Any fellow stewards near Haulover or Boca inlets?

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Any fellow stewards near Haulover or Boca inlets?

Post by Rickysa »

Just curious because there are a couple of webpages of folks filming boats tackling the waves formed in these inlets, which are known to be challenging due to wind/current interactions. I've yet to see a 31 show its stuff (they id each boat that passes through), but I bet they would get some good video!

Hope all is well with our fellow sandbox dwellers, and after one knee replacement, a torn rotator cuff (surgery in a couple of weeks) and a broken hip, I'm looking forward to getting on some wahoo this fall!!

ps...whoever has there boat at Harbor Master in MHC has one sweet lookin' 31!
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Re: Any fellow stewards near Haulover or Boca inlets?

Post by Ironworker »

I'm up at Palm Beach Inlet and Jupiter Inlets.

These inlets reputation is more due to the quality of boaters that are passing through than the inlet itself.
Rick Ott
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Re: Any fellow stewards near Haulover or Boca inlets?


the boat you are looking must be Rapscallion.
It belong to Lin Spears of Wilmington. He has had the boat I think for over 30 years. Also he is in charge of the Bertram North Carolina Reunions . We just celebrated our 30th reunion July 2. If you are not on his list let me know and I get you added. You are right it is a beautiful 31 and he keeps it that way.
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Re: Any fellow stewards near Haulover or Boca inlets?

Post by Geebert »

Warning: it has outboards
@ 2:52
This one has like 4 bertrams i think, but its up north somewhere, not florida
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Re: Any fellow stewards near Haulover or Boca inlets?

Post by Rickysa »

These inlets reputation is more due to the quality of boaters that are passing through than the inlet itself.
No doubt, a blooper reel dubbed with Benny Hill music is overdue!

Thanks for the 31's coming through the inlets..never gets old.

I've got all of the safety/reliability issues dealt with ( as much as can 'till something else needs attention), so now it's time to fish and work on nice-ing things up a bit to get the Capt. Pat ready for the debut party!
Tony Meola
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Re: Any fellow stewards near Haulover or Boca inlets?

Post by Tony Meola »

We have seen pictures of that 31 with Outboards before but I believe she was sitting up on a lift.

Manasquan inlet up here in NJ. We seem to be 31 country up here. Manasquan can get nasty just like any inlet. The real test is a full moon, NE wind for 3 days. The wind drops to nothing, and the water starts rushing out of Barnegat Inlet, but you have a swell from the day before wind hitting the beach. Oh the fun of it. Some pucker moments right there.
1975 FBC BERG1467-315
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