Engine maintenance/ access on later model B33 sportfish

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Engine maintenance/ access on later model B33 sportfish

Post by Joef »

I’ve been searching for a diesel 33 sport fish. Saw 2 that were the older model where engine access was dreamy via that big engine boxes that covered the whole engine space. I was looking at one which is a few hundred miles from home and it was a nice newer version where the engine box is smaller. Appears from the photos that about 1/3 of the engine is under the bulkhead. Do any of you guys here have one of these or k ow someone who does and could share how accessible the front part of the engines are? Is there access somehow from inside the cabin via hatches? Cummins engines. Didn’t look awful but I’m older than I used to be and not quite into engine room-yoga like I used to be

Any insight is greatly appreciated

Tony Meola
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Re: Engine maintenance/ access on later model B33 sportfish

Post by Tony Meola »

https://www.yachtsurvey.com/boatreviews ... _33_sf.htm


Been a long time since I have seen one. See if this link helps you out.
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Re: Engine maintenance/ access on later model B33 sportfish

Post by Joef »

Thanks Tony. The boat(s) in that article look like the ones I saw. The one I saw in the advertisement was built later The ones from later - I think after 1986 or so had the rear cabin bulkhead moved back about 2 feet. Owner said the change allowed a much nicer cabin layout. But the engine boxes became shorter by that same 2 feet.

Might just take the time and drive out to see it.

Thank JoeF
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Re: Engine maintenance/ access on later model B33 sportfish

Post by Yannis »

The hatch opening shouldn't bother you.

The 33 came in three versions.
The low, first sportfish version, where as you're saying, you have two large opening hatches,
Then came the first version of the convertible? that ate up deck for salon, then, in 85-86 I think, came the last version where almost all if not all the engines are inside. With different inside configuration.
If you ask me, this is a very useful Bertram.
Only the early sportfish is also so beautiful, the others are rather ugly but are the best in liveaboard status, like me.They are however way taller, so problem in mooring sometimes.
Each 33 model is a ship on its own. Think before you pick a version.
Good luck.
1973 B28 FBC/2007 4LHA STP's - "Phantom Duck" - Hull "BER 00794 1172"
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