Garmin 942xs

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Garmin 942xs

Post by Cturtle »

I had this GPS for about 5 years and suddenly as I was leaving inside of Shackelford Banks to head back to Homer Smith it wouldn't power up. Thankfully I knew the waters and I also had activated Navionics on my phone. I lost all saved tracks, but no big deal, but it took me 4 days to finally reach a Garmin Tech. They kept telling me that someone would call me but never did. Finally Garmin sent me an updated chip to update my maps but after updating it doesn't show buoys so if someone could help me with that GREAT. Secondly, I have a purple magna line showing me going to Cape Lookout but I don't want that line showing but can't figure out how to delete it. I tried info, user data, tracks, active tracks, delete but it is still there?
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Re: Garmin 942xs

Post by Tony Meola »

I am not familiar with that model, but i did a quick search on you tube and there sre a number videos on how that machine works. If you can't find anything let me know and I will see if my 8612 has similar features and I will try and figure out how the features work.
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Re: Garmin 942xs

Post by Carl »

The units I’ve played with usually have a feature under the heading of Charts that has choices of Low, medium or high detail. Try a higher setting

Some units when Zoomed out remove details, like buoys. Try zooming in a bit and see if they appear.

If a split screen, some when the screen is enlarged will bring in more detail at a higher zoom level.
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Re: Garmin 942xs

Post by Rawleigh »

I agree with Carl. I had this problem on an unfamiliar Ratheon unit which had "declutter" selected.
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Re: Garmin 942xs

Post by Amberjack »

You could just be running out of range for the chart package your unit is authorized for. I have a similar problem with my older but updated 840GPSmap. Beginning last year bottom contours dropped out about 20 miles north of the Canadian border and chart detail dwindled to nothing as I got further north. Now heading south depth and bottom contour information came back up as I approach the border again. Irritating because I purchased a chart package that would take me up to Alaska when I purchased the unit about 8 years ago.

The new age of electronics: when I called Garmin last year about the update chip for my 7 year old he said “Oh yeah, that’s called the ‘legacy chip’”.
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Re: Garmin 942xs

Post by fender33458 »

I use the 943xsv, but if the 942xs is the same, there should be a button you can press on the left side of the screen that says "stop navagation" when I'm looking at the map - that might get rid of the line?
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