CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

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CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Amberjack »

As Bruce mentioned, the General Discussion is about our Bertrams and boating related topics but all of us now are being affected by the virus in both our boating lives and our personal health. For some of us this may be a place to chew over those issues as well as just connect.

I managed to squeeze in an insurance survey Tuesday just before the Gov locked down the state. The lock down has lots of loopholes and little enforcement but still... The survey needed to be done or Amberjack would have been without insurance so I classified it as "essential" business and went ahead with it. The surveyor agreed we would social distance when I confirmed the survey, then wanted to crowd into the salon with me while I opened hatches for him. I also had to outfit him with gloves since he didn't bring any. Some people get it, he obviously didn't. I would like to survive this and do some boating this summer. From what I read the docs are now saying if you get it bad and you're over 60 they'll may triage you and you will be on your own. Better not to get sick in the first place.

So stay healthy.
Doug Pratt
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Rawleigh »

This is getting to be a real pain in the butt! So many points of contact each day it is hard to stay safe. Out on the boat would be the safest place.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Tony Meola »

I think Dr. Birx said being denied a hospital bed or kicking you to the side of the road is not going to happen. The Triage would only happen if we were completely over swamped and there were no beds. What King Cuomo is spouting is all BS. He is trying to leverage this and his numbers are based on us not doing anything. He is using faulty modeling.

Now as far as making it through an infection, we loose people with the flue, so this is all a gamble for anyone who gets sick. Just that right now, until they figure out how to treat this we are more at risk if you are over age 60.

I would follow the guidelines and try and self distance and just be careful who you associate with and how close you get to people. Wash your hands and wash them again. You go out food shopping, when you get in the car you touch the steering wheel the door handles. Don't touch your face until you get home, wash your hands then clean your steering wheel and the door handles.

We all just need to stay safe. If we follow these rules from now on, we will not only survive this but will also catch fewer colds and probably by pass the flu.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »


I’m somewhat concerned that you do not get, through your media, the severity of the issue.

European media (not just myself) claim that the US will suffer an unprecedented blow in the 100’s of thousands of dead. Especially with a people who is nourished mainly on poor quality industrialized food and is also obese.
They also claim that you, together with the recently ...emancipated UK, which also underestimated the severity of the virus, will be the worst hit by the epidemic. Much much worse than Italy.

As I suggested to my cousins in AZ and CA, seek shelter, do whatever is necessary to protect yourselves, as this risks to be the worst catastrophe you have ever witnessed.

And, of course, we all (outside the US and the UK) know who are to blame, but this is not the purpose of this note.
Do not come close to anyone, good luck.

Tony, people WILL be denied hospital beds VERY soon. There WILL be triage in ICU’s for a LONG time. Beware.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Rawleigh »

Take care of yourself Yannis!!
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »

Thanks Rawleigh, over here eve-ry-thing is closed, except sm’s, pharmacies, fueling stations and a few more.

To go to the sm you have to carry a self issued paper. If they stop you without it, which serves as proof of your only reason to be out of your home, there’s a fine. If you’re quarantined for a reason ( came from abroad, been exposed to the virus, ...) and not found at home, €5000 fine.
So far so good in Greece , we took measures early.
Who says the economy is more important than lives will suffer the consequences, unfortunately. So will the subjects of stupid Boris. Who (stupid Boris), had he remained in the EU would have been able to take advantage of the funds available to the countries, now he’ll pay the whole bill by himself.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Amberjack »

Hmmm, well I guess the answer so far is we just don't know what will happen. Tony, the discussion about limiting ventilator access came from the medical directors of two of Seattle's large hospital networks. They were pretty open about what would happen in a worst case scenario of more patients needing ventilation than there are ventilators. The problem is that we don't really know how likely the worst case is 2% likelihood, 15%? We're not overwhelmed at this time but we are supposed to peak here in two weeks so I guess we'll find out then. Still, as you say, let's all try to be safe and avoid contributing to the issue.

