I trashed my original box when I re-powered. Nothing special about it. Just a fiberglass box that held two big Surrette 8D's. It was glassed into the port side on a small shelf.
If those are your current box above and you need another, wrap it HD wax paper, wax the paper with paste wax and layup some glass. When it sets, pop out the old box and layer glass to as thick as you want.
Bruce wrote:If those are your current box above and you need another, wrap it HD wax paper, wax the paper with paste wax and layup some glass. When it sets, pop out the old box and layer glass to as thick as you want.
I'm picturing one of two responses from Capt. Patrick to your post, Bruce. The first one would be "well, I'm glad to see you listened and paid attention to me..." the second, "Let me look out back, I've probably got a mold I already made...."