the ultimate transducer
Moderators: CaptPatrick, mike ohlstein, Bruce
the ultimate transducer
this is a very difficult project and it took a week of on and off dedicated time.This Furuno CHIRP transducer has a computer powered multi-frequency unit made by Airmar. The first step is to make a mold of the unit to use as a template to cut a hole dead center of the hull then using the template and mold release to build a 1" thick pocket inside the hull to insert the transducer into. Airmar LH265PM and sonar computer DFF1-URD

Last edited by bob lico on Jan 24th, '19, 22:02, edited 1 time in total.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
ok now we insert the transducer into the mold and embed in 3M 5200 and let dry then built up layer after layer of epoxy and woven roven until there is a 1 1/2" of reinforced epoxy over and around transducer.then we run the 1 1/2" nut down to secure. the transducer goes into a "black box " computer which feeds into the server. sonar is as good as military uses with detailed bottom contour down to 3000' .and 150' sweep from side to side.NO faring block for performance minded Bertram owners.

capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
5200? How do you replace it when it stops working?
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Re: the ultimate transducer
Bob what did you use to make a mold?
To make the pocket did you just pour straight epoxy into the mold or did you chop up mat?
Looks like the transducer may extend beyond the hull about a 1/4 inch or so, is that correct?
More details please.
To make the pocket did you just pour straight epoxy into the mold or did you chop up mat?
Looks like the transducer may extend beyond the hull about a 1/4 inch or so, is that correct?
More details please.
1975 FBC BERG1467-315
Re: the ultimate transducer
i remove ducers upteen times stuck in 5200 --------use heat! i hope it never goes bad,this sonar is unreal. tony last picture 3m 5200 clean off and last 5200 smooth out into a perfect blend. i used the giant fairing block that comes with the transducer and glue three pieces of 3/4" plywood together about 1/4" less then mold than pour in cheap resin untill filled to the top DON`T FORGET PLENTY OF MOLD RELEASE.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
the full face must be in contact with water for cooling purposes this baby is 1000watt across many frequencies from 42cps to over 240cps.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
i started out by placing the template in the center of the keel and drilled down to center from under the boat.

capt.bob lico
- Posts: 228
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Re: the ultimate transducer
Hi Bob...Happy New Year! What are you using for a machine at the helm? I think you said in the past you were going to get something new? Best, John
Re: the ultimate transducer
Glad you inquired,ha ,ha i should say sorry you inquired wow never ends with Furuno. two 12" NAVnet TV touch two,R700 smart heading sensor, digital radar, 101 HUB (a server), THEN nemea 2000 block, sonar computer DFF1-URD,transducer chirp LH265PM, and a 1kw 20 degree tilted element flush transducer. every device needs a ethernet cable to the server (hub 101) and the finished product is the state of the art with no knobs or dials just finger tip control.one comment after three complete installs in recent months i listen to John Lane from Fork River NJ. Furuno radar has no competition or as he says "there is Furuno and then the rest".i am a Simrad follower and install Simrad on friends boats however if your one of the people that have to have the best NO-MATTER what the cost and installation labor than go Furuno but be prepare not just a couple of displays!.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
Classic understatement from the Furuno web site:
"An advanced technology for professional or enthusiastic fisherman."
The question is...are you an enthusiast? or a professional?
FYI - the computer costs almost as much as my Bertram!
"An advanced technology for professional or enthusiastic fisherman."
The question is...are you an enthusiast? or a professional?