The Seattle curve so far is flatter than what others are experiencing. Perhaps we got an early alarm with the first US case, then the Healthcare Nursing Home outbreak, both of which were contained for a while but conditioned us psychologically to be careful. And we're not as dense as NYC or as old & social as Italy.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Carl »

Have a couple friends who tested positive.

Worker came in last Monday looking horrible, sent him home for testing. Actually my wife saw him when she came in... He's since taken a ride to the VA, they don't test, but decided to take a couple bus's to get there and check anyway. Couldn't get in touch with took a bus to the train to get there, only to find out the office is closed and people are working from home. Good idea as idiots like him would come in...

Wife and daughter have symptoms...but not bad enough to get immediate testing according to the people that set the schedule. They have an appointment in a couple weeks. If anything could be offered to treat, I'd push and demand...but after testing positive...they tell you to quarantine. Same as if your symptomatic.

The numbers they tally are far from what's really happening.

Me, I asked my senior gent at work if he'd consider taking some time off...less people in shop and he takes bus to work, plus a bit older. He agreed. The rest of us have been exposed so we are quarantining for another week. We go to work and isolate at home.
Wife is downstairs, daughter in her room...the other being a teen has been isolating teen style for awhile.

We isolate, wait and hope.

So far only one person I know has been hospitalized, but also had underlying lung issues, treated for pneumonia, tested, got condition under control and realeased.

Did I mention the numbers on the tally board do not reflect the severity of the spread. a certain percentage hospitals will be overwhelmed.

It has been an interesting year.

Pandemic...never saw that as a reason for delaying the boats conversion.

Stay safe
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Tony Meola »


These are the Top experts saying that the scenario's around the world are not hitting what they say are the worst case scenarios. Dr. Birx who is supposed to be the go to Gal, say's what they are saying for the US is if we did absolutely nothing. Not saying it is not going to be bad, but I do not think we are going to be kicking people to the Curb.

If yo look at the US hot spots, all seem to be located around international airports. Surprise. We should have shut down all overseas flights the same time we shut down China. Now there is talk that this might have been running around the US since January. We just did not realize it and those that got it, were diagnosed with the Flu or some weird Virus. It will be a while before we figure that out.

We are racing to beat this thing and make sure we are over ready. The Core of Engineers just erected a 1500 bed hospital in the Javits Center in NY in 3 days. A hospital ship is being dispatched to NY and LA to help handle the overload. They are converting Hotel Rooms to Hospital beds. I just do not see this country right now kicking anyone to the curb. Has not been our Nature.

Not saying the Bernie Sanders folks will not scream to do it, but right now Trump and Pence along with the experts are not there.

We are cranking up our ventilator production. Probably will add close to 100,000 new ventilators in the next two months. Some to be shipped overseas to help other countries.

The labs are cranking out newer tests everyday. We now have a lab approved to produce a test to be done in a Doctors office and get a result in 5 minutes.

Maybe I have too much faith in our private industry to gear up and beat this thing. It looks like it is going to happen and quickly.

The real question is, just how bad was China really? Will we ever know?

Not trying to make light of this thing. Everyone needs to be real careful right now. Like I said before, keep you social distance, wash your hands and clean off things you touch, especially when returning home. Stay away from the elderly.

Yannis, stay safe. I know it is bad over there. We see what is happening in France, Spain and Italy. Have not heard much about Greece. Don't know how we can help you but you will be in out thoughts in the prayers that you stay healthy.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Tony Meola » ... ronavirus/

This is interesting. This is how the kids on spring break will spread this virus.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »


