So when we last left off there was the question as to whether this was the same rudder as on my 1962 31 Express. One that I believe to be stock.
I bumped the post up for review, but here is a screenshot for quick reference.

So without further delay
Kind Gentleman of the Sandbox, I call on you to review the provided evidence and decide if indeed these are the same Rudders.
Please do not jump to any conclusions.
I could take pictures from additional angles...or perhaps give a good scrapping and painting. Whatever is needed for an accurate determination, let me know and I will take care of it. I only provided a quick power wash so as not to tamper with the evidence.
Remember, this is a very serious matter a Cold Beer is at stake here!
Drum roll please.

And one picture to tie it to my boat.

Tony says they are different. If they are determined to be different, I will gladly buy Tony a Beer of his choice.
I say they are the same rudders, if it is determined they are indeed the same, Tony buys me a Cold Beer.
So Gentlemen of the Sandbox, it is now time - - WHO buys the Beer?
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration,