High Tide Marine Replacement Window Frames
Moderators: CaptPatrick, mike ohlstein, Bruce
High Tide Marine Replacement Window Frames
Since my 31 window frames are corroded and leaking I am searching for options. The Uline 29 refrigerator/icemaker bit the dust last summer and needs replacement and of course it won't fit out the companionway.Options are to use a smaller refrige and keep caulking the crappy windows or bite the bullet and replace the windows and swap out the frige through the opening at the same time.Hightide wants ten thou (ouch) for their window frames plus they have to be installed.Capt Patrick says the window frames are nonstandard from side to side and boat to boat so there will be necessary mods to Hightides expensive frames on top of the other costs.Removing and anodizing would be an option if they weren't so corroded.On a related note,I am having a local boatyard/yachtbuilder install Capt Pat's rudders, redo the canvass repair the genset etc. etc. The cheap plastic vents on the side of the hull that vent to the engine compartments have gotten broken while in the boathouse.The yard boss tells me the owner of the place will declare this an act of God and will not fix it.Doesn't sound right to me but I am not an expert on the subject.I would appreciate any suggestions on the window frames and any comments on the vents.Thanks
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First-How many vents do you need? Gunnel mounted ones? I would suggest asking the Bretheren on swap and sell as I suspect there may be some laying around from refits. Even if you have to rechrome them, they're lifetine vents VS plastic. As far as $10,000 window frames are concerned. For less than that you could have fiberglass ones fabricated I would think.
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how about option two?
call captain patrick have him make a pair of window frames for your boat (listed on his site for 500.00) then purchase a 2'x8' piece of poster board . with the side windows removed trace it (i had my sweet 9 year old granddauther trace it) . take to local glass shop and make in 1/4" tempered graylight 14 glass for 350.00 .follow capt.patrick step by step directions on "tips" . for 850.00 compare to 10,000 dollars you buy that young lady a present!------way ahead
call captain patrick have him make a pair of window frames for your boat (listed on his site for 500.00) then purchase a 2'x8' piece of poster board . with the side windows removed trace it (i had my sweet 9 year old granddauther trace it) . take to local glass shop and make in 1/4" tempered graylight 14 glass for 350.00 .follow capt.patrick step by step directions on "tips" . for 850.00 compare to 10,000 dollars you buy that young lady a present!------way ahead
capt.bob lico
B-31 Vents
I found the bowchock on ebay but can't locate the chromed vents.Were they listed by the same guy in N.J." Fishing Boy"?
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I have some windows
I actually ordered the aft cabin windows for the B31 from American Marine some years ago. I never installed them and they are still in their original packing crate. If you need these let me know.They are just in my way now. Problem is they are here in Bermuda so shipping would be quite expensive.
I actually ordered the aft cabin windows for the B31 from American Marine some years ago. I never installed them and they are still in their original packing crate. If you need these let me know.They are just in my way now. Problem is they are here in Bermuda so shipping would be quite expensive.
I ordered left and right sides and both aft windows. I haven't received them yet but the price was reasonable.I didn't know capt Pat made them also.We just installed his rudders and have ordered his side air induction boxes.Brodas Rose Is looking into making replacement front window frames also.Hope to get Patrick's nice livewell after we are finished installing this stuff.Will give a report.
FYI, spoke with Broadus Rose and felt he is a good guy.He offers a window removal and installation video on his website.The boat in the video is a Hatteras.They use 2x4's and clamps to hold the frame with window installed in place while the West system epoxy cures.I don't believe this can be done on the B-31 due to it's configuration.Capt Pat felt a few SS screws would do the job.It appears to be a nice looking window st a reasonable price.I am checking tomorrow on the type of glass being used.
i am totally confused with this whole post. is it me? look at the side windows on capt. patick fortuna, buddy boy , the hancock boat. i would think this concept and contruction would completely blow away any aluminum windows made by others! - not willing to even look at any other framed window!
capt.bob lico
the windows that Broadus sells are fiberglass, and drop in complete. Yes, there is some work to be done to seal them, but they are complete.
I love the look that Patrick's and yours provide, but even for the somewhat accomplished do it yourselfer, it is daunting. At least for me it is. I do agree the look might be slightly better, but if it is a project to be done by oneself, it is more work than the drop in style.
Now, as for elimination of aluminum? Right there with you!
That being said, I am a ways off from this project. So there is still time for me to change my mind!
the windows that Broadus sells are fiberglass, and drop in complete. Yes, there is some work to be done to seal them, but they are complete.
I love the look that Patrick's and yours provide, but even for the somewhat accomplished do it yourselfer, it is daunting. At least for me it is. I do agree the look might be slightly better, but if it is a project to be done by oneself, it is more work than the drop in style.
Now, as for elimination of aluminum? Right there with you!
That being said, I am a ways off from this project. So there is still time for me to change my mind!
dug here is the real story. the side of the 31 bertram at mid ships ever so slightly tapers inward . a " fixed" store bought frame will never match exactly and there is no "give" what so ever . aluminum and fiberglass have differant expansion and most of all with all the labor time in the world devoted to paint/power-cote the damm thing still self destructs!this is not my opinion it comes from being around eight zillion boats over 50 years . that is one other very, very important consideration; look at the point that capt. patrick windows meet the hull ------blended perfect ,no seam absolutely a beautiful flowing line to a work of art .same on jp boat.i made each frame on my boat to match existing hull opening, and both sides are differant dimentions! i could come to your boat in the fall and built the frames for $18.00 plus your pick of glass.you want to go with the best 1/4' tempered in graylite #14 i still have template ----lunch is on your dime!
capt.bob lico
When Broadus made his molds for the 31 Bertram he used the old frames to make his mold. When I was looking at his windows he made the comment to me that there was about a one inch difference between the port and starboard windows. My 33 Bertram doesn't need frames but when the time comes I'm going to consider Broadus windows. Buzz
maybe i did not explain myself and i don`t have a close up window shot of buddy boy but as you can see the frame less method shows no steps between hull side and window .is has a 1/4 round blend from hull to window . the window is built in rather then in a track. this is a shot during installation without paint.

capt.bob lico
No question about it those framesless window frames look great. I like them. The problem for a lot of people including myself is even if I bought the parts from Captain Patrick I don't have the skills to do the fiberglass and painting myself. I can buy the windows from Broadus, take out the old frame and install the new frame and not even have to do any painting.
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