Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

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Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Ironworker »

I have a 42 Bertram (1979) that is in pretty bad shape. The Cummins engines are original but still run. The transmissions are likely shot. Either way its going to be hard to get parts for these old engines. The boat needs to be completely rewired, it was filled with termites when I got it (mostly in the interior saloon), the steering system is shot, rudder board rotted and well you get the picture.

So I'm looking at ways to get this old girl back on the water. I'd like to basically use the boat as my southern command center in various ports in the southern Bahamas and maybe eastern Caribbean. I want to add a watermaker and solar/wind power, etc. in order to move the boat to places without the amenities of a marina. This will not be a showboat but a place to sleep/drink when we are not fishing. This is not going to be a cruising boat it just needs to get to a location and it might stay there for 3 or 4 months then get moved to another location. I will be flying in to the various locations.

Theft maybe a problem which is one of the reasons, I want to put as little money into the boat as possible and still be fairly reliable. It doesn't have to go fast just get there.

As I'm exploring repowering options, I was thinking, what about outboards? I'm thinking I could buy three used 300's or 350's and put them on an integral bracket that I would build. I'd pull out the old Cummins, shafts, rudders, etc. to lighten up the old gal.

Say with triple 300's how fast do you think this boat would go? Would it plane? How much fuel would it burn, etc.

Lastly is this a really stupid idea?
Rick Ott
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by CamB25 »

Ha! I like the idea, of course! But, if theft is a concern, the first items to disappear will be the outboards.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Stephan »

I do not know much about calculating the impact of repowering with outboards.

I have a little practice with blasphemy and have admired well executed profanity.

I am wondering if repowering with small engines and accepting that it is an 8 knot boat might be an easier and cheaper way to go. Rebuilding a rudder table and modifying engine beds strike me as significantly less daunting than modifying the stringers/transom and building an outboard bracket. Might also be nice to have a teak beach across a clean stern.

You might find yourself in interesting company...

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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Ironworker »

I'm looking at all options, cheap options! :-D
Rick Ott
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Tony Meola »

The question is are 3 300HP outboards enough. that is a lot of weight to push. Plus you need to make sure you keep her balanced.
Maybe if you took the bridge off and turned her into an express, it would work with three 300's.

But then you could always hang 3 of the new Merc 600's on her then you should be just fine.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Ironworker »

For the price of three new Merc 600's (about $245K) I could just buy another boat!
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Tony Meola »


You forgot one thing, we are talking boats here, nothing is cheap.

But I have doubts that Triple 300's would do it, but you would probably need a boat designer of some type to tell you.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Carl »

So those 2 245hp outboards took a 65' Viking from NJ to Florida...

Find a couple old outboards and stick'em on the transom. Nobody says they have to match or run great...just run and be reliable and you'll have yourself an outboard sport fish trawler.

We had. 210hp outboard removed from out workboat. ran great but lift wasn't working. Nobody wanted it for free...
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by PeterPalmieri »

If I remember the story on that boat was that it was damage or sunk and they just bolted those motors on to have it moved. It wasn’t any sort of permanent situation.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Tommy »

Rick, with the crazy prices of waterfront real estate, I agree that your idea of using a boat as a “floating condo” could make good sense. I looked at several older, but very clean, Hatteras double cabin motoryachts, 42’, with tired 6-53s, in the <$50K range; and identified reasonably priced slips for sale or lease. Bottom line, it would be an affordable way for a guy or couple to have a waterfront vacation pad. But Cam makes a valid point: one of the hottest theft items in the Islands would be outboard motors. Steve M. on this site opted to buy my brother’s B-20 Sportsman for his place in the Abacos because he did not want the risk of owning an outboard.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Todd Pearce »

I run a B42, its 18 tons wet, i seriously doubt outboards would really work, A B42 is 17 degrees deadrise at aft, its not just the HP its the bite that HP gets, outboard props are very small and you`d have to find Xl Shaft engines,, i see B42s with 6v92s come up for sale all the time ,and thats the engine of choice for that boat, 3208s just dont live in a B42, 6v92s will lie down but they`ll never die, and no ones guuna steal them, old Detroit powered B42s are cheap, might be worth just buying one with half good Detroits in it and going with them, B42 is actually a great boat, i paid 20k usd for mine, and it was a good runner, yes i chose to go nuts on her but thats a different story, lol
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?


Wonderful pictures and fantastic transformation. You have really brought your Bert back to a grand ole Lady.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Yannis »

Todd, a boat is not a hotel, keep the 42.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by John F. »


Wow. Your B42 looks amazing and it looks like you a as bd yours are really enjoying her. That’s great

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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Carl »

Todd Pearce wrote: Feb 14th, '21, 04:31 I run a B42, its 18 tons wet, i seriously doubt outboards would really work,

Doubt they would work in what way? Boat would not go, as not even make headway at even say 5-6 knots or not get on plane?

I'd agree the boat may have a tough time getting on plane without spending a small fortune on multiple high hp outboards.

But I thought it was mentioned the boat is only to go from destination to destination then remain for a few months. Pick your days and make a slow putt putt to the next place.

