1968 Hatteras 34 project
Moderators: CaptPatrick, mike ohlstein, Bruce
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
No pics today but was able to sand the awlfair on the flybridge and put the first coat of awlfair on both sides of the door. Next week will try to put the 2nd and 3rd coat to finish it. Still need to re-core both hatches on the back deck and re-prime everything.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Started today by sanding the awlfair on the door and applying the second coat on both sides, still need to sand one side tomorrow and it should be good to go. Then started replacing the core on the back deck hatches, the wood was completely rotten and it was replaced with foam core, still need to put the 1708 to cover the foam, will be done tomorrow. Finally was able to install and connect the new lights on the galley, they look great. If I'm able to finish all of this tomorrow, the plan is to re-prime next weekend and cut the windows on the back wall the week after. I want to finish everything before January to start painting. I'm looking for someone to do that job as I'm not detail oriented

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Today finished sanding the door and fabricating its aluminum frame, then put 1 layer of 1708 on the hatches foam core.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Started the day by installing the back sliding door and adjusting it so that is opens and closes perfectly, had to cut 1/4" from the bottom of it. Then primed the door on 1 side, the other side will be done tomorrow. Then washed the boat completely and primed everything that had been worked on the last few month, after priming I identified 30 "details" that need fixing which I will do tomorrow. I have 2 persons coming in tomorrow to quote the paint job. Also any other fiberglass detail after tomorrow will be done by the painter. I'm tired of the fiberglass already. Still need to prime the back wall on the inside, will be done using a foam roller.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Today worked on the small details that I found yesterday after priming. Was able to open up and awlfair all of them. One of the stress cracks turned into an 8ft long crack. opened it up, put a 1708 on it and awlfair 2 times. Still need to do the 17 details found on the bridge...... next weekend. Two persons went today to quote the paintjob, I'm still waiting for the quotes but at least both of them liked what they saw.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Congratulations Micky, that project is looking like a BOAT! Now, have you checked lately to see if you still have a wife/girlfriend?
Doug Pratt
Bertram 31 Amberjack
FBC hull #315-820
Bertram 31 Amberjack
FBC hull #315-820
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Haha, thats funny!
Micky, what happened to the old wooden door? I thought you would somehow render it narrower by trimming its borders or something. Thanx.
Micky, what happened to the old wooden door? I thought you would somehow render it narrower by trimming its borders or something. Thanx.
1973 B28 FBC/2007 4LHA STP's - "Phantom Duck" - Hull "BER 00794 1172"
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Amberjack, no wife/girlfriend at the moment because of 2 things, need/want to finish the boat as its taking a lot of money and the ladies would absorb that and the same with time, my days off are spent sanding
When the boat is finished I'll get a girlfriend again.
About the doors, when I thought about it, the sliding door is maintenance free as its pvc with fiberglass, also the wood doors have some rot where the rollers go.

About the doors, when I thought about it, the sliding door is maintenance free as its pvc with fiberglass, also the wood doors have some rot where the rollers go.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Started today by sanding the awlfair that I put last week. Then had to remove all the gelcoat on the front visor lip and back visor lip as both had a crack from side to side. Put a layer of matt and then the first coat of awlfair. Also gave the second coat of awlfair to last week's work. Finally took care of all the details on the flybridge.
Hope to be finishing the fiberglass work and priming everything next weekend.

Hope to be finishing the fiberglass work and priming everything next weekend.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
FINALLY finished all the sanding, awlfair and fiberglass work. From now on, the painter will do it, I already have 1 quote ($12k for labor), I'm still waiting on 2 more quotes.
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Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
I have to say, you moved right along, but then outside of rain, you have 365 days of warm weather to work on her. Congratulations. Paint, you are getting there.
I have to say, you moved right along, but then outside of rain, you have 365 days of warm weather to work on her. Congratulations. Paint, you are getting there.
1975 FBC BERG1467-315
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Finally got someone to paint the boat. Already bought all the paint. Plan is to start on February.
Today painted the interior fiberglass trim and primed the back wall on the inside. Also found 21 more small cracks on the front deck. I think that whats happening is that the balsa core is drying because the boat is in the sun and those gases are coming out.

