And Yes, Another Repower Post

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And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Mizerita »

Well guys I'm biting the bullet. I've offered no guidance over the last few months and have been milking the group for as much info as possible...and I appreciate it. Hopefully with my repower I can actually help out a few people down the road and answer some questions.

I've decided to repower Hei Hei (formerly Double Bogie) with the Hyundai Seasall 270s. Sure, not well known, but price is right and the two B-31 owners that I have talked to and a few other non-Bertram owners all love them. For what I'll be using her for, it's a good fit...quiet, good range, etc. Boat gets transported to Broward Shipyard next week and will spend the next month with repower, new fuel tank (from speedy tanks), new rudders (as discussed in previous post), and I'm sure a few unknowns once deck is pulled.

I'll be sure to take a lot of pictures and let everyone know any issues that pop up. From what the other B-31 owners have said with these engines, it's an easy install so we'll see. Also, if anyone wants Mecruiser 383s with less than 300 hours, let me know. They'll be in south Florida ready to be picked up in a few weeks.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by PeterPalmieri »

Good luck. Looking forward to the updates.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Tony Meola »

Good luck.

Love to kno w ho w t his d engines w work out. I have never come as cross them up here.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Seapalm »

This will be some good competition to the Yanmars...
Can you share the costs, weight, and when finished the final numbers?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by bob lico »

i want you to come to your senses ------please look at the type of metal the sprinkler head is made out of and the turbo manufacturer. you're about to embark on a path of unknown. serpentine belt or 1964 era fan belts, real gears driving the camshaft, oil pump or rubber bands.this is a marinize Hydunal car motor be advised it will not last. the engine does not have the head bolt configuration for high compression of a real diesel. you have been warned!!!!! first impression V-6 motor HMMN same as there car motor. the weakest configuration of a crankshaft is a V-6, ok for a gas motor but a definite no-no for diesel.automotive cheap stainless clamps on fuel feed from the filter to fuel injection pump let alone critical oil lines. should be ban from the USA.BEWARE of the words "lightweight" when speaking about parachute main lines, bungee cords and marine diesel engines.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Mizerita »

I feel I should respond to Bob's post just in case anyone else is interested in these engines. Bob, I am a big fan of your posts and trust your opinion most of the time; however, my assumption is you haven't done any due diligence on the Hyundai product, and I doubt you have talked to technicians who know the product.

These are widely used in commercial / government boats overseas. The cylinder head is proven, the turbo is manufactured by Garrett (which all you gearheads know who they manufacture for), and all belts/hoses/etc are of good of quality. I hired two proven diesel technicians to help with the research of these engines...and both were impressed...and one of them is installing them. I also talked to two B-31 owners, both who are charter captains who have 500+ hours in their first year and no issues. I also talked to a gentleman with a 37 pilot house with 4000 hours on the original model 250s and again, zero issues.

New brands have to start somewhere. With the obvious changes in emissions, some companies are struggling to keep up with technology. A few of these smaller (and yes foreign) companies like Hyundai, are willing to invest their resources into the small marine diesel engine market. Hyundai is a huge company with serious dollars to throw behind this product.

For those of you who have any interest in this is a good video.. - I also have performance numbers from both B-31 owners if anyone is interested.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Carl »

I was talked out of Yanmars years ago when they hit our market.
They where considered too light and spun too fast to possible last.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by PeterPalmieri »

Well somebody has to take the plunge. Hopefully there is a significant cost savings and serious warranty that mitigate some of that risk for you. Care to elaborate?
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by bob lico »

ok, let's try this again; Aluminum cylinder heads on a diesel engine with torque rated output at 3800rpm -----your kidding of course but at least they tell you the V-6 is from there car with an ultralight block. i rest my case i have nothing else to say except the odd adage "let the buyer beware"
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Carl »

I think I can safely put Bob down as a "No" for being Hyundai's new marine diesel spokesperson.

After seeing the "online asking price" I have to assume they are discounting these motors pretty well.

Looking at the motor literature they are not from their cars...but the design is based on the smaller 3 liter motors they use in the cars.

For your sake I hope they got it right.

Hyundia is a huge company, actually many huge companies.
One of those being Hyundai Heavy Industries. Now they make some really huge diesels in great numbers.
They even make CNC machines that are pretty darn good.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by SteveM »

This isn't life or death decision...and it's HIS boat. I'm glad to hear about it here on the forum and would like to encourage Miz to keep us updated, good or bad.
There's been lots of engines out there that aren't Cummins. Volvo, Yanmar, Steyr, and more.
God forbid outboards!
Miz, please keep the info coming and keep us posted.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Mizerita »

Will do guys. I tend to deviate from the norm and try new things...just my personality I guess. I'm happy to be the guinea pig...but if Bob is right, I will 100% let him know he was right. But if he's wrong, hopefully I've given a few guys another option for repower. I'll post pics over the next few weeks as well as performance numbers.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by John F. »

Looking forward to your posts. Thanks and good luck on the repower
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Tony Meola »

Even though I have Cummins, it is nice to have other options for those that are still on the fence. Looking forward to what you find out.

