Betram 30 Flybridge

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Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by bakerjw »

First post. not an owner yet.
A while back, my wife and I got discussing the option of picking up a used 30' to 35' boat to wetslip down in the Carolinas so that we'd have something to use for fishing as well as a place to stay for long weekends. The plan was to pick one up in a few years and in the next 10 years rebuild or replace all of the components that normally go bad prior to my retirement in another 11 or 12 years. Rebuilding engines and transmissions are no problem. Also before I make any major purchase, I research every angle that I can think of.

I've said that I am sticking to the few years out plan unless something comes along that really catches my eye. Well, that happened and is why I am here.
I found a 1984 30' Bertram Flybridge project boat for under $10K. Of course there are issues. One of which is that it is near Annapolis MD. and I am near far western Virginia.
The Crusader 350 engines are listed as "Assumed not working" which is no problem as I'd rebuild them right away anyway.
It did sit with standing water for an unknown period of time. All of the interior woodwork would need to be replaced at some point in time.
A new fuel tank will certainly be needed and I have no idea as to whether or not there is a generator in it.
Other than a handful of pictures, that is all that I really know about the boat.
The sage advice is to run away now. Or buy a brand new boat which I cannot afford.

Does anyone here own a 30' Flybridge or have experience with them?
Any pictures with the cockpit covers all removed?
Anything to specifically look out for with one of them?

Or the sage advice of run away?

I've reads where the hulls are all fiberglass which is one plus.
A few years back, I bought an 18' CC that had water saturated foam and wet stringers/bulkheads.It was a very solid hull and I loved the boat so I took it down to a bare fiberglass and rebuilt it back up to where it was originally. Although a major pain, it was a fun project. So, fiberglass work doesn't scare me. Too much. ;)

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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Amberjack »

Welcome to the board JW. I bought my first and only Bertram 31 FBC 25 years ago. It was a functional project boat then so we were able to use it during the summer season while I worked on upgrade projects over the winter. Sometimes (many times) the winter projects bled over into the summer cruise season. That's how it goes.

Now all these years later my last significant project, salon bulkhead paint and new teak & holly cabin sole, is just about finished. And I'm an old timer now with scars on my knuckles. My new resolution--more boating, less boat work!

Despite owning two prior, larger project boats I had no idea what I was getting into with the B31 and at some point was in too deep to get out without losing my shirt. But with it all behind me now I'm happy and proud of Amberjack.

You sound as though you have better boat project skills than I have, but still, taking essentially a bare hull to complete, usable boat will take a lot of time and money--and might bleed into your retirement. The deal breaker for me would be if the prior owner of the boat you are looking at had done any amateur work that fundamentally changed the nature of the hull or superstructure. And it would be good to have the original galley and head fiberglass counters to refinish. You don't want to spend your time and money on something that won't be a true Bertram when its done.

There are lots of Bertram 30 & 31 hulls out there for reasonable prices. There are also a lot of good, useable Bertrams available for not too much more money. You'll probably hear about some resulting from your post here. Take your time, don't get locked in right away, there's lots out there. If you want to PM me your email I'll send you images of my recent interior refit to give you some ideas and I might still have images of the repower and cockpit replacement.
Doug Pratt
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by bakerjw »

I have learned long ago to not get locked into one thing too quickly. Every project will always go longer and cost more than expected with 100% certainty.

Here in N.E. Tennessee we don't have many center consoles come up for sale so I jumped on the first solid one that I found.
Did you know that water soaked decks can be solid? That said, there is a lot of satisfaction to be had in saving something like a boat. Especially when you get to start enjoying it.
this was mid way through the rebuild process. I'd already had fiberglass layup experience so the learning curve wasn't too bad.
ETA... All of the stringers and bulkheads were rounded off eventually and sealed completely with glass and epoxy. The decks were covered on both sides with glass and epoxied to the stringers.
NO water will get into them ever.

It sounds to me like the previous owner just didn't realize what they were facing or take measures (battery to the bilge pump for example) to ensure that it wouldn't become a rain gauge. Hence, it filled with water. The galley and head are all original, there is just some water staining of the wood.

A guy on The Hull Truth extended a Bertram 28 and made it into a center console. He has a lot of pictures of the tear down with the deck removed exposing the stringers and bulkheads which was worthwhile to see. It doesn't look as bad in there as it did with my CC.

I would be very interested to see pics of your console work. Thanks for responding and the insight.

For those interested, here was the full rebuild. ... tegory/142
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Captmas »

Just finishing a 1976 28’ Flybridge total restore, great boat ,great project! Here’s what I tell everyone that asks.... unless you can do most of the work yourself or have deep pockets ....don’t start it , but if ether of those apply the key is it’s a Bertram! Your starting with the right boat!
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Tony Meola »

I can not speak for the ride of the 30, but it is not the same hull as the 31. It was designed more for cruising than fishing so she might meet your needs. Here is what I will tell you, if she is really in bad shape, you will be in it for $100,000. The costs add up quickly, that is why most of us take the projects in bites and never add up the total cost. If you can take some pics and post them, we might get a better idea of how bad she is.

Look around, you should be able to find one running in half way decent shape between 30 and 40 thousand. Now if you wanted to jump up to a 35, you will find those around at a good price and probably still running.
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Yannis »

The 30 FBC is a rare boat. Not many were built and only for a short period.
The hull is different from other similar size Bertrams in at least the deadrise which is significantly less steep.
On the other hand, it is much more spacious inside the cabin than the 31, you might have to get used to the awkward placement of the head forward.
One good thing is the absence of a step between the engines that simplifies the in-outs to the cabin.
Its a better liveaboard than both the 31 and the 28.
I would have preferred it over my 28 only if I were not boating in seas with a lot of chop, where the deepest of vees (that the 30 doesn't have) is a necessity.
I wouldn't care for its more popular Bahia(?) version, which is not as practical as a liveaboard as you may want, especially with that main bed put sideways.
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Carl »

Obvious the answer is whatever floats your boat.

