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Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 09:48
by Capt. DQ
Has anybody used or have this product on there boat, just wondering because it looks and sounds like a good product to use for less $ than a sheet of teak/holley.


Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 10:04
by In Memory Walter K
My discussion with a rep a while back, found it to be quite expensive. Is the Teak/Holly combo available in sheets? If so, how thick? I assume unfinished. Walter

Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 10:27
by dougl33
I used this guy to re-do the floors of my 86 33 FBC. He uses a product called Plasteak:

I had had wall to wall carpet before, but when I decided to re-power last winter the old crappy carpet had to come out. I did not want to go with another carpet that would look like crap after 2 or 3 years. It looks and feels just like teak and holly except that it will not scrape or gouge. The entire boat installed cost me $3k (includes the salon, the steps, and the lower companion way). I also had him cut out all of the hatches that were covered by carpet before. I can pretty much pull up the entire salon floor now. I think it would probably cost less than $1500 on a 31 as you don't have the square footage that I do. I am very happy with it and it will last forever.

Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 13:01
by In Memory Walter K
I went through their website and nowhere does it indicate where they're located. No phone, just e-mail.??? Walter

Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 13:38
by CaptPatrick

Between the two, Flexiteek is by far better. Plasteak isn't much more than linoleum. Crapy in my estimation. Gerry Santiago used the Flexiteek on "Zero Cavity", so he's another to give a first hand opinion...

(Gerry's boat)
(Not Gerry's boat...)




Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 14:29
by ScottD
I think Gerry put in Flexiteak, and really likes it.


Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 15:34
by Capt. DQ
Capt. Pat,

From the picture you first showed, it looks like Flexiteek by the shot....lets see if he chimes in and confirms which.


Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 17:54
by Raybo Marine NY
locally its $75-$100 sq. ft. for the plasteek or the cork stuff

Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 22:31
by bob lico
capt. patrick the flexiteek is a composite pvc,solid color throughout,non slip,uv stable decking
954-973 4335

Posted: Nov 10th, '07, 08:32
by Raybo Marine NY
I like the cork better then the flex, the flex looks like a rubber mat

Posted: Nov 10th, '07, 19:42
by ZeroCavity
I have Flexiteek and I love it. Looks good, boat always look clean ( hate white floor that gets dirty very easy ) easy to maintain ( water and maybe soap and go ). Flexiteek looks and feel like dry teak, darkens when wet like teak and if you get any stain it can be sanded.

Plasteak makes 2 products, the fake and ugly looking cork one (sorry Raybo Marine NY ) and one same as Flexiteek.

Bottom line is= I'm very happy with it.


Posted: Nov 10th, '07, 20:08
by CaptPatrick

Thanks for setting me straight...



Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 11:53
by dougl33
Sorry you feel that way Pat. I'm very happy with it and its now coming standard on all Albins.

Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 13:11
by Raybo Marine NY
I said one looked a little better, honestly I dont like any of them

Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 16:56
by bob lico
looks good on a baylinner it is difinitely not teak . use it no problem but don`t bring home a rhinestone instead of a diamond on your 25th anniversary same thinking ----not on a bertram!!!!

Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 19:11
by ZeroCavity
Bob Lico once you see my Bertram 31 I think you will change your mind about Flexiteek on a Bertram 31. I will try to take some photos next week.

Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 20:12
by Capt. DQ
I was thinking about using Flexiteek inside the cabin...not outside on the deck. But it does look good for outside in my opinion with alot less maintenance. Just because Bayliners have it doesn't mean the stuff is bad.

Your swim platform looks great...did you use it in the cockpit or the cabin also?


Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 20:43
by ZeroCavity
Flexiteek on flybridge floor, cockpit floor and swim platfom. Inside cabin I used another material but forgot te name of it. Tomorow I will find out and let you know.

Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 20:47
by ZeroCavity
Forgot to mention that i did the white lines opose to the black lines found on real teak. That was my personal preference.

Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 21:01
by bob lico
capt DQ i was talking about the deck i should had been more explicite.inside the cabin it would good idea,easy to clean and maint. is far as the deck goes i feel the used of flexiteek would be in conflick of any other teak used on the outside like covering boards,window trim,and fiberglass parting edges.i will be open minded but after looking at jp 31 any thing other than real teak would take some arm twisting.

Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 10:28
by Capt. DQ

I agree after looking @ JP's Teak Cockpit, that it is just breath taking and a work of art with all that teak. But not everybody has that craftsmanship of people in there area to do that good looking of a job or the material @ easy access to get without ordering it in @ a high expense of shipping.