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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Snipe »

Not sure if this link will open but there was a guy in Florida that used these engines last year in a repower. ... 550&type=3
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Bruce »

A little research and Hyundai has been producing marine diesels for pacific rim and EU for quite a while. Breaking into the US market is tough as I experienced when I became a Steyr dealer and tried to tap the market.
Due to the reliability of the Cummins engine it makes that break thru even tougher.

But I also remember the same poo on Yanmar, and even UV who was a cheer leader for Cummins engines admitted he was wrong.

As a 30 year marine dealer, I saw just about every engine combination in a boat, Man, MTU, Cat, Cummins, John Deer, Perkins, Lehman Saber, Yanmar, Steyr, Ford tractor conversions, Dodge Cummins conversions, GM gas to diesel engines, GM diesel over the road conversions, Nissan, Volvo, BMW, Detroit, Northstar, Atomic, Universal, Lister, gray marine, Isuzu, Iveco......

Many did not make a big splash on the US market, but were successful in the Pacific and EU theaters.

I've seen every engine maker I listed have major issues. And given the salt water marine environment and lack of use of boats in general, some engines corroded to nothing with ignoring simple maintenence. Can't blame the maker for that.

But here's the deal for this Web site. Lot of smart guys here. Some communicate well, others can't.

If anyone is going to give advice, suggestions or what have you it will be done with a zero condescending attitude.
This site has continued to grow since Pats passing which shows his basic respect for each other is a successful formula.

What ever engines you choose, good luck and keep us informed and ask as many questions as you need to.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Joseph Fikentscher »

Sea Hunt Triton 207, a step down, but having fun till my next Bertram!

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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by dabroand »

Keep us posted!! Iet me know how the Hyundai engines work out - I'm in in the middle of a total rebuild - including the engines

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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by DanielM »

It will be interesting to hear how the Hyundai diesels work out. Hyundai has been around quite some time. I’ve owned two of their cars and my very first Microsoft based personal computer was a Hyundai, circa 1988. So they’ve been into a little of everything.

Good luck, Keep us posted.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Priceless »

What about the Hyundai HD 380. Would that fit in a 31?
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by bob lico »

we agree to disagree as far as condescending how about what some of us in the military went thru ------

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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Kevin »

I like hearing about the new stuff. I went off the beaten path with Steyr. Very pleased with them. Keep us posted.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by saburke17 »

53k for 270 and bravo 3?? is that right?
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Mizerita »

saburke17 wrote:53k for 270 and bravo 3?? is that right?
I believe they were $48k with ZF gears. Current repower is going pretty well. New rudders, new fuel tank, engine beds, etc. I'll send pics in a week or so. Engines are in, 12 degree shaft angle, engines sitting further aft and lots more room forward to get around. A few hiccups, but overall not too bad. Trying to figure out if I want mufflers...rep says these engines don't need them, but not sure what cons would be and what difference they would make. If anyone has opinions fire them at me. Hei Hei should splash in a week or so...fingers crossed.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by coolair »

I just came a across and article that said this was a joint venture between Hyundai and Kia. I was unaware that Kia made a diesel engine until recently. While helping a buddy with a small old industrial Generac back up generator. To our surprise Kia was stamped on the tag. Aren't the heads on a Durmax aluminum? I wonder if this engine is any relationship to the Ford or Benz 3.0l V6 diesel?
I would bet they are going to be great motors, for sure keep us posted!
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Priceless »

just saw Hei Hei was for sale with 30 hours on those Hyundais for a significant chunk of change. Guess we can't get any reliabilty reports yet. Look forward to next owner's experience.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Amberjack »

30 hours isn't a lot but Mizirata's last post was November 2018 so depending on when the repower was completed--and we know how yard projects go--he had the 2019 season, or part of it, plus the virus disrupted season of 2020 to put time on the engines. So 30 hours may not be out of line.

It would be interesting to hear some followup on the Hyundai engines if anyone out there knows. It's all knowledge in the databank.

I repowered with Yanmars in 2004 because they were well known on the West Coast. There was some skepticism cast on them during the early years, although not recently as they have proven themselves. I've found mine to be reliable, quiet, smooth and smoke/odor free. The mechanic who does the technical work on them tells me they are running all over the Middle East in Toyota Land Cruisers so not a big stretch to maximize them.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Tony Meola »

The big question on those engines is the parts supply change. Not sure how easy it is to get parts for them. Also finding a mechanic certified to do warranty work on them could become an issue.

Other than that I am not sure what knowledge is out there on them.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by Carl »

Unfortunately the best products do not always make it to the front of the pack.
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Re: And Yes, Another Repower Post

Post by SteveM »

I traded emails with him about the bench he pulled off the boat a while back.

He had mentioned that the installed engines were too tall to put the stock boxes back down over the engines.
It was a challenge and I'm not sure how he overcame the issue.
Closer inspection will tell, likely. I'm guessing they raised the height of the engine boxes.

I have Yanmar's. They have been good. I would still only go with Cummins or Yanmar, I'm not one to stray out on my own.
Steve Marinak
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