All this is fine, it might be arriving in a bit too late.
The key to all this is to react the soonest possible. Otherwise, if you let it spread and then you take action like building new hospitals, bringing ships around etc, all this is good, but it’s only a bandaid, look what happened to Italy.
Having top politicians saying that by easter everything will be fine, instead of saying exactly the opposite, gives an impression of things being relaxed, does not depict the seriousness of the issue.
If you ask me, there should be no one out in the streets, except for very specific reasons.
After the havoc in Italy, and after all confinement measures were already taken for weeks, when the Chinese doctors arrived there to help, they said that there are still too many people out in the streets.
Just consider, the US was not even on the map a week ago, today they are the country with the most incidents. In one week!
Nobody said that people would be kicked to the curb, but nobody can guarantee either that people will be treated the way they deserve. No system can respond to a pandemic that is intentionally left unleashed for so long.
I hope I’m wrong, meanwhile do what’s necessary, and don’t just expect that by washing your hands when returning home is sufficient. What would be sufficient is not to have to return home because you never left home.

Expecting warmer temperatures will kill the virus doesn't prove valid. What’s more correct might be that warm DRY weather could limit the spreading. It seems that humidity is the key word, not just higher temperatures.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Amberjack »

don’t just expect that by washing your hands when returning home is sufficient. What would be sufficient is not to have to return home because you never left home.

Interesting comment Yannis and a good reminder from someone in the middle of the curve to those of us on the front side of the curve. take this seriously!
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by DanielM »

Carl, I always enjoy reading your posts. But I sure didn’t like reading that one.

Best wishes to you and your family. You’ll be in my prayers.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Dug »

Hey guys, such a tough topic... We here at Lutco are essential industry. Dad wants to be the man at 75 yrs old and still come to work every day. Its immensely frustrating. We have a lot of/all employees scared but glad to have jobs. Its no fun. We are cleaning professionally as well as sanitizing on the weekends. When I get home at the end of the day, the shoes come off at the door, clothes immediately after, wash hands and new clothes go on before I even pet the dog!!! Kerri and our daughter haven't really left home for two weeks. Truly we are freaked out. I'm 50, have a history of asthma and I WILL be around to watch my beautiful daughter grow up. On the positive side Alchemy will be in a few weeks early and hopefully I can spring her from her winter home in RI who has effectively banned out of state visitors and get her to her summer home in CT. And I'm hoping for the lake boat to be ready this week. Stay healthy everyone. Please!!!
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Carl »

Thank you Daniel.

I hope we are the lucky ones...symptoms that did not develop into much more. I think I can say that now as we are all past the 2 week mark.

What I found so Island with 2 confirmed cases that returned from questionable places, an Island were nobody knew anybody with it wakes up one day and told there are a couple hundred cases and everyone now knows someone with it. It gets in and spreads fast before anyone catches on...that is scary.
The other part is it can go from a sniffle and headache to being rushed by ambulance to an ER within hours according to a friend of mine.

Enough of that...stay safe, wash often and isolate as best you can.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by ford351c594 »

living in New Orleans, we just turned the convention center in to a hospital. If you have ever been to that building, you would know it is one of the largest convention centers in the USA. It is over 1.1 million square feet. We are not at point of need for it yet, but we are close. In the US, I think at this point only NY has more cases per ca pita. This is a big deal as we are a fairly small city. Carnival Cruse line has offered to bring in a bigger ship as well to use as a resource. We could use it as well, as Louisiana, specifically New Orleans has been an epicenter of testing and our mortality rate has been 4.3% as opposed to approximately 1.2% in the USA. That is interesting as we have been testing a lot to help bring that % down........ I blame it on our amazing food. We are not healthy in New Orleans.

on a personal note one of my friends dad, Mr Joey will not make it because of this. Sucks because he just beat cancer last month, which unfortunately has left him with no immune system. As a mechanic that works on a lot of EMS, Firetrucks, and police cars I am not very happy about this.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Carl »

From one epicenter to another...take it serious as this spreads like wildfire from asymptomatic people. Luckily many catch and can brush it off like a mild cold...others are not so lucky.

Catching the virus and having it turn ugly is a fear...the other is have a heart attack or whatever. If EMS can't get ya going with paddles and drugs, they are done. No CPR, No ride to the hospital for a last ditch effort, they leave, family gets to call funeral home for pickup. That is some sobering info right there.

