Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

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Vince Luciani
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Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

Post by Vince Luciani »

Does anyone have a contact for a boat transporter from Delaware to Idaho? I have someone interested in purchasing my boat but they live in Idaho and need to haul it there. They want to get an idea on the cost to haul it if they decide to purchase.
Thanks in advance for any info that you can provide!

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Re: Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

Post by Tony Meola »


I did a quick search and there are several posts on Haulers. Some go back a ways so not sure they are still around, but try searching and then giving them a call to see if they are still in business. In fact the buyer should be doing the hunting.
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Re: Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

Post by DanielM »


Look on the links page on the main Bertram31 page. There is a link there to a transport company called C&J Yacht Transport. Capt. Pat used to recommend them. I haven’t used them, but I talked with them years ago when I was looking to transport a boat from the east coast. They seemed like good folks.

Good luck with the potential sale.

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bob lico
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Re: Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

Post by bob lico »

Fascinating , could imagine owning a 31 Bertram on the Snake River!" i caught a Marlin with my 31 Bertram" ----"-BIG DEAL i shot a elk from the cockpit of mine" really cool
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Re: Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

Post by Carl »

bob lico wrote:Fascinating , could imagine owning a 31 Bertram on the Snake River!" i caught a Marlin with my 31 Bertram" ----"-BIG DEAL i shot a elk from the cockpit of mine" really cool


The new Slam - Elk Moose and Chinook.

I don't see this boat blending well in Idaho waters.
They always stood out, but a diesel-powered 31 Bertram with bridge, outriggers and fighting chair...
How many boats have an emergency life raft in those waters?

Boats gonna get some looks!!
Especially when he pulls out the 130's and flying gaff
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Vince Luciani
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Re: Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

Post by Vince Luciani »

Thanks fellows for the information. The fellow who is interested wants the boat to fish the Pacific coast. Evidently he has a place somewhere on the west coast and he plans to keep it there. I am not overly excited because of the difficult logistics involved here. But i did tell him that I would help him track to some haulers if I could.
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Re: Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

Post by HotSpot »

Hi Vince

I had Brandon Reed from Precision Marine Performance out of Ny transport my 25 from upstate NY to Northeastern WI. Not a paid endorsement, but I was happy, and his FB page at the time had a lot of good reviews. We used my trailer, but he may have options if you don't have one. He had a nice current tow rig and said he replaces his equipment almost yearly. I contacted him when I saw this post, and he said he's still transporting.

His contact info:
14 Bridge Street Phoenix NY
Phone: 315-766-8088
Fax: 315-469-1110

hope this helps ease the pain of the transfer. Good luck with the sale!
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Harry Woods
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Re: Boat Transporter - Delaware to Idaho

Post by Harry Woods »

Rick Miller transported my Bertram from Long Island, NY to League City, TX. Very professional and his equipment was first class. His contact information is as follows:

Millers Marine Service
Chestertown, MD
410 708 8057

Good luck with your sale.
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