Today painted the interior fiberglass trim and primed the back wall on the inside. Also found 21 more small cracks on the front deck. I think that whats happening is that the balsa core is drying because the boat is in the sun and those gases are coming out.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Played some today with the second station. I was looking for a place to put the bbq but that was usable when the bbq was stored so came with the idea of installing 3 rod/cup holders on the top part of the second station. Cut the 3 holes and installed a 15 degrees rod/cup holder in the center, this one needs to be replaced with a 0 degree but the ones on the sides will be 15 degrees, after installing the second station in place saw that the top part wasn't straight, it was sunken in in the center so added a piece of 1.5" coosa that was left from my Mako's transom and glued it in with cabosil and screw it in straight, tomorrow I'll fiberglass over it.
This second station was held in place by a trip of wood around its perimeter. I'm planning of fixing it in place with fiberglass instead of screws.
Also cut a 1" pvc pipe in half and installed it in place with 2 screws on the inside of the back wall to cover the speaker and lights cables going to the outside, plan is to painted white so that it can be removable.

This second station was held in place by a trip of wood around its perimeter. I'm planning of fixing it in place with fiberglass instead of screws.
Also cut a 1" pvc pipe in half and installed it in place with 2 screws on the inside of the back wall to cover the speaker and lights cables going to the outside, plan is to painted white so that it can be removable.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Attached the second station to the back wall and the floor, used 1708 on the inside and matt on the outside so that the fairing goes easier. Also finished with the coosa board, now its hard as a rock.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Second station has been awlfaired.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Console is ready to be primed. Was going to prime today but found another old crappy repair so out came the grinder once again, put a layer of 1708 on it and already put the first hand of awlfair. Will sand tomorrow and if it doesn't need more awlfair will prime everything, if not primer will go on monday when everything is done.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Applied the second coat of awlfair on the new fiberglass repair. Will sand tomorrow and will prime after that.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Before you get too much further with the 2nd steering station, why leave the gap between it and the side of the boat?
knowing my luck, stuff would fall down that gap and be a total pain in the a$$ to get out never mind trying to finish the area in between.
this is my opinion, place the console up against the upper side of the boat, and fill the gap down low under the gunnels with some scrap foam and glass it in so the whole unit looks seamless.
knowing my luck, stuff would fall down that gap and be a total pain in the a$$ to get out never mind trying to finish the area in between.
this is my opinion, place the console up against the upper side of the boat, and fill the gap down low under the gunnels with some scrap foam and glass it in so the whole unit looks seamless.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Too late for that, already is fixed in place and primed.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Bought the propellers today. 20 x 20 Veems.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
That's some Serious wheels...
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Believe it or not, they were cheaper than the Michigan DQX. The have the same blade style as the DQX.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Really, wow, it's been awhile since I've priced machined wheels, I would have expected Veem and Acme to be a bit higher.
Did you have them run your numbers for diameter, pitch and cup or...
Wondering as your changing alot of the variables...especially the power and weight going from DD to Yanmars. I don't know your gear ratio but I assume it has to be light if your only going to be pushing 20 inch pitch wheel.
I've been too chicken to shoot for buying a pair without dialing in first. Maybe its more I'm too cheap then chicken.
You do move fast, think you'll be splashing this season??
Did you have them run your numbers for diameter, pitch and cup or...
Wondering as your changing alot of the variables...especially the power and weight going from DD to Yanmars. I don't know your gear ratio but I assume it has to be light if your only going to be pushing 20 inch pitch wheel.
I've been too chicken to shoot for buying a pair without dialing in first. Maybe its more I'm too cheap then chicken.
You do move fast, think you'll be splashing this season??
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
I ran prop calculators with 4-5 prop shops and I ran the advanced calculator on Boatdiesel and all came back with 19 x 21 x 4, Veems start at 20" diameter so we went with 20 x 20 x 4. I bought them at General Propeller in FL. I know I'll have to adjust them at least once as soon as I splash and run the boat a few times but I think its a good start. I'm running the ZF 63A with 2.037:1 ratio. Weight of the boat should be between 18k-19k with all the weight that has been removed.
My plan is to splash this summer but it depends how long the painter will take, they are supposed to start on February. After painting I need to start assembling the cleats, hawse pipes, gauges, steering, bridge wiring, bilge pumps, etc and then paint the bottom.
My plan is to splash this summer but it depends how long the painter will take, they are supposed to start on February. After painting I need to start assembling the cleats, hawse pipes, gauges, steering, bridge wiring, bilge pumps, etc and then paint the bottom.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Wow...19" diameter was recommended...interesting. What was the original wheel and gear setup?
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
170hp, 1.5:1, 20 x 20 3 blades
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Today installed the anchor chain (86'), anchor rode (150') and anchor (35 lbs) and tested the windlass doing so. Also cut the window holes on the back wall and the sliding door.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
So now you can Go, Stop and See...your moving right on ahead at some pace. Looking forward to seeing paint on her soon!
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Wow, that wheel is too pretty to put under a boat! Nice progress.
1966 FBC 31
1966 FBC 31
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Today cut the hole for the outside shower (hot & cold water) and used the router to create a lip for the glass. This took a few hours as because the pvc has the 1708 it was haaaaard. Took my time doing this plus used the battery router because it has a feature that if you put too much pressure on it it shuts down. I like this as if I mess it up there's no fixing.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
A real cool aspect about what your doing Micky.
When people get boats, new or used there is a learning curve figuring out how thing work. Your so far ahead offering that curve it's not funny.
Keep it going, your approaching the finish line...or starting line depending on how you look at it.
Wash, wax, a little glass work and done, and using in no time if I recall.
you put a lousy year to your benefit...good for you.
When people get boats, new or used there is a learning curve figuring out how thing work. Your so far ahead offering that curve it's not funny.
Keep it going, your approaching the finish line...or starting line depending on how you look at it.
Wash, wax, a little glass work and done, and using in no time if I recall.
you put a lousy year to your benefit...good for you.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
So, everything has been done. The canvas / cushion guy should start on monday doing the interior ceiling on the v-berth, galley and salon, also he will do the v-berth mattress, flybridge cushions as well as a cushion that will go in the area the pvc pipe is (picture), all of that will e covered with a 1" thick cushion. Still looking what to do where the front windows were, I'm open to suggestions.
As soon as this guy finishes, the painter should start (first week of feb).
Today installed the pvc pipe, all the wiring from the bridge will be covered by it, the plan is to have it wrapped in white.