Stay safe, wash often and stay home when you can.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Tony Meola »

Saw that it was spreading quickly down there. I think in New Orleans it is moving faster than in NY. NJ is getting the flow over from NY. With a large population in North Jersey that commute to work in NY, we had a lot of people exposed and then they brought it home with them.

As Carl Said, stay safe and wash, wash, wash your hands and do not touch your face.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Amberjack »

Catching the virus and having it turn ugly is a fear...the other is have a heart attack or whatever. If EMS can't get ya going with paddles and drugs, they are done. No CPR, No ride to the hospital for a last ditch effort, they leave, family gets to call funeral home for pickup. That is some sobering info right there.

It is a hard idea to get used to in this large, modern, powerful country but in event of a major disaster we will be on our own for a while. I'm thinking of Katrina at the moment. Fortunately in my long experience I've found Americans to be kind and generous, and in event of catastrophe we tend to pull together. Again I think of Katrina and the Creole navy. I read today that the state of Oregon has sent a shipment of ventilators to New York and that first responders are starting to arrive from other states.

Stay safe and let's get through this.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Carl »

Amberjack wrote:Fortunately in my long experience I've found Americans to be kind and generous, and in event of catastrophe we tend to pull together. Again I think of Katrina and the Creole navy. I read today that the state of Oregon has sent a shipment of ventilators to New York and that first responders are starting to arrive from other states.

Stay safe and let's get through this.

Tragedy can bring out the worst in many, but I choose to see how it also brings out the best in many more.
Retired doctors and nurses going back to work at the worst time they could when their own safety will be in jeopardy, health care workers taking planes or just getting in a car and driving here to help...knowing full well when they are done here...they will more then likely have to return home and do it all over again when this reaches their hometowns.
Trained professionals who know better risking there lives for no other reason then to help others. I do not think it can be said any clearer there are many great people out there....its a shame we need t have a tragedy to see it.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »

Carl, hang in there, no reason should make you go out. No money, no nothing.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Preston Burrows »

It's horrific that so many healthcare workers the world over are falling victim to this Coronavirus, aside from the toll on the elderly and those in nursing / care homes [of which horror stories are emerging worldwide.]

Here in the Bahamas we have been subject to strict curfew rules since March 20th, which will continue to the end of April at the minimum - so far we have lost 1 Doctor and 4 others ranging in age 80 to age 48...…….the entire country is on lockdown.

Be safe everyone.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »

During the second year of the Peloponnesian war in 429 bc, between Athens and Sparta, the Athenians got hit by a plague.

Thanks to the historian Thucydides who monitored the whole war that lasted 30 odd years, we have today the first recorded pandemic in history. One third to one half of the Athenians perished, together with their leader Pericles, who in the meantime had buried his two sons. Thucydides himself was also hit, but survived. Thats also why his description is so vivid.
If you can devote some time google it to see how the people were fighting the disease, which resembles almost a copy/paste of whats happening today... at some point Thucydides says that people noticed that staying by the fire and keeping warm enhanced their chances for survival. How we today expect the change in temperatures affect the virus, was known by observation some 2450 years ago. This is true history, not mythology.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Carl »

Yannis wrote:Carl, hang in there, no reason should make you go out. No money, no nothing.

Easier said then done.
I have a business to run and we do worked deemed essential so continue to run. I reduced to a bare bones skeleton crew, we distance ourselves. I do not cater to repairs or service so no customers come in, salespeople just call, UPS drops and picks up from their little corner, truck delivers get loaded and unloaded with a forklift. Major down side is my customers that are not essential are closed. Being closed they are not taking deliveries of work we had in process and not sending out payment for work they accepted...makes for interesting times.

Most is all good now...aside from not being able to smell or taste. I say big deal in the scheme of things, but just infuriaties people who love food.
Maybe actually a good thing if being couped up in a house for weeks, they'd come out like rollie pollies.

