Thanks Bruce and Mike

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Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by DanielM »

…and anyone else that may have a hand in keeping this site open. I don’t post often but I check in regularly. As I was checking the new posts late last night it occurred to me that I really don’t know or recognize the work and aggravation keeping something like this must take. Just wanted to say thanks.

While my boat is sidelined by other issues in life I like coming in here periodically and getting my nautical fix seeing how the knowledgeable gentlemen on this board freely share their expertise. Gives me ideas for when my boat makes it back to the top of the ‘to do’ list.

Anyway, thanks for the effort you put in to keep the sandbox online. Go Mean Team. lol.

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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Bruce »

A good forum will not be driven by those with administrative authority, they reside in the back ground.

It's the members who carry the load and donate to cover expenses.

Raise a glass and thank yourselves.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Kevin »

Bruce could have been mean, but he wasn't. Must be suffering from heat exuastion!
Thanks for all you guys do!
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike


I to agree with Daniel and everyone else.
Also, maybe it would be a good time to pass the hat. If every member would just contribute $10 (just 2 beers at the bar). With over 1432 members -$14,320 would help keep this site going and take the pressure off of Bruce and the others. I have no idea what the expenses are and do not need to know -just like our Bertrams we do not know what our true expenses are but we sure do enjoy them and that is what matters. This forum is a wealth of free knowledge, information and help. We all need to step up and contribute.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by WAC »

I agree with the statements above. I have only owned my Bert for 11 months but this site is an invaluable resource to find answers when you are just not sure.
When I restored my Boston Whaler there was
When I restored my 56 and 57 Chevy's there was
Enthusiast websites are awesome. They do a few really good things. Bring folks together, share invaluable information, provide endless ideas, and most of all help you realize your not alone in your mission of self abuse! My wife thinks I have an issue with never ending projects. Every time she speaks up I show her this stuff and she just smiles and shakes her head.
Great job fellas and please don't stop sharing.
Wayne Copeland
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by JohnV8r »

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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Tommy »

Daniel, you are spot on! Like you, I jump on this site several times a week to get my nautical fix when I'm stuck 100+ miles from the coast. Also, I get to stay in touch with all the guys; some like you I've met at a B-31 event and others I just know through this site. I also agree with Salty Sato's reminder that we provide financial support for the web site since the late Capt. Patrick, and now Bruce and Mike, worked hard to keep it unencumbered of advertisements and pop-up ads. The late Uncle Vic was the unofficial torch-bearer and at least once a year would remind us to support the site. So, kudos to Bruce and Mike for their behind-the-scenes work to keep up and running! And remember guys, the site only stays up if we choose to keep it alive.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Tommy »

Bruce and Mike, I just noticed that Pat's Llano address still shows as the "Mailing Address" for the site; you might want to provide a fresh address for those of us who prefer to mail old fashion paper checks.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by DanielM »


I was thinking about UV went I realized I hadn’t donated in a while. I try and pony up once a year but I get busy and don’t think about it. The address I send my check to is c/o RMC, 3520 consumer st, suite 5, Riviera Beach, Fla, 33404. It’s in the “Donation Information” string in the announcements section. It has Bruce’s PayPal info as well but I don’t do pay pal.

I ran across some pictures on my phone from NC rendezvous a couple days ago. It’s such a beautiful area, we had a great time. One of the last photos I have is of your brother heading out on the sportsman. I’m glad I made that trip for many reasons.


A good way to thank Bruce and Mike for keeping Capt. Pat’s sandbox going is to remember help defray the costs by donating.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by MarkS »

What Danny said!
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Carl »

If every member would just contribute $10 (just 2 beers at the bar). With over 1432 members -$14,320

We all need to step up and contribute.

1432 people have signed up for membership, but only a few are active, fewer still contribute.

I'm sure a donation of a couple beers would be great and of course that adds up, but how much has some good info found here saved you? For me, I know more then a couple beers. More like lunch or dinner with a drink or two. How much do you pay for lousy cable or satellite TV each month...what's a good place to socialize with friends worth.

Just say'n...we are not heavy in numbers where $10.00 from each active member will go very far.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Yannis »

Quite some time back I had proposed how this site could become more attractive to...more people.
Some of us (how many really?) do not own a 31. Some of us dont care about fishing. Some of us cannot even post pics given the complication....
All of us get older...and older. There will come a day that there will be so few active members left, that the burden for those who remain active will be disproportionate to the benefit...
Just some thoughts for the new running team to perhaps consider...
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Bruce »

First thanks to everyone for the support.

One, its not a requirement to contribute financial to be a member. Unlike Patrick, I am not retired with limited income as was Pat.
I don't mind supporting this site on my own because Patrick was a once in a lifetime friend who I would have done anything for including carrying on his dream of this site.

The support that is sent I consider it a tribute to Pat and his idea of bringing 31 owners together.

Yes there are numerous ways to increase income and exposure, but this site is not income driven. Given the amount of traffic, I could easily have banner ads but will not do that because they are a distraction and gain it is not income driven.

Some of the originals remember a time when we had the "mechanical board" open to all boaters. Pat and I after a year shut it down. It did not fit his dream opening it to every cheap shit boater looking for free advice.

We would rather have quality than quantity any time.
While it was started for 31's, all Bertram owners are welcome.

As the crowd ages and goes away, one day I will shut it down and let it die an honorable death rather than whore it out.

Somethings are much more valuable than money. The trips, the gatherings, the friendships, the disscussions, the rocker stopper thread are priceless.

Contribute, don't contribute. It changes nothing as far as my mission here goes.

Btw, posting pictures is not difficult. Free hosting site, up load pictures and put a link in the post with the image tags. Bingo.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by SteveM »

This site is invaluable. There is so much out there to learn. Thank you to all involved.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Tony Meola »


Actually over the years we have had a few non Bertram's join in also. There is a wealth of knowledge here for all boaters.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by mike ohlstein »

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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by John Swick »

Now that was a classic...
I imagine Monty Python or the Stooges could have done wonders with that scenario.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Bruce »

Pure Monty Python John.
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Your right other brand boat owners are part of this crowd too.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Tony Meola »


I know that was 2005 but as I remember it, it was more than two pages of posts. In fact I think it went on for pages and pages. I think the mean team is cheating the new guys from the full classic thread of threads.

On another note, seeing all those posts from those that are no longer with us but are a big reason this board became what it is, is sad.

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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by DanielM »

The Rocker Stopper post is classic.

Tony when I started following the web site years ago I had an old B25 project but I sold it and bought a Chris Craft 30’ Tournament Sportfisherman that I restored, so yes a few non-Bertram boaters here.

I found this website due to the legacy of the Bertram 31 and stuck around due to threads like that rocker stopper post, and a treasure trove of boating information. That and the friends I've met over the years through here. Good folks here, fond memories indeed.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Carl »

Bruce wrote:
It's the members who carry the load and donate to cover expenses.
That is the way it should be...

Then I read-
Bruce wrote: But........
One, its not a requirement to contribute financial to be a member. Unlike Patrick, I am not retired with limited income as was Pat.

I don't mind supporting this site on my own because Patrick was a once in a lifetime friend who I would have done anything for including carrying on his dream of this site.

...are we, as members covering expenses with the donations sent in?

I do not think Captain Patrick wanted his friend to be supporting the site on his own.
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Re: Thanks Bruce and Mike

Post by Bruce »

Yes the expenses are being covered and have been since Patrick's passing.

I have zero complaints about the board, it's members or their support. Given I'm a member on various boards and see the nonsense going on on a daily basis, this corner of the web is paradise.
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