Cockpit floor removal

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Cockpit floor removal

Post by Kevind767 »

A question for those of you that have done this, but just how does one begin to remove the cockpit floor? 38’Bertram Convertible lll

I see where it has been screwed in, and know that I will have to cut thru the caulking, but there are parts of the floor that appear to be glassed together, at the aft edges of the generator hatch to flooring.

I need to get access to remove years of old wires, and old hydraulic steering hoses, and I’m just to Damn old to go thru all of the “Boat Yoga” required, to contort myself into the aft bilge.

I have searched this site, and admit I am no expert with the search function, but have not had luck in finding any previous discussions on this.

Anything I should know before attempting to do this job?

Thanks, as always.
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Ironworker »

A few pictures would help.

You are making a wise decision to open up the floor IMO. Be prepared to find some rot.
Rick Ott
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Kevind767 »

Won’t be home for a few days, but will post them when I get back.
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Kevind767 »

Got pics, but having a difficult time uploading them from iPhone.
Any hints?
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Ironworker »

There are a couple of threads here on how to post pics. Its not the normal process on a typical board.

First you have to email them to yourself. Then post them on a sharing board such as dropbox. Then share the link in the picture format link above the post. Lastly you've got to edit the link from dll=o to raw=1. I'm not a 100% sure about the last part because its been awhile since I've posted a pic. I'm getting ready to upload some in a couple of days so if I'm wrong I'll edit this post.
Rick Ott
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Tony Meola »


Here you go. A number of us use IMGUR
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Kevind767 »

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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Kevind767 »

I think this worked.

The second photo is of the spot I was most perplexed about.
BTW, I am standing over the hatch where the generator would go.
Bottom of the picture is towards the stern of the boat.

I just don’t see where there is a seam where the caulk would be, and there are no screws visible, like the rest of the cockpit flooring is.

Don’t want to pull it up and really F$%K things up.

Let me know if the pictures can be opened.
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Yannis »

I think the deck was leaking water from the aft so someone either glassed or siliconed and then painted the rear part that seems to have no screws.
I think that if you could poke around the rear part of the double hatch you may find a seam. If you do then you unscrew and remove the whole deck.
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Amberjack »

Kevin it looks to me as though either a previous owner replaced the cockpit sole with a prefabricated unit designed for a slightly different boat which then needed to be trimmed for length or they added a second panel to that double hatch. There should normally be more dimension around the aft edge of the hatch opening. So they glassed in the open edge to the cockpit frame to make it watertight again. (At least I agree with Yannis on that). If you look inside that edge of the opening I bet you’ll see different glasswork from the rest of the sole. In that case you should be able to cut the two corners where it connects and lift out the sole as planned, then reglass them when it goes back in.

You can take a flexible but straight batten and scribe a line where the aft seam is underneath that patch. Aline the baton with the seam on either side for 2-3’and it should indicate exactly where the seam is underneath the patch.
Doug Pratt
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Ironworker »

Get yourself a multitool and some good carbide tipped blades. For fiberglass work you may as well buy Harbor Freight tools. They last as long as the name brand tools with the glass dust.

Depending on the type and weight of the floors you can build new floors about as easy as doing extensive repairs to existing floors.
Rick Ott
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Re: Cockpit floor removal

Post by Kevind767 »

I did have work done on the hatches several years ago.
Had a cockpit door installed at same time.

Now makes sense why that’s glassed in like that.

Thanks for the input.

Much appreciated
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