Inverter and AC choice for B31

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Bermuda Brother
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Inverter and AC choice for B31

Post by Bermuda Brother »

Hi guys.

I am finally actually into restoring the B31 I have had in my back yard for the last couple of years.

i would like to work the ac current off an inverter like in my last boat which had 6 large gel batteries which ran the air conditioner all night!

Would like to use an inverter instead of a noisy generator this time round too. Can you guys tell me what is the best inverter brand or model available these days do the job.

Also, when it comes to air conditioning what brands and sizes have you guys had the best success with for the B31. Here in Bermuda it is hot but above all very humid so I am guessing I will need a bit more overkill on the AC system. What do you guys recommend.

Would appreciate any words of wisdom.

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In Memory of Vicroy
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Hey JJ, good to see you back. I'm partial to the Cruisaire a/c and a 16,000 BTU is good for the B31....I have a 12,000 and its OK, but here in Louisiana a 16 would be better - Humidity? Bermuda is like Arizona compared to coonassland....

Inverters I don't know anything about.

Bermuda Brother
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Post by Bermuda Brother »

Hey UV,

Good to be back. Been busy lately setting up and maintaining the new clinic.

Finally getting to my project. I have to now if i want a decent boat for the summer as i sold my other B31.

Gonna totally re do her to as original spec as possible. Thanks for the info about the AC" Do you think its worth going any higher than 16k. I would not mind having a little safety margin for those really hot days. I guess its abit like horse power (nice to have it if you need it). I am also looking for the little steps and the stanchions and connectors as you can see from my swap and sell post.
Gotta basically do everything for that boat! Planning to buy the cockpit floor and dive platform from Glass tech if they are still around.

Youèll be seeing a lot of me on this board as Ièll have many issues and questions to resolve.

Take Care for now Vic!
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In Memory of Vicroy
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

16K is plenty for that small a cabin. My 12 K only struggles on the hottest days with the sun overhead, say from 11 until about 2.

As someone mentioned, the rail couplings are stock Perko and I'm pretty sure they still make them out of stainless and chrome plated bronze. The stanchions are just stock stainless tubing cut the the correct length.

What power is this one gonna have?

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Post by CaptPatrick »


I'm installing a 16.5K btu Mermaid M-16 in Patrick Hancock's B31. It's an all-one unit. Here's a brief pictorial of the install so far:

Good to see you getting back to the boat...





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Post by wmachovina »

i have 16K in south florida in my sportfish/fbc and if you want 65 in the cabin on a hot 94 deg day no problem, just duct it sufficiently. Bill
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