Happy Thanksgiving

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Tony Meola
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Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Tony Meola »

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy Thanksgiving. Time to spend time with Family and Friends and enjoy all the things we are to be Thankful for.
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Pete Fallon
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Pete Fallon »

Happy Thanksgiving to all of the stewards of the greatest boat ever made as UV would say. After meeting the crew at the Flop House in 2000. I can't ever recall meeting a more opinionated bunch of great guys, Capt Pat, Bruce, Mike O, UV, Snow, Rick, Tommy Drake, Dug, G- Man, Thudd, Russ and his wife, the father & son from Newburyport, Ma and I can't remember if any one else was in attendance that night. Sadly a lot of the faithful have departed or gotten out of boating, but the spirit of the 31 owners and care takers has carried on for the past 19 years. To all a happy Thanksgiving . Let's see if we can have a 20th reunion in Ft. Lauderdale next year at the Boat Show, I don't know if the Bubushka has sold the flop house, I haven't been down to Ft Lauderdale since 2014. Maybe just getting together for lunch would do.
Happy Turkey Day to all.
Pete Fallon
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Bruce »

Happy indigenous people's day.

Wife and I alone this year. Everyone else has died off, moved or live out of the area.

Life is good.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Strela_999 »

Happy Thanksgiving from an expatriate to this forum and all of its members; I'm in the process of buying a second hand Betram that I will pick up when coming back home!
No family but my wife for me today, even my sons are a couple thousands miles away, but the thoughts uniting close people and family ties don't falter even when pulled accross half of the globe!
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by SteveM »

Happy Thanksgiving to the Bertram crew!
We are at home, kids all came in from college, in a blink of an eye it will just be the two of us, like some of you.
Have a great day!
Steve Marinak
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Carl »

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

We are cooking today and bringing to my in laws...father in law had knee replacement same day as Pete Fallon. Hard for him to get around and too much for mother in law to do herself...seemed like a good compromise to be together.

Thankful for all my family and friends whether we can be together or not.

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Pete Fallon
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Pete Fallon »

How's your father-in -law doing, my knee feels so good I don't know what it's supposed to feel like, after having 8 to 9 pain scale for the past 8 years. I am thankful for the great doctor that finally replaced it correctly, to Dr. Pat Paterra for turning me on to Dr. Nayfed and to all my sandbox friends that have had to put up with my tales of woe for the past 19 years since the 1st implant was installed in1999.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Pete Fallon
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by DanielM »

Happy Thanksgiving to the Bertram31 crew.

My wife and I had a good time with our family today. My SIL and her daughters ran the show this year and did a great job. Our gathering is getting smaller as well, but still thankful for the time with our kids and extended family today.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by DanielM »

On a different topic.


I’ve never been to the Ft Lauderdale boat show, but if you swing a 20 year reunion of the original Flop House that would be pretty cool. I make it to Fort Lauderdale a couple times a year, and I’d make the trip for that. Many of the original crew have passed on, but it’s always good to meet more of the Bertram31 crew and a 20th year get together of the original flophouse meeting would be a blast.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Carl »

Pete Fallon wrote:Carl,
How's your father-in -law doing, my knee feels so good I don't know what it's supposed to feel like, after having 8 to 9 pain scale for the past 8 years. I am thankful for the great doctor that finally replaced it correctly, to Dr. Pat Paterra for turning me on to Dr. Nayfed and to all my sandbox friends that have had to put up with my tales of woe for the past 19 years since the 1st implant was installed in1999.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Pete Fallon


My father in law is doing ok, he's complaining about the swelling, lack of mobility and discomfort, so I know he's good.

Listening to friends problems is part of being a friend...only bad part about hearing about your knee was I couldn't offer much in the way of help. I'm really glad your getting the much overdue relief.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by PeterPalmieri »

The best news I've heard over Thanksgiving is our friend Pete Fallon being on the mend! Good luck with the rehab, Happy Thanksgiving all!
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Stephan »

Thankful for all of you and bertram31.com.
Possunt quia posse videntur
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