cockpit camera?

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cockpit camera?

Post by ktm_2000 »

Hi all,

Been looking through photos for the summer and came across a short video while hooked up.

I obviously couldn't video the scramble to clear the spread and then position the boat down sea and settle in which happened before grabbing the phone.

I'd like to see the good, the bad and the ugly of my skills so I am wondering if there is something I could have mounted to doghouse roof and be able to hit a button on one of my displays to start recording when we hook up. I am used to hitting MOB on a hookup so I am already used to that activity. A bonus would be something that could also watch the spread and see the hookups.

Any ideas?

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Re: cockpit camera?

Post by CamB25 »

A GoPro can respond to voice commands. My brother would yell at the GoPro on his helmet to take videos of mountain bike rides. ... uage=en_US
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Re: cockpit camera?

Post by Tony Meola »

My nephew used his Go Pro on our boat a few times. Depending on what you are fishing for, it can be pretty funny when the boat is rocking and rolling.

Trolling or running with a big fish on is pretty cool.
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Re: cockpit camera?

Post by ktm_2000 »


I had no idea that you could voice control a go-pro. That sounds like a good application for what I want, bolt some type of permanent mount to the hard top and install the camera when on trips. If I could yell Hookup and it would start recording that would be amazing.

I'm definitely rusty, It should be pure comedy from there......
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Re: cockpit camera?

Post by CamB25 »

You may not need a permanent mount. Check out Sea Suckers: ... fbd0&_ss=c

I have a couple of the larger models. I have used them to secure a huge, rolled-up floating foam raft to my T-Top. They are very secure! And you can re-position them in seconds.

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