For me, I go into projects with the mindset " if I need to bail, can I get out from it without taking a beating" break even would be great...make a few bucks at the top of the list.

I also look at projects that don't hamper my time on the water...this year that went out the window and I'm not happy about it. But as I didn't have time to work on boat...I really would not have had the time to use the boat had I put in the water. take.

10 grand on a clapped out non running gas boat, an oddball 30' to boot. I'd pass or push for a much better deal...then pass. I think Whaler has...or had his dads 35' with running diesels in the 15-20k range on the swap board. A lot more boat with more of a following that's running. Use enjoy and tackle projects in the off season.

That's my 02 and worth every penny! Maybe
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by bakerjw »

A lot of good feedback and believe me, It is greatly appreciated. I had read where they'd only made this model for 2 years but I'd assumed that they'd used a similar hull design. Having a shallower deadrise is a major negative to me. Actually a show stopper for the most part. We will want something that sleeps 2 comfortably but also can handle a little rougher conditions in case we were to ever get caught out in them.

There is no way that I'd pay what they are asking for this boat and I've got a feeling that they'll be sitting on it for quite a while. AFAIK, I am the only one who expressed interest in it so far. As I explained to my wife, if the right project comes along, I will jump on it. In the meantime I will stick to my plan of picking something up in a coule of years.

I will check out the 35' one. Those are certainly nice boats.
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by bakerjw »

Here is a link to the boat.
As you can see in many of the pictures, it sat with water in it for a while. ... oject.html

Is there a link to the 35'er?
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Tony Meola »

Actually she does not look that bad from the pictures. I am sure there is something we are not seeing. You need a good survey and you need to stick your head down in that bilge and see what that looks like.
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Tony Meola » ... file&u=318

I can not find the post but try sending him a PM. The link above will take you to the page for sending him a PM
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Whaler1777 »

Check out my post in the swap and sell section... Dads 35 is still here and ready to go. Located on Long Island. Boat is currently winterized in the water...
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Whaler1777 »

Cant find the old post but here it is on the hull truth ... st12535634
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Carl »

The 30 does not look to be in nearly as bad a shape as you made it seem.

It's not a 31 Bertram hull but it's still a Bertram hull, solid and well designed to get you back.

Much more cabin on the 30 over the 31...

If extended stays on the boat are your plan...35 is something I'd look at.

All comes down to what you and the wife want.
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Yannis »

My 28 is perfect as a liveaboard for months at a time.
However, this is true ONLY in summer conditions, where you spend most of the time out on the deck.
In winter, or cold, conditions the 28 and the 30 are a bit crammed inside the salon. Both much roomier than the 31, but still crammed.
If you intend to spend extended periods during the cold months, or even when you cannot take advantage of the deck because of rain, even in the summer, then the 35 is a one way street.
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by John F. »

I personally wouldn’t redo a 30. Not a popular boat so I don’t think you’d ever get your money out of it. Jump to a 35. Or a 33. Or a 38. And I’d really think about Whaler’s B35.

That’s said, I live in Stevensville (where the 30 is according to the link) and can drop by and take a look.

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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by bakerjw »

At the asking price of $9,400, I have no interest. If I were, I'd pay $400.00 for a non mechanical survey. As mentioned by many here, it is just not a desirable model and there are many unknowns. But, if the price was right and I mean really right, my interest would increase and I'd possibly get more serious.
So a list of Pros and Cons.

Crusader engines - I would prefer diesels, Cat 3126 would be fine. 3116 would be less than optimal.
It has sat with a couple of feet of water for an unknown period of time. I expect wet stringers and bulkheads as well as other damaged components.
Cabin woodwork is stained at the bottom. Probable mildew too.
Not a popular model.
Low deadrise angle. Not great if caught in rough water.
Fuel tank would need to be replaced.
Would need better protection for the flybridge.

It is a Bertram hull.
It has engines. Many projects have no engines
Crusader engines - I can rebuild these very easily at a modest expense.
In the few pictures, I didn't see ceiling water stains.
It is a project boat.

The only one pro that causes this to still have my interest is that it is a true project boat. A project like this is one where I'd have to get it to a bare bilge in the rear and once it was all brought back together, I'd be confident in the reliability of the motors, the drive line and everything associated with back half of the hull.
I can spend a lot of money up front on a used boat and have to deal with the next thing to break or get a project cheap and progress on my schedule. If I lived close to the coast I would be a different mindset completely. My plan, if I ever do get a project boat is to have it hauled here where I can store it at the machine shop across the street. That way it is close and I have access to all of my resources.

Just running through scenarios and developing contingency plans.

And, John F. In looking at pictures, it is at Kentmorr Marina. Not many boats there but it is on Google satellite view.
If you'd be willing to take a quick look at it, I'd be immensely grateful.
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by John F. »

Kentmor is a short ride/long walk from me. I’ll do a walk by tomorrow or Thursday, and PM you.
1968 B20 Moppie - Hull # 201-937
1969 B31 FBC - Hull # 315-881 (sold)
1977 B31 FBC - Hull # BERG1652M77J (sold)
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Re: Betram 30 Flybridge

Post by Captain Decent »

While I kinda like the way the 30 looks and that one shows pretty good in pics I can’t imagine what it would cost to get it back on the water reliable.

I see good running 30s for sale for not A lot more pretty often and see no reason to jump on that one.

They’re not particularly valuable as far as Bertrams go, maybe because it bears resemblance to the old silver tons. However it has a vastly bigger cabin than my 31.
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