot. Side scan on the Simrad and bottom lock on the Garmin. It would be nice to get something to work at cruising speeds, but I haven't cracked the code for that yet.
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