I'm being cautiously optimistic that the states/cities numbers broke the climbing trend and starting to level off. While horrible numbers seems like its stopped getting worse. For now I'll take that.

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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »

Loss of smell or taste IS a precursor to the virus. Have they been tested?

Oh, and while working kind of part time, how about finishing that boat!
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Carl »

Yannis wrote:Loss of smell or taste IS a precursor to the virus. Have they been tested?
Oh, and while working kind of part time, how about finishing that boat!

Speaking with the doctor he agreed it was the virus, but as they were young and in good health with mild symptoms they should monitor and isolate. At that time testing was done in the hospital with long lines, priority given to the older and sicker. If they didn't have the virus going in, they would most likley get it or something else by the time they left. The advise was stay home.
Later the drive thru testing opened...but they were already a week into isolation, feeling a bit better and even then an appointment was out a week with a few days for results. So why test.

So its a couple weeks, they feel fine just no smell or taste, docs said it can happen anytime or may be a few weeks out.

Finishing boat....yeah.
I started the day before this whole thing happened. Being around the sick family and having one gent at work that came in not feeling well. I isolated myself as well as I was work and home. Going to the boat and isolating doesn't work as I'm the go to guy this year. It was better to stay away and let them call.
Now I'm out of isolation...but with a skeleton crew I can't catch up at work.

Its all good, everyone is well and we are working and getting work out.
No complaints here!

It will be done and it will go in.

..........just not attaching a launch date just yet.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Amberjack »

Hello boys, I hope everyone is safe and well. Now that the lawn is edged and mowed, and the weeds are pulled I'm free to work on the boat. Walk out the front door to the car, drive two miles to the yacht club, walk through the locked gate and down the empty dock to AJ and go to work--no human interface (Yannis) and I wear gloves for the gate. Fortunately I have all the supplies needed for the Hynautics project and I'll be able to get that off my spring job list. I hope we'll have a summer boating season of some kind although traveling to Canada may be in question.

Seattle seems to have turned the corner and didn't quite max out healthcare capacity. The good weather finally arrived after a long, dark winter and people are starting to get out and congregate--so the mayor closed all the parks. Most of the people here are very good about social distancing, a minority just don't get it and they are the ones who will be responsible for extending this misery. Mostly 25-35 YO males.

NY & NJ sound very tough with Louisiana getting that way. Stay safe and let us know how you're doing.
Doug Pratt
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Tony Meola »


People are jerks all over. The gatherings has forced the state to basically shut down all the parks which they wanted open so people could at least escape to some place. But they just can't walk and enjoy the outdoors. They have to gather. Now I can not even sneak out to area I Trout Fish. Most of the stream access around here is gone due to all the development. Now most of the access requires you to get to the streams through parks and all the parking lots are roped off and streat parking in those areas is not allowed.

I am just hoping they don't shut the marinas down. They did it in NY and the governors around here play the Hold my Beer and watch this game.

Well stay safe and do not let your guard down.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »

Tony and Doug,

The WHOLE world knows who the jerk is. Just listen to news that are not related to the US media.
So, since you're in a country where public health service is hard to get, together with social benefits, and since all govt actions came a month too late, just do not listen to whatever you hear and stay at home. No boat, no marina, no nothing. Today alone, the US scored the highest death score since day one of the pandemic and is going strong, unfortunately.
Won’t anybody who, a few days ago, was listening to the guy who plays president and doctor too, that by easter EVERYTHING would be fine, understand that you should NOT listen to your media? What, if not 2000 dead per day, can convince you of that?
Not even in WW 2 was there a day with so many casualties, I wonder if in pearl harbor there were as many. People wake up, stay at home permanently.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Tony Meola »


I hear you, but you have to realize, this goes much deeper and the politics is the issue.

But let me say this, we fought a revolution while people were dying of small pox. If we stopped then, we would have a British accent and drinking high tea.