As soon as this guy finishes, the painter should start (first week of feb).
Today installed the pvc pipe, all the wiring from the bridge will be covered by it, the plan is to have it wrapped in white.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Not much to report, installed the door lock today, it looks great as its SS. I'm trying to do all the necessary holes before paint.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Finalized the installation of the door lock (and removed it) and painted the back bilge (in between the tanks) using bilgekote. Still need to get in there and paint in between the tanks and the rudders but need to wait until it dries what I painted today.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Finished painting the back bilge today. Also cut the head of the 2 bronze thru hulls used for deck drain on the sides of the boat so that I could fair the area. I left the inside part of the thru hulls in place so that the cockpit can drain. Painter should start this next friday. There is only 1 thru hull in the whole boat that I can't remove as I have almost no access on the inside, the one for the bathroom sink drain.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
The boat almost sank being on land. Got to the boat today and when I opened the back hatches I had over 3" of water from the transom up to the vberth. Got the big shopvac and sucked out 40 gallons of water. Some time ago I replaced the hose from the port deck drain to the thru hull as it was rotten and broken but never touched the starboard one because it looked fine. It was the only thing that made sense as there are no holes in the deck.
When I got to it it had broken where it went in to the thru hull so everything draining from the back deck went into the bilge and it has been raining non stop for the last 2 days. What used to be a piece of hose its like a pvc pipe, completely rigid, 53 yrs old.
Decided to cut out the remaining thru hull and deal with the installation issue later. Took that one out, and put the first coat of awlfair where it was. Also sanded the awlfair from the other 2 and filled some pinholes.