I think the down side is now your going to be carrying gasoline around and a good amount of it, economy of running outboards isn't the greatest.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Ironworker »

The boat has a pair of Cummins 903's in it. They run but the transmissions are not in good shape. I can find some of these old engines pretty cheap but its all the added cost to will break the bank.

S. Florida is filled with these old sportsfishermen type boats that haven't been untied from a dock in 10 years.

BTW, Detroits are a bad word in this area on the ICW. You can hear a boat powered with them a mile up the ditch.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Tony Meola »

Carl wrote: Feb 15th, '21, 10:24 Doubt they would work in what way? Boat would not go, as not even make headway at even say 5-6 knots or not get on plane?

I'd agree the boat may have a tough time getting on plane without spending a small fortune on multiple high hp outboards.

But I thought it was mentioned the boat is only to go from destination to destination then remain for a few months. Pick your days and make a slow putt putt to the next place.

I think the down side is now your going to be carrying gasoline around and a good amount of it, economy of running outboards isn't the greatest.

Put putting along is fine until the weather turns on you.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Carl »

True, but that is the case anytime you go out.

Boat runs great allowing you to go faster, allows you to get in quicker...but you also tend to go out further with more miles to cover.

Thought is if you toss outboards on it becomes a 7 knot boat where you plan accordingly. Kind of like a trawler without the big round bottom under you to handle seas. Making the trip from Florida to Bahamas, go with an escort. Once in Bahamas Bee-line it to your next destination in short jumps.

That is my "Can it Be Done" thought. For the "Should it Be Done"...me, I'd rather see a reliable diesel or two that give a 7knot cruise, that are not over taxed were I do not have to carry a few hundred gallons of gasoline in a jury rigged fashion. I believe gasoline boats are safe as they are built with all the required safety features needed to hold and use gasoline. Is a Sportfish of that size setup to carry gasoline...is everything ignition protected, spark suppressed? Where is the fuel going to be held? Old tanks? are they rated for gasoline. If not then where is the fuel stored? Is the old diesel removed? How does that change the way the boat sits in the water? stern heavy, weight higher bringing center of gravity higher?

I mentioned cheap ol outboards that run...but how long are they going to run pushing a big boat? How does the boat go if one goes down?
My old concern...big chunks of aluminum sitting in salt water...how long are they going to last.

Big Sportfish boat not meant for outboards...in following seas or even big seas at anchor or docked, is the stern going to lift fast enough to avoid submerging the outboards?
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Tony Meola »


And that is why I would consult a Marine Architect.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Carl »

I think the navel architect would blow the budget.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Tony Meola »

I said consult. That should be short money. Can or can not be done. Should be an easy answer, but then again, that is like asking a lawyer a simple question. I felt that frustration many times while I was working.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Carl »

Tony Meola wrote: Feb 17th, '21, 21:02 I said consult. That should be short money.
Its a boat...when is anything short money?

And remember the idea was a short money boat project which contradicts itself.

Can be done, sure. But would it be safe, reliable and seaworthy?
Make it safe, reliable and seaworthy...but the short money budget goes over.

Get the right balance and I think you have an expensive pile of _ _ _ _.
...and maybe that works. It may be less expensive then other alternatives yet gives the wanted results.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Amberjack »

This concept is probably outside the area of comprehension of most marine architects. A competent boat builder could tell you if it would work.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by captbone »

The 50ft, 15ft Beam Formula 500 weighs 48,000 lbs.

It runs 65mph with quad 600 Mercury outboards.

It can be done but the price will choke a horse.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Ironworker »

captbone wrote: Feb 24th, '21, 14:36 The 50ft, 15ft Beam Formula 500 weighs 48,000 lbs.

It runs 65mph with quad 600 Mercury outboards.

It can be done but the price will choke a horse.
Those 600 HP Mercs are 75K each!
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Tony Meola »


Makes the cost of two new Diesels seem like a deal.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Carl »

Tony Meola wrote: Feb 24th, '21, 21:17 Rick

Makes the cost of two new Diesels seem like a deal.

mmmm a pair of Diesels for a 42 is a tad bit more then for a 31.
at least if you want to pick up and run.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Ironworker »

Tony Meola wrote: Feb 24th, '21, 21:17 Rick

Makes the cost of two new Diesels seem like a deal.
I'm trying to get my head around the word "deal" and a free 1979 42' Bertram in the same sentence.
Rick Ott
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Carl »

Two sayings come to mind....

Nothing in life is free


A deal is only a deal if you can afford it.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Tony Meola »


You left something out. It is only a deal if it is a deal to you. Someone else might not think you got a deal.
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Todd Pearce »

what about NO ENGINES!!! what would it cost to just get it towed where you want to go???, just have a genset for power
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Re: Outboards on a B42? Blasphemy?

Post by Ironworker »

Todd Pearce wrote: Mar 2nd, '21, 05:01 what about NO ENGINES!!! what would it cost to just get it towed where you want to go???, just have a genset for power
Hmmm, it must be 300 nm to where it needs to go. Maybe I should pull the Volvo TAMD 60B's out of my B31, install them in the B42 and put a couple of newer diesel engines in the B31! The Vovlo's should push that old fat pig at least 7 kts.
Rick Ott
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