Bertram 25 inboard

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bertram 25
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Bertram 25 inboard

Post by bertram 25 »

Located a Bertram 25 inboard that needs repowering, currently has twin Mercruiser 470s, is there a preferred engine for repower?
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Re: Bertram 25 inboard

Post by mike ohlstein »

I know that Randall had Chrysler 360's in his boat. 40 knots top end, and economical if not pushed.

If you're going to go new, one of the GM Vortec engines will fit. The 5.7 or the 5.0.

Perhaps Bob Lico will comment.

Big question is..... Does it have the original fuel tank? If so, that may be why it needs a reposer. Ethanol may have destroyed the old power plants. You'll need to install a new tank before you do anything else.
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Re: Bertram 25 inboard

Post by mike ohlstein »


Welcome to the sandbox.....
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Re: Bertram 25 inboard

Post by Lars »

I have a 25 with 2x Crusader (GM) vortec 350; engines match the boat perfectly. Turns on a dime, tops out at 40 knots, sits well in the sea with weight where it belongs. Runs easily at 24-25 low cruise with decent fuel economy.

Some replace with single outdrive for speed and economy; I would advise thinking long and hard before going that route. Also, transom of the inboard version is flimsy and needs to be beefed up substantially if going outdrive.
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