
Mechanical Section Feature Articles
Bruce is Owner and Senior Mechanic of Southeast Marine Services, Inc. in the
Palm Beach, Florida area. His extensive background, in Marine Mechanical
Systems, encompasses both gasoline and diesel engines, air conditioning, and
electrical and hydraulic systems.
"Bruce is one of the most 'In Demand' Systems Technicians we have in our area.
His expertise is exceptional!"
(Capt Patrick McCrary, webmaster)
This month I thought I would pass along some news about OMC.
Omc took charges against earnings in the last quarter of 98' and is expected to take additional charges in the first quarter of 99'.
OMC spokesman Gary Beckett says Ficht related problems contributed to a $47.1 million net loss.
Mainly 150 and 175-hp FICHT V-6s, these were the first generation of FICHT engines that developed poor running conditions because of carbon buildup in the engine and fouling of the sparkplugs, said Beckett.
OMC has sent upgrade kits to it's dealers to correct current problems and has made engineering changes to it's 99' product line.
According to Beckett, the problems showed up last summer, peaked in the fall and began to subside after the retrofit kits started to ship. But as most know the winter also brings a close to most of the country's boating season. So as the spring thaw continues and boats are brought out of storage, there may be an increase in problems.
The retrofit kits include:
Different sparkplugs.
Software with new "mapping" for the electronic control unit (ECU).
Sparkplug leads and clamps.
Changes in the FICHT production process include:
A new nozzle on the fuel injector.
Flow testing in the injectors at 10 points instead of three to ensure consistent fuel delivery.
A modular fuel line with fuel-pump assembly tested and ready to install.
Improved mounting procedure for the injectors
Modifications on 99' FICHT models:
Water cooling instead of air cooling.
Modified injectors
Relocation of vapor seperators in the rear for easier servicing.
The electronic control center is combined with the ignition module for greater reliability.
In this mechanics opinion, we are on the cutting edge of technology in marine engine development.
Sure there are going to be problems, as there were in the automotive industry.
OMC isn't the only manufacturer to have problems with their fuel injected product line.
As we strive for better emissions and fuel economy, the problems will be worked out and OMC will continue to be a leader in developing new technology.
So for the time being, be patient while the problems are worked out.
And while the boat is hung up in the dealer getting fixed, I hear the wife calling to paint the house.
Does anyone need a mate?!
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mechanical section / Saturday, February 21, 1998 bertram31.com© 1997,1998 webmaster@bertram31.com
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