But in all seriousness, it is not an easy decision but the country has to be turned back on at some point pretty soon. It will mean masks and gloves and sanitizers at the work place. No meetings and no traveling. Companies here in the US have been moving quickly to the open floor plan and hotel concept of the work soace.

The Company I left can not survive in this current environment. There are no offices and no cubicles. Open floor plan, desks near each other. When you leave the office at night, you pack up all your papers and personal stuff since the desk is on a first come first serve basis.

Can you imagine what this disease would do in an environment like that. The work areas would deep sanitization every night.

When I first started my life in the corporate world, we worked in a similar environment in the division I worked in at the time. We even shared a phone. So when one got sick we all got sick. That was the only time in my life I got the flu and I never got the flu shot until I was 60. Heck even the NY Subway system could not give me the flu but sharing a phone sure as did.

I hear what you are saying but it just has to happen at some point. This thing is not going away without a vaccine. Based on that, we can not stay closed for business forever and at some point we have to say lets do it.

I know sometimes Trump says things that maybe he should have thought better about, but at the end of the day no matter what they decide to do, you know it will not be the right one. This is a loose, loose situation when it comes to that decision.

All we all can do is try to stay safe.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Carl »

Decisions are much easier to make in hindsight.

As to the President-
For every expert saying to close the country I'd expect there was one to say don't worry, it will fizzle out before it gets here.
While I knew Easter was going to be too soon to open the gave some hope to otherwise depressing 24/7 news.

Shutting down for us here is a very new concept...and for the city that never sleeps, it's a reality I have never experienced. 9/11 might be the closest...but that was a time of quiet blank stares as we went about our business. Sandy was a couple days to a week till power came on and we got back up and running to some degree in stages. But to shut down, stay home for weeks is new and unfamiliar.

...and where I am it is very much being followed.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by ktm_2000 »


I'm glad your family has been able to get through this without severe consequences, I'm also curious if your family has been counted in the official list of folks who have had this and have survived since you weren't officially tested?

This is my opinion, I believe that the virus is way more widespread than what is being officially tracked because either the unavailability of the "official test" or doctors being practical and reserving tests for more critical patients.

I believe that either of those options discounts the fact that younger / healthier people are not impacted as severely by this and at some point in time need to get back to work. Without proper data showing that relatively healthy folks can withstand this virus we will stay in a locked down state for too long a period of time and put the country / world into a massive depression.

My concern is around my last statement, politically making the decision to let folks go back to work is a loose/loose proposition as there will be people that will be impacted negatively either way.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Carl »


Thank you, I too am very happy at the outcome. They were sick without a doubt, fatigue, discomfort, chills, feverish, loss of taste and smell, maybe my wife had some shortness of breathe...but in the end for them it was as bad as the flu. If I had it, it was no worse then my normal allergies...I still quarantined.

To your question...No, they were not tested and I assume no record of there request was made or entered to any list.

When they were pretty sure they had it, calls were made to primary doctor, hospital and them later the drive up locations. Initially the only place to be tested was a hospital and both the doctor and hospital said your symptoms sound like you have it, but its not severe enough to be tested. If you decide to come to the hospital anyway for testing and do not have'll more then likely leave with it.
A week or so later when the drive thru came about...they did appointments and those were a couple weeks out for non-sever cases without underlying issues. At that time they were already starting to feel better and it became whats the sense.
Now our bartender was pretty sure he had it and just showed up at the testing sight...line wasn't long and they asked him not to take the test...but save it for those that were worse...but he's in his 70's and said he had heart they let him test. He was a positive. Two weeks later he felt better and went back and got a negative on the test.
I have to say I know too many people that believe they had overwhelming majority were not tested. The ones that did get tested...most had a ride to the hospital in an ambulance.

I think to open up the country, people are going to need to be tested for antibodies to see if they are immune. My daughter works for a doctor and is trying to see how to go about getting tested for that. Then again is it really known that if you had it once you can't get it again like chicken pox. The flu one can get every year...