When I got to it it had broken where it went in to the thru hull so everything draining from the back deck went into the bilge and it has been raining non stop for the last 2 days. What used to be a piece of hose its like a pvc pipe, completely rigid, 53 yrs old.
Decided to cut out the remaining thru hull and deal with the installation issue later. Took that one out, and put the first coat of awlfair where it was. Also sanded the awlfair from the other 2 and filled some pinholes.

- Posts: 155
- Joined: Sep 21st, '16, 17:41
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Mickey - as my good friend from Culebra sez :
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
FINALLY!!!! Painters started today, they sanded the hull sides, marked all the imperfections, filled all of them and sanded again. Hull sides are ready for the 545 primer.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Getting to the home stretch!!!
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Today awlfaired the pockets where the trim tab hydraulic pistons go. Just taking care of the small details as there is nothing else to do.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Good news!!! The painter told me that he would do and install the frameless window frames for $500 so he will start working on those frames tomorrow.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Sanding was finished yesterday, all is left to sand is around the side windows and will be done after we install the frame less frames. Today we continued with some light body work, and we added 2 pieces of foam core to the sides of the window so that when we make the down curve it looks clean. You can see the look I'm going on the pic with the other Hatt (this was the painters boat and he did that job). Also removed both grab rails on the top corners on the back as with the boat movement the edges were always cracking. Tomorrow we will finish with the body work, next week prime everything and install the frame less frames, and we should be painting the hull sides the week after.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Wow, that is a much more modern look! Good upgrade! I also added a garboard plug to the transom of my B31 to keep any water problems at bay while on the hard.
1966 FBC 31
1966 FBC 31
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
The mold for the window frames was made today and the first frame was layed up. We should be installing it tomorrow. and start working with the second frame.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
The first frame was installed yesterday with cabosil and today we should fiberglass it all the way around, also we layed the second one in the mold to be installed today.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
I love how you layout a plan for a project with a definite beginning, middle and end... then completely obliterate it.
Boat needed a good bottom scrape and paint, little glass repair and back in to use became a complete restoration.
Painter coming to do a little finish prep before painting has become your enabler with house modifications and custom window frames...
I'm not knocking you in any way so please don't take it that way. Quite the opposite, I'm really quite impressed with your dedication to get this boat done and your willingness to take a step backwards towards completion to enhance the outcome.
Looking forward to seeing the finished product splashing soon.
I love how you layout a plan for a project with a definite beginning, middle and end... then completely obliterate it.
Boat needed a good bottom scrape and paint, little glass repair and back in to use became a complete restoration.
Painter coming to do a little finish prep before painting has become your enabler with house modifications and custom window frames...
I'm not knocking you in any way so please don't take it that way. Quite the opposite, I'm really quite impressed with your dedication to get this boat done and your willingness to take a step backwards towards completion to enhance the outcome.
Looking forward to seeing the finished product splashing soon.
Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Thank you Carl.
The other side was installed today. Next week is fiberglass work and fairing on both sides. I'm thinking 2-3 more days working with fiberglass and then primer.

The other side was installed today. Next week is fiberglass work and fairing on both sides. I'm thinking 2-3 more days working with fiberglass and then primer.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Window work almost complete. Yesterday both windows were fiberglasses on the outside and 1 of them awlfaired. Today that one was sanded and a second layer of awlfair was applied, on the other side we applied the first layer of awlfair. Also fiberglassed the interior of the windows. Plan for tomorrow is to finish sanding on the outside of the windows. I think that 1 more weekend of sanding and she should be ready for primer.
We have been working in between rain the last 3 weekends so its frustrating. Tomorrow is also supposed to be raining.

We have been working in between rain the last 3 weekends so its frustrating. Tomorrow is also supposed to be raining.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project
Today we sanded the second coat of awlgrip and applied the third coat (and hopefully the last).

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