Bertram 28 Preseason Projects

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Bayside Bert28
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Bertram 28 Preseason Projects

Post by Bayside Bert28 »

I have a few preseason projects in the works that I thought I would share with you guys.

The boat is up at Wayfarer Marine in Camden, Maine. I cannot take credit for this work but I find it all incredibly interesting just the same.

Here it is in the huge bay with two large sailboats.


The new canopy was removed and nicely stored during the winter.

Removed the old gauges and panel ...


and here is the new panel and gauges ready for installation ..


the charging system was not working properly last year ... we identified that the shore power charging system was not working and that the rats nest of old wiring needed attention.

here is the new Mastervolt charger going in ...


the new setup includes two new AGM batteries as the house system with a single isolated, dedicated lead acid battery for each engine. (4 batteries total) We also separated the engine fuses from the house panel sub-panel.

Here is the old main switch with fuses coming out ..


and the new main switch setup with fuses going in ..


I'm keeping her in a slip this summer. Had her on a mooring last summer and it was not easy to look after her.

1981 Bertram 28 Flybridge CruiserThird Strike II1984 Bertram 54 Big Buddy
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Post by scenarioL113 »

Looks nice so far. Keep us updated.
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Post by bob lico »

what a place to have a boat . camden maine is in the top five most beautiful cities in the us. view from mountain overlooking harbor is breathtaking i would sure love to do my boating there. good luck with boat we are here to help.
capt.bob lico
Bayside Bert28
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Post by Bayside Bert28 »

Thanks Bob ... I fell in love with the area years ago.

Here is that view from Mount Battie State Park .. The large buildings to the left of the photo are the Wayfarer Marine facility.


We are just up the way in the less touristy Bayside and Belfast. Three significant local marine facilities joined forces to open a new shipyard this year at the Belfast waterfront with a 135 ton travel lift.

Here is a link to the story.

So ... come on up ... we are here during the summer months and looking forward to staying through October once the kids get older.
1981 Bertram 28 Flybridge CruiserThird Strike II1984 Bertram 54 Big Buddy
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Post by Harry Woods »

Bayside Bert,
Great work. What a change since you left Spellmans a few years ago. Do you have a template or the old piece for the flybridge panel?
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Post by JeremyD »

Nice - I also replaced the fuse box on my 28 = went with a blue sea system



Where did you get the panel?? I definitely need to add this to my to do list - the panel on my boat sucks...
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Post by Wingnut »

Nicely done!

Can you tell me where you got the new gauges and what brand / model they are? They look very much like my originals except for the tachs. I'd like to get some new ones, especially after seeing your new panel!


Bayside Bert28
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Post by Bayside Bert28 »

Harry Woods wrote:Bayside Bert,
Great work. What a change since you left Spellmans a few years ago. Do you have a template or the old piece for the flybridge panel?
Awesome memories Harry ... here is a photo taken at Spellman's just before departing for Maine. I remember the early on steering problem that we were all trying to figure out!


This was my first boat so my perception of so much was wildly optimistic or OFF and so many ways but I have loved this boat! And .. yes ... a pile of work as I have given every system on the boat significant attention.

The gauges are Stewart Warner and the panel, switches and gauges all came from Danny Piedra at High Tide Marine. Danny is great.
1981 Bertram 28 Flybridge CruiserThird Strike II1984 Bertram 54 Big Buddy
Bayside Bert28
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Post by Bayside Bert28 »

and ... the other project.

Here is my port side 12V71TI engine (on the Bertram 54) ready to be removed from the boat. This is the engine that was overhauled by Saunders Yachtworks in Orange Beach, AL last year. They screwed it up so bad that it's got to come out of the boat completely and bored for the next size up over stock cylinder sleeves and overrhauled again. It was the cylinder head that failed allowing coolant to mix with the oil ... they also honed the cylinder bore too much so two of the sleeves were loose. Hey ... what do you expect for $60,000?

Projected finish date is June 15th. I have written off being able to use the boat this summer but still have some slim hope. It even crossed my mind that the timing could work out to stop by the Greenport Rendevous on my way north!

1981 Bertram 28 Flybridge CruiserThird Strike II1984 Bertram 54 Big Buddy
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