Ran into a friend I haven’t seen in fifty years when his B31 showed up at the yard where I used to haul out. The owner of the yard said he wants to sell her but doesn’t know where and how, so I said I’d give him a hand for old time sake.
His father bought this sport fish new in North Carolina. She has lived its whole life in a boat house custom built for her and in fresh water! This Fall he brought her to our yard for some maintenance. This yard is the only place it has been serviced or repaired.
They polished her up as part of this year’s trip. She looks nearly new. They stripped the bottom and applied new bottom paint. Otherwise she is all original including the rebuilt Chrysler’s which now have about 600 hours since rebuild. The carbs were just rebuilt and she runs like a scalded dog.
Her number is 314-762 which means she is a Sport Fish and probably a 1967.
She has upper and lower helms. The instrumentation is mostly older. The interior is all original and is in very nice shape for her age.

If you are looking for an original boat for restoration or just want an original boat that is ready to go here she is. He is asking $30,000 which seems very fair all things considered. If I didn’t have Dreamsicle I would jump on this. I have some pictures to share and can tell anyone interested about her. She is in Virginia.