Our project has been stalled for a bit as our decks from Glas-Tech have been delayed due to COVID... But honestly, I have been so busy with work that I am not sure I could used the decks if they were ready.
We are expecting the decks in a week or two, I have hired an awesome multi talented fiberglass whisperer here in Key Largo that will be installing our decks, and rebuilding engine boxes I bought off another amazing member here (Vince).
Ashley and I spent the day pulling the remaining items from the boat (exhaust and rotten rudder shelf) getting ready for glass. In the process of pulling the onion layers back, I noticed that my dripless shafts bellows were cracking, and probably not very safe to run offshore... I also made the determination after doing so archive reading here that I was going to upsize my exhaust since it was shot (Carl your post to go to a 5" exhaust made my mind up).
Can you guys give me your opinion on if my idea is good before I push order?? Plan is to enlarge current 4" holes and glass in 5" Centek tubes, connected to a 5" Centek surge chamber, connected to a 3.5 to 5" Centek reducer, connected to my wet 6BT's wet exhaust mixer via hose. I am going to skip the mufflers and go straight pipe. Should I consider a thru hull with a flapper (not in stock right now), or will I be ok just glassing in the 5" tube?? I do not want to reroute the exhaust and really don't need the storage in the shaft alleys, I just need to get out on the water now, the mahi are running here in the keys!!!!
Pics follow from today: