B-35 Annapolis show

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B-35 Annapolis show

Post by ljmauricio »

Got on the B-35 at the Annapolis show. Price quoted as it sets is $908,000. Base price $750,000. It's a rich man's boat now. Beautiful fit and finish. Nice bridge with 3 across seating. Double bunk instead of vee berths in the forward cabin. I can't imagine 2 guys sleeping together there. They said 7 sold so far. They'd have to sell about 100 a year to match to match the sales of the B-31 over 20 years. I doubt that will happen. Next model coming is a 60. A lot of good competition there. Having had 3 Bertrams over the years, I am disappointed. I am not optimistic about the rebirth of the Bertram Yacht Company. These are my thoughts, I would like to hear other opinions.
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Re: B-35 Annapolis show

Post by Carl »

I know alot of people have alot of money...where they are willing to plop it down I don't know. For that reason I couldn't say whether Bertram will make it or not. They do not need to sell 100 a year at 700K+

For me--
I used to walk the boat shows and aspire to thinking...if I had the money, I'd buy that.
Or someday after kids are out of school, mortgage is paid off...

The 35 Bertram--
I'd enjoy looking the boat over, I'm sure I'd definitely admire it. BUT with a 700k price tag its not a boat I'd spend any time thinking about "Someday if..."

I'm running out of hands...but on the other other hand, I see lots of high price tag boats I'd have thought nobody would buy, yet they are selling...Especially the 30+ foot boats with a half dozen supercharged, nitros infused outboards hanging off the back.

Whatever the case, Best of luck to Bertram, hope they make it.
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Re: B-35 Annapolis show

Post by moguls2go »

It's hard for me to imagine ever buying any new boat; prices just seem completely out of whack compared to the used market. I too hope that Bertram makes it; they've been exceptionally friendly to me and my family as we've seen them at various events & shows over the past few years and I wish them nothing but the best. As for the product, I have to think they're simply targeting a much different demographic from me and the people with whom I associate (none of us have anything close to $900k for a boat!).

In any case, I like the 31' better. The 35' has some great comforts that the 31' simply doesn't have space for, and I think the new 35' is a good looking boat... but it just isn't sexy the way the 31' is, IMO.

The 31' is a beautiful woman; the 35' is a body builder.
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Re: B-35 Annapolis show

Post by Tony Meola »

When I sttod on a 30 foot contender a few years ago, it had a price tag north of $300,000. After looking it over I decided my 31 was just a better fit. At least I can get out of the weather.

Can not do 50 mph though and that seems to be what people want.
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Re: B-35 Annapolis show

Post by Carl »

Tony Meola wrote:When I sttod on a 30 foot contender a few years ago, it had a price tag north of $300,000. After looking it over I decided my 31 was just a better fit. At least I can get out of the weather.

Can not do 50 mph though and that seems to be what people want.

I think its a combination of going fast, not needing extra hands on the boat to take it out and not having to clean up after those extra hands...
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Re: B-35 Annapolis show

Post by Mack »

I had a chance to jump on the latest itteration of the 35 at the Annapolis boat show. It was basically a “fishy” version of the boat from last year. Outriggers, Hard top, and transom live well (rather than the folding seat!). Hull#8 I believe.

Looking at some of the other boats at the show, yes, the cost of new boats has gone up dramatically. Backlog for the MJ 35 (outboards) @ around $500k per copy I believe. My nieghbor who is the local dealer is loving life!
1973 B31 "MAKO"
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