So in some cases, Flexiteek fills that void and looks good to boot with low maintance.

Just another opinion.


Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 20:48
by ZeroCavity
Capt. DQ : Here is the link to the material I used inside the cabin.

Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 21:24
by JP Dalik
Regarding the outside I think you've got a point DQ regarding local ability. I would have a hard time choosing a synthetic over real wood. But that's just me. The shots I saw of Gerry's boat were awesome. The local experience with teak is 20+ years on one of these boats. I just can't fault that kind of history. Maybe time will prove flexiteek the winner. Today I couldn't make the call to go away from the real thing.
That being said, on the inside glue down the amtico and call it a day. Teak and holly all day long.

Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 23:20
by bob lico
that teak is the cats ass ,i mean absolutely beautiful!!!!!!. sorry can`t think flexiteek i feel the end justfiys the the extra work i did all my own teak .trial and error some times but with woodworking it was not my first load of pumpkins (northern slang).

Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 08:26
by Brewster Minton
The feel of real wood on bare feet. My deck is teak and I would never change it for anything. I drag coolers and cut fish on it. It makes the boat. I have seen both the fakes and for the price I would think real is the way to go. A buddy of mine did the fake stuff and loves it. You should do what you feel is best and what you have time and $ for. Oh JP your Bert is Perfect!! WOW!

Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 09:35
by ZeroCavity
JP: love your B31 !!! Now on your boat NO WAY I would do Flexiteek. Why ? Well you have a lot of real wood outside ( gunnel,cabin door and bulkheads ) and real teak is the only way for your boat.

The only real wood on mine is the Rybo style flybridge console, no gunnel teak, no wood frames around windows so to my eyes Flexiteek was right for my boat. Also I took in consideration the fact that I wanted to keep maintanance to a minimun (I'm LAZY ).

Guys, understand that I'm no trying to sell or convince anyone on Flexiteek. I just want to share how I feel about it.

Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 10:26
by Capt. DQ

Post a picture of area's of your B31 with Flexiteek please. I would really like to see it.

Coke the "REAL THING" with CRUZAN DARK RUM ! , now we were getting somewhere! I,ll go for that, no work, or maintance, just a little elbow grease to raise the cup and drink.


Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 10:30
by ZeroCavity
This photos were taken back in June 2007 by Bruce. I will take new ones this weekend.


Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 10:44
by Capt. DQ
That looks great Gerry.


Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 11:05
by Brewster Minton
Looks awsome. Great job.

Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 20:01
by Capt. DQ
Well Guys,

The disscusion about flexiteek verses teak was interesting, @ least we know how some of the faithful feel about the two, it is either low maintance or high maintance. I think JP hit it on the nose...going to go with Amtico teak & holley planks for inside the cabin floor and save some money for other areas of interest on the B31.


Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 21:10
by Hal
DQ, I saw that stuff the other day at the meeting and thought it looked good until I got the price quote. A decent quality house only costs 150 sq ft around here and they're wanting 90 for the installed pvc.

Wow, was all I had to say.

Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 23:38
by JohnCranston
Looks fantastic!!...So my wife says..but I trust her, most of the time. I'm needing a little in my cabin in the near future.
After talking with Scott and yourself in La, I came back home and immediately started working on my short game. I think that I can whip you both on the golf invite.
ps-You told me that you didn't like Tx. You could get a nice double wide with polyester curtains and a redwood deck for a song. Be living like a big dog. That's what I'm talking about...

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 06:18
by Bruce
Boat looks awesome. Growing up in boating, it brings back memories of what boats used to look like before teak became expensive and people became lazy and wanted everything fiberglass and white.

Back then boating was a life style, not just another toy in the toy box.

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 21:09
by Hal
JohnCranston wrote: Hal,
After talking with Scott and yourself in La, I came back home and immediately started working on my short game. I think that I can whip you both on the golf invite.
ps-You told me that you didn't like Tx. You could get a nice double wide with polyester curtains and a redwood deck for a song. Be living like a big dog. That's what I'm talking about...
Short game is important, but for the time being I'm sticking to fishing. Got POd back in April after a couple bad rounds and now that the weather is nice again, I may get back on the course. If not, the bar is still ok. Don't know if I could handle the luxury of a redwood deck or even if my wife could fit her shoes in the trailer. And I don't want a dog.

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 22:56
by JohnCranston
Amen, brother.