It's going to be interesting for sure...
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Tony Meola »


The antibody test seems to be a few weeks off. Once that cranks up, I am sure testing will become standard practice when your doctor draws blood. There are only two ways to beat this thing and one is iffy right now. The first is herd immunity. Once 60% of the population has had the disease and if they have long lasting immunity, the impact of the virus will drop drastically and eventually become non existent.

The next and the one that is almost guaranteed will be a vaccine.

But at the end of the day, there is no choice, the country will have to start cranking back up again. If we wait until the end of May, we will be too far gone and on our way to being a 3rd world country.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Whaler1777 »

Yannis, wow... Fortunately I couldn’t care less about your opinion regarding a bunch of things you’ve posted about here...
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »

That’s fine Cpt.John.
At least we are both allowed to have our own opinions!
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Whaler1777 »

You can have whatever opinion you want but when your opinion is based on information you’re getting half a world away it discredits you even more. I’m pretty sure most here are discussing an illness (which I managed to catch) but you go right into slamming how things are going in other countries, whether it be the President of the United States or Uk’s prime minister. Worry about your own countries issues.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »

I had no idea that information retrieved half a world away discredits you in anything.
The fact that you are completely unaware of how international media treat the negligence by which your govt (and a few others’, it’s true) treated this international pandemic that brought the US to the top of the charts, is something worth digging into, before you criticize me for...breaking the news to you. As to who they hold responsible for this mess, I let you guess. You may not like it but this doesn't stop them from also using words that go way beyond what you read so far in this thread.

In the meantime, consider that the virus you managed to catch came from half a world away too and nothing seemed to discredit its ability to hit even you. And just because this thing is so international and its results are shown by various sources on a per country basis, lends itself to show the effectiveness of each country’s measures. Measures that, as it turns out, prove they were rather poorly thought out in some countries, to put it mildly.

As a last word, I remind you that in N. Korea too, people are taught to believe that their govt is perfect and all is well done. This doesn’t seem to stop americans (or any other nationals) criticize korean issues. To my knowledge N. Korea is also half a world away too.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Whaler1777 »

Just like I couldn't care less about your opinion, I couldn’t care less about what international news platforms have to say either.

As far as infections per million people the USA is doing better than a lot. That matters.

No one says that the US govt is perfect it’s far from it, however I put a lot more confidence into it than I would consider giving a foreign country. I would expect you to say the same about your government.

There’s just no need for you to come on here spewing some verbal diarrhea talking down the president of my country and prime ministers of others.

Myself and my wife are both front line workers here that are doing our best to keep others safe and alive throughout this mess. I don’t need to come to a site where I go to let my mind relax only to read such trash.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Amberjack »

OK guys, enough said on both sides. Let's get back to being positive and mutually supportive--or not comment at all.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Yannis »

Politicians, of all colors, are public figures and will be open to criticism whether you agree or not.
Their actions or omissions will always be subjected to public scrutiny and, luckily, nobody will ask for your consent.
Please try to play your censorship exercise elsewhere.
I don't particularly enjoy your tone and, if you look more closely into your own comments, you've probably reached if not surpassed the proper conduct limits. Therefore, I refuse to continue this debate in this context and I rest my case.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Whaler1777 »

More eloquently spoken diarrhea, I really hope this is going to be the end of it...

There’s no censorship here, just disdain with you putting down the commander in chief of my country. Period.

I don’t care what you think of my tone, don’t need to care.
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Re: CV issues in our B31 lives and just staying healthy

Post by Tony Meola »

John & Yannis

Guys ease up.

I heard what Yannis said in response to me, while I do not agree with every thing, including how we are being viewed by the rest of the world, or how Trump is viewed we have always taken the high road with each other on this site.

Please we need to try and keep it that way.


Knowing you are a front line worker, did not know about your wife, just want to thank you both for being there.
1975 FBC BERG1467-315

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