Starting a refresh

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El Dorado
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Starting a refresh

Post by El Dorado »


After lurking for quite a while and watching many of you create masterpieces, we've decided to try a refresh ourselves. Hardtop is off and engines are out. Waiting for hauler to bring it back to our house so we can spend more time tackling projects and less time traveling to the boatyard. Haven't decided if we're going to tackle the Cat 3208's ourselves or ship them out. I'm trying to figure the posting and picture thing out, so I hope this works. More pictures to follow.

Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Navatech »

Looks like a nice project!... As for the engines, it very much depends on your technical capabilities... You could read a bit about what it takes here: ... 08-diesel/

Long blocks go for 10K on eBay... No idea as to the quality of that outfit... Either way, your engines are out so a complete job is the ticket... I would include the transmissions in any job... Might as well as everything is out...

If you want to farm them out I have a really good mechanic friend in MA... He could possibly even pick up the engines and transmissions...
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Tony Meola »

Good luck on the project and keep us posted.

Those cats are heavy, and to forward you, if you replace them with lighter engines, the ride will not be as good. I bet you bust through a head see, while our lighter boats tend to try and go over them.

You also sit about 3 inches lower in the water than we do.

Is the boat on the Mullins river? If you are and you need s good diesel shop. Take the 30 minute ride to see John lane over at forked River diesel and generator.

I think he still works on the 3208,'s.
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by El Dorado »


Engines are off the trailer and in the garage.

Nav - they only have 1900 hours so I've been told we only need head gaskets, seals, belts and hoses. Starters, water pumps and alternators came off yesterday. I can turn a wrench and do minor repairs, but that's it as far as my knowledge goes. The brains behind that job are Uncle w/ 40 yrs as diesel mechanic and bro-in-law w/ 25 as jet mechanic. Only issue is whether any of us have time.

Tony - boats on the Maurice River, but we were in Cape May for a while. We pound thru a head sea on the way home, but I fished Jimmy's old Fighting Lady this summer and it was nice to do 30+ knots on the way home. We push 20 on a good day. They are heavy and shoe horned in there, which is why we have rust and a few maintenance issues. And despite my sons pleas, a new set of Cummins or Yanmar engines aren't in the budget. We carry 272 gallons so we're up to the boot stripe when loaded for an overnight trip. Hoping removing the old teak deck and replacing with Coosa lightens the load.
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Waytooslow »

Call me a traitor but I would consider selling those 3208 and going with two 300hp outboards. Regaining the motor box deck area would be big.
1963 B-25 Project (in process)
Atl. GA

Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Navatech »

Waytooslow wrote:Call me a traitor but I would consider selling those 3208 and going with two 300hp outboards. Regaining the motor box deck area would be big.
Calling you a traitor?!... Tarring and feathering followed by a good old hanging party would be too good for expressing such heresy!...

El Dorado
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by El Dorado »

I'm gearing up for retirement so that slow cruise is ok for me. Two in college and one to go so new power, however it looks, isn't an option. If it's on a bracket it'll be attached to Regulator or a Yellowfin. Cockpit Space has never been much of an issue, but I like Capt Pats boxes to get bags and coolers out of the way.
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Carl »

Waytooslow wrote:Call me a traitor but I would consider selling those 3208 and going with two 300hp outboards. Regaining the motor box deck area would be big.
Yeah free up deck space and he'd have the extra room under the deck for the additional fuel he'd need to push the boat with outboards. One thing I'm not sure that you free up the two mid sides, what do you do with that upper deck space and what about the lost space at the transom as you got two huge chunks of aluminum there.
I have more wonders...but leave it there for now. Except maybe when he hits another 1900 hrs, how you think those outboards will be doing on the same timeline?
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Waytooslow »

Carl wrote:
Yeah free up deck space and he'd have the extra room under the deck for the additional fuel he'd need to push the boat with outboards. One thing I'm not sure that you free up the two mid sides, what do you do with that upper deck space and what about the lost space at the transom as you got two huge chunks of aluminum there.
I have more wonders...but leave it there for now. Except maybe when he hits another 1900 hrs, how you think those outboards will be doing on the same timeline?
Well since the boat will be twice as fast he will actually only have 950 hours on the motors at that time so I would think they will be doing just fine!
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Tony Meola »

By the time you get done spending the money to hang outboards off the back, you would have been able to buy two new Cummins. If you go with what Jimmy G put in, you would have a 30+ knot boat without the engines breaking a sweat.
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Carl »

Waytooslow wrote: Well since the boat will be twice as fast he will actually only have 950 hours on the motors at that time so I would think they will be doing just fine!

Twice as fast only when conditions allow...
Going faster doesn't help when trolling so those hours add up too.
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Dug »

Keep those 3208's. They are great engines in that boat. Yes, tight as the first time, but they will last you, and they give great economy. Speed is good, but in my experience in my 31, only usable in occasional conditions.

Have fun with the refresh!!
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by Capt.Frank »

If those Cats are 210 hp. Your hours are low. I have over 3000 on mine. I did wash a cylinder from not running the engines under load. Because of other things going on. Cost me $12000 for long block expensive mistake.
They should be good for 12000 hrs. I know a few commercial boats with 10000 hrs.
What kid of Genny do you have shoved in there ? I want to add I not much space there though with Cats.
I have dreamed of Cummins but couldn't justify the expense when I needed 1 engine not 2
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Re: Starting a refresh

Post by El Dorado »

Gen is an Apollo (Kubota) 3.75 kw. It's coming out as well. It needs a raw water pump and paint. Family wants something quieter, but I think I'll just stick with it until it dies. They are 210 and the guys at T&S said they know of commercial boats with 30,000 hrs. Like most marine engines they seem to run better when used more. We haven't put many hours on the last few years, but we're going to change that soon.
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