B31 windshield

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David Davidson
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B31 windshield

Post by David Davidson »

Can anyone suggest where I can get a new complete windscreen for a 31 FBC?
I mistakenly threw out all the fittings and old Perspex when I stripped the boat.
I’m in UK, so would need it shipped.

Any help will be gratefully received.

David Davidson
1971 B31 FBC Hull no 315-1106
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Re: B31 windshield

Post by Marlin »

There is a guy,Carlos, that owns a company in Lantana Florida that make windscreens for helicopters. I’ve had him make thicker custom Boat windscreens to meet my specific needs. I don’t like metal handrails/guardrails or brackets and want it strong enough to hang onto in rough seas without breaking. I also have them tinted to match the Boat color scheme. I know he is still around as he wanted to put his Cubavich inside the building I use for summer storage, if u want I can track him down to see if he can still do this. There is a 31’ currently in the yard that caught fire and I’m sure it’s a total loss, he could possibly take a pattern off of it. He will not drill the holes as they need to match your existing holes.
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Pete Fallon
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Re: B31 windshield

Post by Pete Fallon »

There is a fellow in Jupiter Florida, who makes fiberglass inserts that do away with the forward and curved windows on the 31he also makes the fiberglass replacement windows for forward and side windows His name is Homesly. Maybe someone from the sandbox has his telephone number for you. I don't know what they cost but they aren't cheap and sending the to England might be very expensive. .Marlin didn't he make your forward insert for Wahoo for you.
Pete Fallon
1961 Express Vizcaya Hull 186 12-13-61
David Davidson
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Re: B31 windshield

Post by David Davidson »

Thanks, I would be grateful if you could have a word with him. If he could take a pattern from the 31 near him, that would be a really good solution. I could drill and fit when I receive it.
Please let me know if you manage to make contact.
David Davidson
1971 B31 FBC Hull no 315-1106
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Re: B31 windshield

Post by Marlin »

Are you describing a windshield for the flybridge or windows for the cabin fwd ,I’m confused and want to get the right information
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Pete Fallon
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Re: B31 windshield

Post by Pete Fallon »

I think he is talking about the forward cabin windows, didn't Homesey make the FRP insert for your 31. I thought\that Homesy had also made FRP frames for the side windows as well as the front opening cabin windows. I remember reading a post here about FRP window frames for the sides and front windows. I am not sure that he needs the fly bridge wind screen, which is basically one piece with a couple of brackets that screw into the fly bridge brow/dash area.
If I read his post correctly he threw away or mis-placed the outer aluminum framework and the T bolts.
Pete Fallon
1961 Express Vizcaya Hull 186 12-13-61
David Davidson
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Re: B31 windshield

Post by David Davidson »

I am looking for a flybridge screen.
I have already glassed in the main front windows.

David Davidson
1971 B31 FBC Hull no 315-1106
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Pete Fallon
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Re: B31 windshield

Post by Pete Fallon »

Check with Danny at HIgh Tide Marine Products in the Florida Keys I think he still had some or he will know where to get one. The original windscreen was made by Taylor Made Products.
Pete Fallon
1961 Express Vizcaya Hull 186 12-13-61
Craig Mac
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Re: B31 windshield

Post by Craig Mac »

I bought a new screen ---through Pat ----I checked the old boards but could not find any info.

There are a couple of designs out there----the first one I bought for my first 31---from Bertram Yacht when Richard Kidd ran the parts department-----although it fit correctly it was not the original bubble design and did not have the aluminum trim across the top.

For my second 31---I used Capt Pat's source---it was an exact match to the original--the only deviation was that the aluminum trim was slightly thicker than original so the chrome/bronze ends needed to be widened to accept.
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