Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

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Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by jackryan »


I've been thinking about possible fabricating a cockpit table to sit on my fighting chair pedestal out of some of the mahogany stringers that I took out during my deck renovation. I want a table to use in the cockpit for family outings and picnic cruises--Uncle Vic called this Howdy Boating. Something to put food, dips and drinks on.

I found some folding cockpit tables on line: ... oat-tables ... 393&sr=8-6 ... 393&sr=8-9

Anyone here have an opinion on this, or have a table that they can recommend? I've seen some very cool tables mounted on fighting chair pedestals, but thats going to be a lot of work and not to easy to store.


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Re: Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by Carl » ... 2370&psc=1

I made my own that doubles as a cutting board.

But instead of using a traditional pole holder ( harder to store) I have mounts kinda like this on my gunnel that are vertical. The blade slides down and the table sits on the gunnel. I use the mounts for my flat line trolling. ... L1500_.jpg
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Re: Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by PeterPalmieri »

I’ve seen table tops that have the mounts that you’d use to put a BBQ in a rod holder. But they slide into the rod holders on the arms of the chair. Then you don’t need to remove the chair, you can just take off the footrest and backrest of the chair.
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Re: Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by Yannis »


I have had all sorts of tables.
I think the most practical would be any table from the first link, only the prices seem too expensive, I cannot associate size to price because they are in inches, but anyway, a foldable table is ALWAYS more practical than anything else.
Mine is 80 X 50 and it is plenty for four adults to sit around in lounge chairs and eat, so it really doesn't have to be big.

Look into the Lagun mount in Campervan sites.
The best by far in quality and practicality as it swivels and lifts in all possible configurations, the table surface itself you can design and manufacture yourself like I did, you can also buy two support mounts so that you can interchange the table whenever need be, like one inside and one on the deck.
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Re: Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by Tony Meola »


Trust Yannis. He has mastered the art of entertaining on a 28.
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Re: Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by Yannis »

Haha,Tony, you exaggerate but I like it!
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Re: Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by cariedl »

If you want someone to talk about a table my good friend Will who built my helm chairs, step box, swim platform and cabin door is incredible with cockpit tables. You can check out some of his work here: ... NjI3M2I%3D

I know he just sent Dug a step box so I'm sure he can chime in on the quality of his work. If you want his contact details just send me a PM.
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Re: Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by jackryan »

As usual great stuff!

I'm intrigued by the Lagun table that Yannis uses. Carl, the rod holder table is great because its not taking up any cockpit space. I'll have to take a look at those, but not sure theres enough table space for me there, so I'm leaning toward the table mounted on the fighting chair pedestal.

Cariedl, your friend Will does amazing work. I love the round table at the bottom of his gallery. I'd like to try to fabricate something like that, but its above my pay grade.

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Re: Cockpit Table for Howdy Boating

Post by Carl »

Another downside of the pole holder table is when stuff falls, it is usually into the water. Not bad if just a drink, not good if the blender...

A larger table with a small mount can be fairly flat or have the mount removable from the table making it completely flat and easier to store. Maybe a hinge to reduce the size or a two-piece design. Lots of ideas.
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