and on the western bank at the Tides Inn it's the same
3/18/1963 - -31-327 factory hardtop express, the only one left.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
-Albert Einstein
Not a clue, Rawleigh. I need their price on diesel as well.
You actually taking her out???
3/18/1963 - -31-327 factory hardtop express, the only one left.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
-Albert Einstein
Got a guy scraping the running gear and replacing the zincs as we speak. Don't know how far I will go though. BTW, did you see where the fireworks on the 4th were canceled?
Kevin wrote:You still have ethanol up there? You can not find a marina around here selling ethanol fuel. Most of them have banners proudly stating NO Ethanol!
We were told out east that it was a distribution problem. No distributors would carry it. Not enough volume. I'd be very curious about the degree of improved performance with the non ethanol fuel.
On my way to Chesapeake Boat Basin to pick up Ralphie's new boat and deliver to Carter Creek.
FIREWORKS CANCELLED??? Typical of that crowd. New owners never understood the value of their relationship with the locals. No wonder they're in financial doo-doo.
and so it goes.
3/18/1963 - -31-327 factory hardtop express, the only one left.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
-Albert Einstein