FYI - the computer costs almost as much as my Bertram!
1963 Bertram 25
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1973 Boston Whaler 13 - sold!
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Re: the ultimate transducer
Does that touch screen work when it's wet?
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Re: the ultimate transducer
Is it my imagination or is that hull look flat in that bilge area. Looks a lot different than the deep V's we are used to seeing.
Is it my imagination or is that hull look flat in that bilge area. Looks a lot different than the deep V's we are used to seeing.
1975 FBC BERG1467-315
Re: the ultimate transducer
mike works perfect wet or dry not a problem but after you dock i would suggest removing salt residue.i only take a splash of wind push water off the top of a wave maybe once a year,normally if you end up in wind swept 6foot waves you close front window before hand. there is a flat laminated piece of plywood on bilge floor in the companion way to support battery box .this photo shows area with batteries temporary removed.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
this Furuno system needs quite a few components to be complete and if you plan ahead on device locations you will have no space problems . i placed the server in the area above the cabin on a PVC backer board along with muti-tee NEMEA 2000 system to add my auto-pilot,VHF radio,Fusion stereo system.the Furuno system has inputs,outputs for cockpit cameras,security devices.the real advantage is the radar. so accurate you can pick up a floating crab trap float100 meters away. like Cam said some guys on this board spend 15grand to purchase their boat so this system would be excessive.
Last edited by bob lico on Jan 26th, '19, 08:44, edited 1 time in total.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
I have not seen the latest generation furuno. I am used to the navnet and don't care for it that much. That's what, 10 to 12 years old now? I bet the new stuff is pretty slick.
Re: the ultimate transducer
just a black screen ,you sweep right,left,up or down if you want to go to a location you put your finger on the spot and the computer will do everything but open your beer.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
bob lico wrote:just a black screen ,you sweep right,left,up or down if you want to go to a location you put your finger on the spot and the computer will do everything but open your beer.
I love computers on boats...
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Re: the ultimate transducer
Maybe I missed something, but is this on your 31 or is this for the 38?
Maybe I missed something, but is this on your 31 or is this for the 38?
1975 FBC BERG1467-315
Re: the ultimate transducer
Yup Same install as chimera and Bahia moon and a bunch of others here. Never did find the pics for you.
Do yourself a favor and don't plug the ducer in until the boat is in the water. If it runs out of the water for even a little bit you will overheat that transducer and it will be useless. If the dff black box is lit the ducer is running if it's plugged in.
Airmar can test how warm these ducers have gotten and will not warranty for ducers that are cooked by people land testing an installation.
And for the record the R509c is the bad ass transducer, that's just a fancy b265 with temp.
Do yourself a favor and don't plug the ducer in until the boat is in the water. If it runs out of the water for even a little bit you will overheat that transducer and it will be useless. If the dff black box is lit the ducer is running if it's plugged in.
Airmar can test how warm these ducers have gotten and will not warranty for ducers that are cooked by people land testing an installation.
And for the record the R509c is the bad ass transducer, that's just a fancy b265 with temp.
Re: the ultimate transducer
I helped mount one of those on buddies boat.
Perfect install aside from the cartridge tube or tow of 5200 he used...
He comes from the more is better crowd.
I won't get into the didn't need to use 5200 part or both tubes as that part didn't make much difference, he just got a bad batch that would not cure.
Slow weep became a not so slow weep till he pulled boat out.
Nasty job pulling all that goop off the transducer wire over a stone filled yard from the bridge, then back up.
Perfect install aside from the cartridge tube or tow of 5200 he used...
He comes from the more is better crowd.
I won't get into the didn't need to use 5200 part or both tubes as that part didn't make much difference, he just got a bad batch that would not cure.
Slow weep became a not so slow weep till he pulled boat out.
Nasty job pulling all that goop off the transducer wire over a stone filled yard from the bridge, then back up.
Re: the ultimate transducer
JP I agree with you no testing out of water.My other tranducer the tilted element 1kw is a 526LTD-HID i don`t know if it is similar to R509c but i don`t use it any more ,that ducer would plug directly into ducer input of one of the displays. the chirp works perfectly as well as computer and for the anal take note the temperature is in tenths!! you gotta love the bottom feature (rock bottom,sandy bottom,clay). tony this is on the 31 PHOENIX. this weekend i removed 6 ducers from the 38' some with boatlife some with 5200 and one with some kind of putty!!!! 3m 5200 has been the perfect choice for me over 20 years ,never a problem except getting off hands at end of the day. OK now we will stir the sh-t every display you name it garmin,raymarine,simrad,all have one thing in common they have plug in ports for your wiring,camara,whatever then there is Furuno with 10" sealed tails coming out of bottom of display with a W/P sealed screen lets end the controversy about water on the screen or display getting wet that was yesteryear. (take note the 5 billion dollar aircraft carrier George Bush has a Furuno swinging around on the bridge.The Coast Guard,Harbor police,and every other first responder is relying on Furuno and so will i.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
Reviving this thread, Bob how has the performance been? I have the 1kw Raymarine Ducer L/M that I got along with a Black box for my Axiom screens. One thing the Raymarine tech mentioned was that layer of bubbles between the hull bottom and the top of the water while under way. Do you see any of that interference? The fairing block that it came with is massive and kinda concerned it may act like a 3rd rudder.
Re: the ultimate transducer
the fairing block for this transducer is huge and for a 31 Bertram out of the question like i said a tremendous amount of planning and as JP said don't turn on when boat is out of the water. Furuno has addressed the drawback of water on connections by having none of the traditional screw in connectors on the back of the TZ Touch 3 and all wiring for all devices goes to a server by way of it category six waterproof wiring. the server is located on the back side of the bridge and accessed thru ceiling in cabin if it gets wet it means the boat is going to Davy Jones locker!!!! this is the driest point on the boat by far.the cam buss 2000 from years ago looks brand new.
Last edited by bob lico on Apr 16th, '22, 21:27, edited 1 time in total.
capt.bob lico
Re: the ultimate transducer
i have a isolated Electronic panel on the bridge to supply power to all Furuno devices and when i get back to dock you can clearly hear the chirp transducer "banging away" so i shut down electronic when i come down from bridge (a serious distinctive sound you could not miss when you put the boat away). a flawless installation but time consuming just building the transducer plug took some time. carl you pull 98 % of the wire thru the transducer pocket than apply the 5200 and no mess.kevin the new Furuno digital radar is unreal you cannot believe the accuracy nor clarity.i have dual Simrad 12" on the center console and brand new dual 12' on the 32' Albamarle out east so i compare them. i through the pro fisherman would have picked up the biggest advantage because they fish on larger boats with two of these transducers on huge fairing blocks one on port side of keel and on on the starboard side because of the cone the transducer creates the keel would block part of the cone under the boat so i made this transducer in dead center of keel so i could used only one there is undisturbed watercress the transducer giving maximum chirp signal from chirp technology ,
from a single installation. these fishing brothers are way above my "pay grade" but this works for me on a 31' Bertram especially the side scan ability.
from a single installation. these fishing brothers are way above my "pay grade" but this works for me on a 31' Bertram especially the side scan ability.
capt.bob lico
- Posts: 814
- Joined: Jul 22nd, '17, 13:59
Re: the ultimate transducer
I glassed an Airmar CM599LH in a pocket in my B31. Its a 3KW unit which will be used with a Furuno TZT3 unit.
Rick Ott
Fly N Fish
1969 B31 Flybridge
Hull # Don't have a clue
Fly N Fish
1969 B31 Flybridge
Hull # Don't have a clue
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